✰ 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝟮

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Lion walked to you both and then rested his head near Stevens legs, Steven smiled before tenderly petting his head

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Lion walked to you both and then rested his head near Stevens legs, Steven smiled before tenderly petting his head. "We're heading out of town." Steven stated as he stood up but you were still sitting down.

Steven looked down at you confused, all you did was wink at him indicating you'll meet him there but in a different way. "See you both at the concert tonight?" Greg asked you two, "We wouldn't miss it for the world!" Both of you responded, Steven gave you a quick nod then dived into Lions mane.

While he was humming the Happily ever after tune he was wondering how you would get there.

On your side, Greg questioned "Hey (Your nick name) aren't you not going to follow Steven?" You looked at him and then smiled, "The only reason why I didn't follow Steven is because I'm going to teleport over to town." Greg nodded understanding, "You better hurry up and teleport then." He said.

You stood up and waved goodbye to Pearl and Greg. Orange crystals surround you and then you disappeared with an orange poof. Surprisingly you and Steven both appeared at the same time and Garnet held up two chairs, "I saved you two seats." You both jumped straight into the seats and she sets the two chairs down.

You both thanked her as you looked around, Steven was staring at you but quickly looked away when you looked in his direction.

You were questioning why he was staring at you but you were pulled out of your trance when Steven started speaking to you "Ah I see, you teleported over here that's why you didn't follow me." You nodded at him and looked over to Garnet "So, what did we miss?" She looks towards the both of you and says "You two are actually just in time for my favourite part of the story."

Garnet: Once upon a time a sapphire, come to Earth with her Ruby solider
Sapphire's deadly fate was set until the Ruby rushed in to hold her
Suddenly they were fusing... Beautiful, strange, confusing!
And there I was! A bundle of questions, so naive
And if you told me this I never would've believed you then but-
Garnet, Steven and you : Here we are in the future!

"Let me just save this." Steven bubbled two pieces of the cake and then made the bubble disappear. "Hey, any idea what Amethyst is up to?" Steven questioned, Garnet held her visor and smugly said "I have every idea what everyone is up to." She was indicating about her future vision abilities.

She looked in the direction of Little Homeworld and continues on "You'll find her if you head to Little Homeworld, take the warp!"

Steven had now warped on top of a structure and you appeared next to him with an orange poof.

Steven took a step forward and almost falls off until Amethyst whip wraps around him and pulls him back to her "Woah, careful dude!" She stated as they did their signature handshake and you and Amethyst high-five each other and leaned on each other.

A sudden rumble was heard and the three of you held onto the ropes so you wouldn't fall off, the structure was lifted up to reveal Bismuth and Lapis "Steven, Y-N! You two are just in time, we're about to install the new warp!" Bismuth announces to the both of you.

Peridot appeared into view, she was floating on top of a metal lid thanks to her metal manipulation abilities "Which means Little Homeworld is eighty-three point seven percent complete!" "Only eighty-three point seven percent? We'd better bet crackin!" Lapis stated as she spread her water wings, she then took flight into the sky "I'm on it!" Bismuth says as she cranks the crane to the left, you were taking in the view of the progress of Little Homeworld.

"Wow! Little Homeworld's growing fast!" Steven said, "So are you two!" You looked at her as she forms into Steven and says "Look at me! I'm a young adult!" And forms back to her original appearance. You and Steven chuckle at this.

"I love that all these Gems wanna make their new home on Earth. Wish I'd had this when I first emerged..." Amethyst looked straight into the view. We all know what's gonna happen next.

Amethyst: Once upon a time, I burst to life inside of the Kindergarten
A product of a war that I had no idea I had a part in
I came out late and alone... knew nothing but my home
But I know now I know exactly who I'm s'posed to be!
And It's part of this family!

You all grinned at each other and lept off the structure when it was just about to adjust into place in the ground. Amethyst and Steven looked at you with ear to ear grins, Oh boy you thought. "I'm guessing it's my turn now, hm?" You smile to yourself and look up to the soft blue sky.

Y-N: Once upon a time, I never knew I had a gem
Until one day my power awakened, I learnt about my mothers past
I always thought to myself, I would be the one to pay for my mother's actions
Until i saw the spark, I knew I had a new adventure awaiting for me
And then I realise...
Amethyst, Steven and You: Here we are in the future!

(So after the book has finished I'll make a little backstory of Y-N and Orange diamond so this verse makes a bit more sense.)

Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven Universe x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now