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Meanwhile, Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst were in beach house

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Meanwhile, Pearl, Garnet and Amethyst were in beach house. Pearl was pacing up and down wondering about something while Garnet was inspecting a fork, Amethyst was seated looking into the distance "If they find her they'll come back here, right?" The purple gem questioned, suddenly Steven leaped from the top to the middle part of the stairs announcing something to the gems "Guys! Guess who is back! Come on down." He said to Spinel.

She looked away skeptical, "Wont they all be not exactly incredibly thrilled to see me like this?" She questioned while pointing to herself, you were currently behind her and you put your hand on her shoulder "We'll just have to talk to them." You responded.

She looked back at you and softly smiled to indicate she agreed, Steven and you slowly guided her down the stairs and stopped at the middle part.

"Ta da!" Steven said, Pearl stood there with a flabbergasted look but it slowly changed to anger "W-w-what?!" She questioned angrily as she summoned her weapon, Amethyst rolled from the couch to the floor also summoning her weapon.

Garnet ran next to the armed gems and questioned Spinel "Oh! Spinel, did you change your hair?"

The three of you looked down to the gems worried, you knew for a fact they were going to go into defensive mode the minute Spinel was seen "Woah, woah, woah! Spinel got her memories back, but she's not going to hurt us! Everything's chill." Steven said trying to calm the gems, soon after he said that a pink portal appeared with Connie and Lion leaping out.

Lion slid across the floor and Connie gracefully leaped into the air with her sword clasped in her hands, she landed in front of the gems with a heroic pose "I'm here! Where's the fight?" Connie asked, "Don't fight, everything's chill." You said this time getting irritated, while all of you were having a stare off a sound of a toilet flushing was heard in the background.

Greg came out of the toilet looking at the scene with no clue what's so ever but that didn't stop the gems (including Connie) to look around with angry looks pointing their weapons at him, Greg looked at them frightened and spoke to the defensive group "Alright, alright. I'll wash my hands." And with that he went back into the toilet.

"Phew, okay. Spinel can we ask you a favour?" Steven questioned the pink gem, "Are you two kidding? Anything." The pink gem responded looking at you two with a wide grin.

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While the lightning continued to rumble across beach city, Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot were standing in front of the towering injector.

Peridot was looking on her tablet for information about the distribution of the bio poison, a pink explanation mark flashed rapidly indicating something bad "That sounds bad." Lapis said looking uneasy, "That looks bad." Bismuth said right after, "That is bad! We're hitting critical mass." Peridot responded to the both of them having her hand pointing diagonally to the tablet.

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