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Key: You thinking will be put into italics

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Key: You thinking will be put into italics. Just like this.

Both of you looked at the gems in horror, they were now lying on the grass. Steven was truly annoyed, you can't blame him you were just as angry as he was. "That's enough!" Steven yelled as he summoned his shield, you copied his actions summoning your katana.

"Aw~ what's the matter Steven and Y-N? Miss your friends already? Well don't worry, you're right behind them!" She leaped into the air and slashed the both of you. Steven protected himself with his arms + shield while you protected yourself with your katana, but only to realise both the shield and katana got slashed in half and was no longer there.

You were absolutely stunned, how in the stars did she manage to slice through my katana so easily?? It usually can withstand any type of fatal blow. Pink lines traced throughout Stevens body while orange lines traced throughout your body, it shortly left without a trace.

You looked at your hands, the orange lines were no longer there it must be our human sides that's keeping us from poofing. "Hahaha! That was nothing!" You glared at Steven for saying that, his confidence soon diminished when he saw Spinel laughing to herself.

"Then I guess you won't mind if i do it again!" She then continues to strike the both of you while laughing like a maniac, Steven had to eventually step forward and grab the scythes handle to stop her from slashing the both of you.

You were behind him creating orange whips, you then latched them onto the bottom and top part of the scythe. You did this to make sure the gem didn't rip the scythe out of Stevens hands, you soon figured out you were struggling which was new and also due to the fact you felt your energy draining faster than usual.

"Cut it out!" Steven commanded, "You two don't poof do you?" Spinel questioned "Figured as much, just wait! Your human half's wont stand a chance against my injector, not after what I just did to your gems~" She mocked in a sing tone voice, both you and Steven were in tug of war with the scythe, trying to pry it out of the gems firm grip.

"What are you talking about?" You grunted from behind, "You two weren't always the powerful heroes, were you?" She let outs one final manic laugh before Steven snatched the scythe out of her hands.

Your whips disappeared as Steven took the opportunity to raise the scythe and swiftly slash the physical form of the gem in half, ending her laughter. She poofed instantaneously while an angered Steven watched her gem plop onto the ground.

Steven drained fell on his knees sighing while you were already kneeling down, you both began to tremble once again as the pink and orange lines start to leave for the second time "You okay, Steven?" You asked from behind, still trying to recollect what the hell just happened.

"Yes I'm okay, you?" You nodded indicating you were also okay, Steven set the scythe down and looked at the gem "better bubble you before anything else happens." He bubbled the gem but it popped the minute it was made "What?" Steven questioned a little worried now.

You saw what was happening and you also started to get worried. Steven tried to bubble the gem again but it just wasn't working, "Where's my bubble?" He asked worried while the gem was clasped in his hands, he focused on the gem once again before beads of sweat was forming on Stevens face; He slowly formed the bubble again while grunting in pain but it popped and the gem fell on the ground. Again.

Steven face was contorted in pain while harsh pants left his body, you immediately rushed to his side to check on him while eyeing the gem confused. Maybe I could try bubble the gem? You tapped the gem and an orange bubble appeared around it but you got the same result as Steven, you swear you could feel you heart skip a beat when you saw your bubble pop.

You tried again, but it wasn't working you lifted the gem into your hand and you slowly focused onto the gem to form the bubble and just like Steven the bubble slowly formed around the gem but popped. You grit your teeth annoyed while the gem laid in your hand, Steven was watching you the whole time when you tried to bubble the gem but saw your annoyed expression meaning you got the same result as him.

What in the stars is happening? I could create orange whips from before and now all of a sudden our powers are not cooperating with us anymore. Both of you checked your gems, Stevens gem was flickering, just like yours, both gems looked like as if it was losing its power or certain glow.

"What's going on?" You questioned worried, Steven looked at you and shakes his head to tell you he had no idea what was going on either. You look down at the gem that was trying to be bubbled by the both of you, with an annoyed huff you got up slowly and helped Steven up by extending your arm for him, he gladly took it and stood up as well.

Both of you gathered your gem friends and the other gem before departing to the beach house, trying to figure out the whole situation.

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