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You eventually separated from Steven, you wiped his tears with your thumb "Feeling better?" You questioned, he chuckled while nodding "I feel a little better now, thank you

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You eventually separated from Steven, you wiped his tears with your thumb "Feeling better?" You questioned, he chuckled while nodding "I feel a little better now, thank you." He said grateful for your affection.

You two smiled at each other enjoying the presence of each other, unfortunately your moment got interrupted when Spinel did a kart wheel around the both of you and did a hand stand with her shoes squeaking like a dog toy.

You two almost forgot that she was still here with the both of you, you sighed.

(Insert Who We Are)

You: Here we are in the future, here we are in the future and it's wrong

Steven takes out his phone, there on his screen was the picture the five of you took recently before the disaster.

Steven: Just a second ago we were singing this song, and now they're gone
Because of her. Happily ever after there we were.

Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot looked at you two with sympathy, but Bismuth notices the distress on both of your features and quickly joined in the song to inspire you two.

Bismuth: When has it ever been easy? Hasn't it always been hard to be us?
When you go against the grain, they're always somebody around you can't trust

You could see where she was going with this, Bismuth pulled Steven and you towards her.

Bismuth: That's why we've got to have each other, why we'll figure this out we must
Because we are the crystal gems!

You grinned, but Steven still looks skeptical.

Bismuth: And we never give up, we never give up on our friends
As long as one of us is standing to brandish the star, we'll find a way to save the day
That's who we are!

They were right, every time we always have a situation like this... we would always find a way around it.

That's why you should never give up on the crystal gems, but Steven walked pass them still looking like all hope was lost and continued to mope.

Steven: Here we are in the future, here we are in the future and it's wrong

Steven gestured towards Ruby and Sapphire, Ruby still on guard to protect the latter.

Steven: Look at them! They're not even singing along
If i could just stopped right there, we'd be totally fine, totally us, totally me!

You had enough of this, you had to help Bismuth inspire him.

You: Even if it takes a thousand years to get them back we will
They may not know who they are but we do

Bismuth: Believe me Steven, I've known them longer, I've seen them get through us and come back stronger!
That's why I believe in them and I believe in you two!
Because we are the crystal gems!
And we never give up, no we never give up on our friends
As long as one of us is standing to brandish the stars

Bismuth and Peridot: We'll find a way!
Bismuth and Lapis: To save the day
You and Bismuth: That's who we are!

"Right, okay, let's put our heads together. There's gotta be some way to make them remember." Steven said, You thought for a second, the pad definitely said the effect was reversible.

"What if it's like a puzzle?" Spinel announced from behind, Steven gave her a look saying he wasn't catching onto her.

"If we give them all the pieces, eventually they'll get the picture." She continued on, Steven now understood what she meant "Spinel, you might be on to something. If every experience they lost is a piece of who they are, we just have to give them back all the pieces! One experience at a time."

"So in short, we have to basically make them remember of who they truly are. Oh, of course! That's the way to reverse the effect! It's makes sense now." You beamed, Peridot and Lapis looked at you two uneasy.

"Are you two serious?"

"That could take forever!"

You both looked at them "Exactly." You both said "So, let's get started!" You say.

Bismuth, You, Steven, Lapis and Peridot: We'll find a way, to save the day, that's who we are!

You all did some dramatic heroic pose on the warp pad, all of sudden Spinel pops up from behind and over-dramatically repeating Stevens opening lines from the song "Here we are in the future, yeah!" You all looked at her awkwardly while all eyes followed her walking around "Here we are in the future, and it's wrong!" Oh boy you thought.

"Woah, Spinel, It's okay we're done." You chuckled and shake your head. Time to go get your friends back.

Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven Universe x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now