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"Wah-?" Spinel said confused looking at the ship that just arrived, "Knock knock Steven and Y-N

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"Wah-?" Spinel said confused looking at the ship that just arrived, "Knock knock Steven and Y-N." Blue diamond greets from the ship "It's us!" Yellow announced right after "The diamonds? Are we interrupting something?" White questioned.

"Uh- Yeah!" You both said, Spinel had retreated behind a large chunk of the remaining debris of the injector.

In a white bubble (I think?) all three diamonds descended from the ship "Yellow, Blue, White-? what are y'all doing here?" Steven questioned. "Well Steven and Y-N, we were all talking and-" Yellow stops mid sentence sniffing the air that probably wasn't a pleasant smell "I'm sorry but- what is that smell?" Yellow questioned you two waving her hand in front of her face trying to diminish it.

"I don't smell anything." Steven responded, you snorted to that response "Ugh- that's 'cause you two live here." Yellow said. "Anyway, we were talking and we decided-" You guessed White patience eventually sizzled because she interrupted Blue and shoved both her and Yellow to the side.

"This is taking too long! Steven, Y-N! We've come to earth to live with you." White announced dragging the 'you', "What?! Our house is not big enough for all of us." You stated confused "Oh well, I'm sure we make do with the um..." White trailed off as she looked at the current state of Beach City, Land cracked open with bio poison filled within them, houses obliterated and the remaining pieces of the injector scattered across as a car alarm beeps in the distance.

Yea, you two will definitely have to fix all of that when you both the chance. "Has your planet always been this- destroyed?" White questioned as she waved her arm to the destruction "Not that we're judging." Blue said to reassure you two "Goodness no, because judging anything based on appearance is wrong." White said.

Steven and you paused as he glared at white unfazed while you had an eyebrow raised looking like you were actually judging what White said "Yea, We don't know about this." Steven remarked still glaring at White "But Steven and Y-N! It's been so boring since you two have left! I guess we'll just wait for you to visit us whenever you two are ready-" White concluded excessively dragging out the last words.

She then takes her 'leave' and heads over to the ship and simulates sadness to guilt trip you two, each step she took made the earth tremble.

Pinching the bridge of your nose you spoke out to White "Aww, come on. Don't be like that, it's just we were in the middle of saying goodbye to- Wait, do you guys remember Spinel?" You questioned the diamonds "I'm sorry, who?" White asked puzzled now standing behind Blue and Yellow.

"Spinel, you've met the diamonds before, right?" Steven asked, Spinel still taking cover behind the debris spoke to you two "Yeah... but- they've never seen me like this." She finishes indicating her current attire.

You waved your hand towards Spinel to make her come out of her hiding position behind the large chunk, she hesitantly steps out looking at the ground "Blue, Yellow, White! This is Spinel." You stated gesturing your hand towards her. "My Diamonnnnnnnds." Spinel said as she created three diamond greetings with her arms, White made an audible gasp keeping her hands to her mouth in utter shock.

Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven Universe x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now