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As the pink liquid in the injector continued to pump it's contents into the already decayed earth, the four of you were running to the scene to see what was happening

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As the pink liquid in the injector continued to pump it's contents into the already decayed earth, the four of you were running to the scene to see what was happening. The crowd was looking at the Injector in confusion and fear, "Steven, Y-N, what is going on here?" Nanefua asked nervously "We're not sure, but we'll find out." Steven answered.

"Let's open the shelters, we may need to evacuate." You prompted; The earth near the injector was slowly dying, the poison was spreading and corroding the earth with it. The four of you were running up the same hill where the Injector laid menacingly, you eventually saw Lapis, Bismuth and Peridot in the distance, they were analysing the substance in the Injector.

"Lapis, Bismuth, Peridot!" Steven shouted, he placed his hands on his knees whilst panting heavily, trying to catch his breath, "What's the damage?" Asked Amethyst.

"Amethyst" Peridot turned her head away from the purple gem, shutting her eyes tightly while waving her hand wanting her to leave,"Get away from me. I can't stand to see you all vacant and berupt of personality."

You and Amethyst gave Peridot a 'This is not the time to be messing around face' "Yo, I'm back you dip." Amethyst deadpanned.


"Oh! Well, you're just in time for the end of the world!" Peridot stated with fake enthusiasm "This is no ordinary injector, whatever is seeping into the ground is toxic. Let's get a scan going and see what were dealing with." she said as Bismuth came into view.

Bismuth gave Peridot a sample of the corroded earth, She bubbled the sample and put the bubble in some type of microwave before closing the door, she then pressed the button labelled with 'popcorn'.

As the microwave made a soft hum doing its job, a piece of paper ejected from the side with analysed notes of what contents currently lie in the earth. Shortly after, the microwave beeped indicating it was done.

Peridot reached over and ripped the piece of paper off to examine the notes, "Just as i thought." She said whilst looking up to the Injector with antipathy plastered on her features, she held out her tablet and took a picture of the Injector. The tablet shortly after translated it into a schematic of the machine and its mechanics.

"Bio-poison, pure and uncut. As of this moment, the ampule has drained fifteen point four percent of it's contents, meaning the poison is releasing at a destruction rate of five cubic meters per hour, giving us... forty one hours till the destruction of all organic life on earth." Peridot explained to the group.

"All organic life?" Steven asked in disbelief.

"Yea like the animals, the plants, the insects, you know..."


You heart was practically hammering against your ribcage, earth was your precious home and now it's going to get destroyed? You shifted your view down to the homes of beach city, having pessimistic thoughts flood your mind.

"This is what she meant. Spinel said our 'human halves wouldn't stand a chance against her injector' she-" You in took a sharp audible breath before continuing, "She brought this thing to kill us, and now it's going to kill everything else on this planet." You fretted, your face faltering before averting your attention back to the group.

Steven loured his gaze upon the Injector, he was literally just as worried as you were and didn't fancy losing his home anytime soon. "I've gotta do something!" He yelled with clenched fists and determination fixed upon his spirit.

"Wait- Steven, No!" Everyone cried, trying to warn him, but he ignored their desperate cries and traveled towards the Injector; his hands clasped ahold of the drill, "Super Steven strength!" Steven yelled and began to lift up the Injector from its current position, straining himself in the process.

Now as you may all know, Y-Ns and Stevens powers were currently dysfunctional, so this wasn't going to end very well. The Injector didn't budge as he mustered all his energy into the pull, beads of sweat emerging on his forehead whilst yelling out in frustration.



"What is that clod thinking?!"

"Yeah! Lift with your legs!"

"Steven! Stop I can already see what's going to happen!" You hollered, his already struggling form threatened to fall before him as his gem powers began to waver and eventually lose grip of the Injector. Just as you predicted, the Injector plummeted back into the earth and traced pink cracks in the corroded earth, the impactful tremor resulted everyone to nearly lose their balance and gravitate to the ground; some of the poison splashed out as it landed directly onto his arm.

Steven groaned in pain as he sees the poison has completely evaporated through the jacket sleeve, making way for fresh wounds to form. Just when you think it couldn't get any worst, another rumbling sound is heard and it was revealed that the ground beneath Steven had split open and showed a stream of poison inside.

His eyes widened in a mixture of fear and apprehension just before he nearly fell in but, thanks to Spinel, she managed to 'reel' him back to safety. "Well," the gem whistled, "look what I reeled in!" She placed Steven back onto ground as you were already sprinting over to the pair. You were swift enough to kneel next to him and inspect the wound that had freshly appeared, "Ouch, that doesn't look good, are you okay?" You questioned concerned.

Now eyeing the damaged article of clothing, he was pained at the current event that just occurred. "My organic jacket..." he muttered but audible enough for you to hear, you averted your attention from his wounds and to his disappointed face upon hearing that sentence leave his lips. Your lips were now pursed with knitted eyebrows, is he seriously concerned about his jacket when he just received damage from the Injector?

A sigh escaped from your mouth as you softly shook your head, this wasn't the time to scold the boy about the matter, Steven lifted his shirt up to view the already flickering gem, further disappointing him with the outcome "We can't do anything with our powers like this. Bismuth, Lapis, Can you lift that thing? Peridot what about your metal powers?" The hybrid questioned desperately.

"You think we didn't try that?" Lapis asked, Peridot held up her tablet "Disturbing the injector accelerates the poison rate of release, also... it might explode." Peridot explained with a flipped tablet.

Steven bit down onto his lip nervously as looked at the intimidating weapon, "We have to find a way to move it, without touching it before it's too late." You contemplated about the situation while also eyeing the Injector, you couldn't move the Injector due to the fatal consequences but:

"Wait, Spinel! She brought the injector here. If she activated it, then means she can deactivate it, but the only problem is..." you trailed off.

"She doesn't remember what it is, let alone control it." Steven said before averting his attention from the Injector to Spinel in despondency, Spinel stood there and goofily waved her arm while both eyes blinked at one another in beat with the wave. "Then you gotta change her back." Bismuth said, "No way! She's cute and harmless now, but if we bring her back she will kill us all!" Steven criticised, heavily disliking the idea of reverting Spinel back.

"Steven." You started with crossed arms "We have to, we have no better options currently and also, we will all die if she doesn't deactivate the weapon. So it's either revert her back to stop the Injector or, the destruction of the earth." You finished but persuaded in some sense. "Y-N is correct Steven, you two managed to bring me back so, whatever you did for me, do it for her." Amethyst remarked, agreeing with you.

"That's different we know you, we don't know anything about Spinel except..." then it clicked for the both of you.

"Pearl, she knew her!"

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