✰ 𝗣𝗮𝗿𝘁 𝟭𝟰

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You two approached the gem that was currently facing her back towards the both of you, "Spinel? Come on we can talk this out

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You two approached the gem that was currently facing her back towards the both of you, "Spinel? Come on we can talk this out." Steven said, Spinel still facing the both of you spoke up in a soft tone but still had some sharpness with it "I don't want to play anymore."

Steven covered his eyes with his hands getting frustrated at the previous statement the gem just made "Spinel, This isn't a game!" He yelled clearly tired and irked.

But without warning she harshly punched him in the face, Steven stumbled back a few steps stunned at Spinels movement.

Your eyes widened with shock as you saw her about to make her second move and she took it, she went for another punch as you tried to stop it but since you didn't have access to your powers and the fact you were drained from previous events the impact was powerful enough to send both of you tumbling down the injector.

You both slid down to the edge of the injector making a halt before any of you could fall off, Steven realised that Spinels impact was enough to make him have a nosebleed and as for you, You now had a small light purple bruise located on the side of your eye, you touched it softly to avoid putting any pressure on it.

Two pink curly hands spiralled their ways to you two and clung to your arms. The two arms belonged to Spinel and she was now dangling you both over the edge of the injector, you both nervously looked down to see the now decayed town and how the injector completely destroyed beach city.

Your heart was practically pumping out of your chest due to the amount of fear that was building up in you, if she drops you two then...

It might be game over.

"You know I came here to take my anger out on a bunch of strangers, but now that I know you two.... I want to kill you even more." Spinel said in a bitter tone, she then slowly released her fingers on both arms loosening the grip she had on you two until finally, she was pinching the fabric of your fabrics.

You were now praying for both of your lives here, you don't know if you can save yourself or Steven this time with your powers constantly giving out, both of you letting out frustrated grunts you finally snapped, "We don't get it!" You yelled "Huh?" Questioned Spinel confused on your sudden outburst.

"Why aren't our powers back? Isn't me and Steven reliving every horrible thing that ever happened to us?!" You questioned annoyed but yet confused with yourself, "A gem we barely know is trying to kill us, we're paying for stuff our mums did that had nothing to do with us! We're struggling with our powers, and the world is about to end!" Steven hollered with tears pouring down his face.

"What piece could we be missing? You both questioned at the same time, you had an angered expression present on your face during the moment.

Spinel in reaction looked baffled but then snorts and lets out a nearly mocking cackle laughing at the vulnerable states of you two "Wow! I knew I was gonna set you two back, but this is how you two started? The legends Steven Universe and Y-N Wood?" She said as she continues laughing at the both of you "Y- you gotta be kidding me, how did a powerless loser like you two become saviour of the galaxy?!" She questioned the both of you.

Steven Universe: The Movie, Steven Universe x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now