Half Dead

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Are you happy~? Another update...lol.

[Not edited...yet]
[Naruto's Point if View]


Everything was dark. I felt absolutely nothing. Am I slipping away? Is this the end? All I can see is darkness...utter and absolute darkness. Yet I felt at peace. Like all of the worlds' weight was being lifted off my shoulders.

Like I could hear again.

The chirping of birds in the morning, and my mother singing the original, 'hush little baby' lullaby. I wasn't born deaf. I could still sometimes remember the feeling of being able to hear. I was so young when it was taken from me, so imagining the sound of things and people around me was difficult. I found it easier to just accept silence.

I was about five when I had lost it. It had happened when my house was being robbed. Two tall men dressed in black, one with spiky orange hair, the other with a strange spiral mask on.

They had stolen not only my house, but my life that day.

They only meant to steal things, they never meant to actual harm anyone - that was until my mother and father had caught them...then they needed to end their lives for they were witnesses to their crime. I saw as one brutally stabbed my father to death - and the other beat my mother to death.

"Stay away!" They would yell, "run away Naruto, run!" Was all I heard as they died. I was to late to run. One had approached me with two knives, coming closer and closer...ready to stab me.

Guess what they had stabbed first? The man brutally forced both knives into my ears at once, causing me to shriek out in pain and horror. All went silent afterwards. I dropped to the ground crying. Tears streaming down my face, mixing with the blood spurting out my ears. I couldn't feel anything after that. The pain was so great, it almost numbed me completely. All my senses were slipping.

Not even noticing the police arriving, and them making a run for it. I laid there crying and weeping. I was useless. I should have just died that day.

Perhaps I will die today?


[POV switch, Sasuke's Point of View]

I sat next to Naruto's bed. His fragile, and thin body covered in bandages and bruises. It made me sick. I should be the one laying here, fighting for my life...

All I saw was him toss and turn- as if having some sort of horrible nightmare. He trembled lightly in fear. What was he dreaming of? What caused him so much pain? I just wanted to calm him.

After a while of tossing and turning, I saw his blue crystal-like eyes open. They seemed weak and colder. He only looked up at the blank white ceiling. I blinked in surprise. He's... he's awake.

Blind (SasuNaru) [GOING UNDER EXTREME EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now