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//Not Edited//
//Naruto's Point of View//

Today is Thursday- the day after the whole sexual position, cooking diner, crying incident. Yeah.

Honestly- I can't understand myself. I told myself I was angry at him- that I wouldn't forgive him. Yet- I can't bare to tell him I won't forgive him, especially after that whole crying scene we had at his house.

I could feel my heart break in half seeing him cry in my arms yesterday.

I had never seen rich and wealthy people cry like that- never. I was too naive to think that they had any problems at all- but I was forgetting one simple fact, everyone has problem.

No matter how small they may seem, we all have problems.

And that's what he made me remember- the fact that anyone can put on a fake face and seem happy. I put on a smile, so why wouldn't he? Why would he also put on an act around his classmates?

These ideas swirled in my head all day- I was basically ignoring all my notes and lessons, even Gaara.

He had been trying to knock me out of thought- but I was pretty much just nodding with whatever he said.

"So yeah, then I had to rewrite the whole thing. It totally sucked," Gaara continued speaking and signing. We sat outside on an old swing we used to play at when we were younger.

I nodded.

"Oh!- and your godfather Jiraiya died too..." He continued, signing swiftly.

I nodded. Then suddenly realized what he said and snapped my head towards him in shock. I widened my eyes in horror, wh-what!? I signed hesitantly

"Ha! I knew you weren't listening!- your godfather isn't dead! Now listen to what I say and stop daydreaming!" The furious red-head yelled and pointed an causing fingure towards me.

I blinked.

Sometimes being deaf was a blessing- I did not want to hear his yelling and nagging.

I simply nodded.

He signed heavily and walked towards me, then lightly poked my forehead. "Pay attention to reality N-A-R-U-T-O" he stated, signing each letter to my name in a mocking manner.

I nodded- yet again.


As I arrived home after classes- I got a text message. My phone lightly vibrated in my back pocket, and I quickly took in out and checked my messages.

Teme: hey, haven't seen you all day. Avoiding me? Respond.

Blind (SasuNaru) [GOING UNDER EXTREME EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now