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Yay~! Suggestion time~!
Thanks to a suggestion, this story will probably get better...hopefully^^. So, enjoy the new chapter and comment any suggestions or questions, arigato!

//Not Edited//
//Itachi senpai's Point of View//

Honestly- how troublesome.

Here I was, standing in front of the very small Uzumaki property. It was...well...very very small compared to my mansion of a house- which is to be expected. But...well I guess I won't judge them- since we Uchiha's owned the most powerful police force in the country.

Anyway, straight to the point.

I was sent by my otouto (younger brother) on a "mission" to the Uzumaki's property. What mission you ask? Well, the idiotic boyfriend-not-boyfriend of my otouto forgot his backpack at our house. And I was the one who had to return it to him.

Great- I really didn't want people seeing me with pink hair in public. Why haven't I dyed it black yet? Damn.

I hesitantly knocked on the door three times. All I heard was loud yelling from behind the door... Then complete silence.

The door suddenly spat open to reveal a slender man with vivid redish orangeish hair that was slightly less spiky than the blonds, he had firery red eyes and wore a comfortable pair of black sweats as well as a baggy red T-shirt. I was stunned.

"Look you damn little girls, I don't want any of your stupid cookies! Do I look like an overweight guy desperate for a-" the yelling man widened his eyes as he realized who he was actually speaking to.

Well this is awkward...

"Um- hello" he finally spoke with hesitance. I blinked. What the hell was he ranting on about before- cookies? Little girls?

His eyes immediately looked up to my hair, and once again widened, a slight grin appeared on his smooth face. The grin of a devil!

"Hmm...who are you and what do you want?" He questioned curiously studying me from top to bottom, and bottom to top.

Why do I suddenly feel nervous- of course I'd never show my true emotions, so I stood emotionless. "I um- I came to return this" I lifted the blonds old- worn out backpack. The red-head widened his eyes.

Blind (SasuNaru) [GOING UNDER EXTREME EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now