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//Not Edited~//
Since you wanted more of Sasuke's life and point of view...and stuff. I decides this is a chapter on the Ichiha lifestyle ~ yes there will be no Naruto for one chapter sorry! But honestly I also enjoy writing these chapters, Sasuke may be a total dick, but I love'em.

//Sasuke's Point of View//-

I basically forced myself out of bed today. It was Saturday morning, about... 7:30am. Believe me, me not being a morning person meant that I do not usually wake up this early.

I know what your thinking, oh, he's a stuck up rich kid who stays in bed all day- and has an ugly attitude if woken up early.

Yeah- that basically describes me.

I mean- I would try to defend myself with excuses, but honestly I'm too cranky to think of any right now. I'm too cranky to think of anything right now. And the truth was a that I do get pissed if woken up early- and on weekends I'm used to waking up at about lunch time, 12:00pm.

As I lifted my lazy ass up, I yawned and stretched my arm up and around.

First thing on an Uchiha's must do's-
Refresh and refine ones self.

What the literal fuck does that mean? Well, your basically showering, shaving, and doing all your bathroom needs. Refreshing and refining yourself every morning. Or so my father says.


After showering and changing into a pair of black comfortable jeans, a white T-shirt, and an old pair of Jordans I walked into the kitchen.

Second Basic Uchiha must do's
Greet everyone and anyone in the same room/area properly- including family.

As I approached I already saw my annoying older brother Itachi preparing himself cereal, and my father Fugaku drinking coffee and reading newspaper at the table.

"Morning father- Itachi" I greeted tiredly as I approached the cereals. Itachi glanced at me and chuckled, "your hair looks more and more like a duck butt everyday Sasuke" he softly spoke with a grin. I gritted my teeth in anger.

My hair is not duck butt shaped- damnit!

"Your an ass nii-san" I replied coldly. My father hadn't even tried to stop our quarreling, he'd gotten used to it. We fought or argued almost every morning- but it was all with good intention.

Just being the usual annoying brothers.

As I chewed my Captain Crunch cereal, I felt my brother tap my shoulder. I turned to look at him angrily- I hated mornings.

"What's with that look little brother? Did you finally get your clothes out the dryer?" He questioned with an evil grin. What the fuck did he mean? I quickly dashed out my seat and ran towards the washing room.

God damnit Itachi- fuck you.

Basic Uchiha rule-
Never fucking let your guard down around family- or anyone if you count your demon spawn brother as family.

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