Chapter 8

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There are only three people in this conference room. Except for Xuan Ming, the other two people have a system that can communicate directly in their brains, and the technology content is ridiculously high. What is the probability of this?

Is there one in a billion?

However, such people appeared next to him one after another, and regarded himself as the target of the mission, which made Xuan Ming feel angry and at the same time frightened.

There is no doubt that he has become the prey of some mysterious organization. They spread a large net around him, and drove the piranhas to swim around him, biting him hard when they caught the gap.

What will happen to him?

Being hunted and strangled did not make Xuan Ming feel scared. He is even more worried that these people will destroy his company for their own selfish interests, destroy the technology that his team has finally developed, and also destroy the national interests.

Judging from the current trend, the most terrifying consequences have already occurred. China's modern electronic communication construction will seriously lag behind other countries.

Xuan Ming got a lot of information from the conversations of these people:

first, their mission goals are themselves;

second, the way they complete the task is to capture their own hearts;

third, their systems have different abilities, Baoer's system seems to be able to locate the coordinates of any person on earth, and Qiao Yanan's system can steal any piece of information on

the Internet; fourthly, Dr. Zhao's death really has something to do with them. They reached cooperation through the system, one located the coordinates of Dr. Zhao, and the other sent the coordinates to the foreign forces through the Internet, which eventually led to the car accident;

fifth, they were also in a competitive relationship, so An Baoer did not put himself Tell Qiao Yanan what happened in the car. She wants to capture her own heart first through the trick of a hero saving beauty.

In the face of interests, these people can be enemies or friends.

The two women wouldn't make Xuan Ming feel like a big enemy, but he had to be afraid of the system behind them and the organization that controlled the system.

This organization can use high-tech surveillance equipment to control others; can open teleportation channels; can create amnesiac pills

; , This is the point that makes Xuan Ming feel the most anxious.

He wanted to investigate this organization and then sabotage their plans, but he didn't even know how to start.

Thinking of this, Xuan Ming's heart was disturbed for a while, he couldn't help but took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep breath. Through the lingering smoke, he casually looked at the curly-haired youth in the corner.

This is another puppet manipulated by the system.

The youth has recovered from the frozen state. Even if a strange voice suddenly sounded in his head, it did not make him startle or show a look of panic.

He stared at the laptop in front of him with curiosity in his eyes, and finally looked at the other two people in the conference room, muttering to himself, "Black hair, black eyes, yellow skin."

"Ha~" The young man suddenly laughed softly. one sound.

With a keen ear, Xuan Ming could easily hear the great joy contained in this short sound, as if a child received a very precious gift from an elder.

Originally, Xuan Ming, who was only staring at the young man from the corner of his eye, couldn't help but turn his head and look directly at the other party.

Only then did he realize that the young man was actually very handsome, and his delicate facial features were almost flawless. Even in the entertainment industry, which was full of beauties, he could swept through it.

At this moment, the young man's long and narrow Danfeng eyes are squinting slightly because of contentment and joy, like a little fox holding a big tail and soaking up the warmth under the sun.

He was immersed in wholehearted happiness, forgetting the other two people in the conference room, and even the system that appeared inexplicably.

Xuan Ming raised his eyebrows, quite surprised. He did not expect that this timid young man had such a high psychological quality. Will he not be afraid? In other words, he is very happy to accept the system, after all, this is also a kind of adventure?

The system code-named 7480 quickly confirmed Xuan Ming's guess, "I sensed the host's call, so I'm here." The

curly-haired youth stretched out his slender fingertips and poked the laptop in front of him, like a naughty child poking Get a novel toy, but the voice in my head is lazy: "Huh?" The

system continued: "The host's brain waves are very strong, activating this system, as long as the host is bound to this system, the previous wishes of the host can become Reality."

"What wish do I have?" The young man started poking at the keyboard with his fingertips, his slender eyebrows raised high, with an interesting look, but the voice in his mind was not at all excited.

"Isn't your wish to step on Xuan Ming, tear Qiao Yanan with your hands, and become the richest man in China?" The system raised the volume: "With me bound, all this is not a dream."

At first, the young man just poked the keyboard slowly. , However, after only ten seconds, his hands began to dance rapidly. He was so immersed in the network that he completely forgot the people around him and the systems in his mind.

Xuan Ming snuffed out the cigarette and sneered silently with his thin lips hooked. Become the richest man in China? Young people dare to think. No wonder the system would find him. Desire is in control.

The system paused for a few seconds, as if waiting for the host's ecstatic answer, but there was only silence in the other's mind.

After holding down for a few more seconds, the system began to panic.

Xuan Ming lit the second cigarette and took a slow breath.

The curly-haired youth was still tapping on the keyboard cracklingly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, bright eyes, and slender eyebrows raised from time to time, his whole person exuded joy, excitement and freshness.

The so-called brilliance is nothing but that.

Xuan Ming was suddenly curious about what was hidden in that computer, so that he could ignore the company's CEO and the head of the technical department, as well as the system that was comparable to a miracle, and plunged into it.

"You sit here." Xuan Ming tapped the seat beside him with his knuckles.

The curly-haired youth carefully browsed the content on the computer screen without responding at all.

The system said in his mind: "Host, I am the system of the Lord God, bind me, you will get unimaginable assistance." The

curly-haired youth was still looking at the computer, as if he had not heard anything.

System: ...

Xuan Ming: ...

"Zhuang Li?" Xuan Ming shouted in a deep voice.

"Huh?" The young man is very sensitive to his name, especially if it is spoken in Chinese. He immediately raised his head, his eyes twinkling brightly, "Are you calling me?" The corners of

his mouth also curled up, looking very happy.

"Sit here." Xuan Ming pointed to the seat beside him.

"Okay." The curly-haired youth immediately walked over with the computer in his arms, with a generous attitude.

After he was seated, he started browsing the web again, still with a beaming expression, without the sincerity and prudence of sitting next to the boss.

Xuan Ming glanced at his screen while shaking off the ash, but found that he was searching for the history of China, not playing games as he imagined.

From the beginning of Xia, Shang and Zhou, to the establishment of the Hua Kingdom, in the end, the young man's eyes were fixed on one of the pages, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and his eyes turned red.

There is no text on the page, just a five-star red flag.

Xuan Ming looked at the national flag, and then at the young man's emotional expression, his eyes were puzzled.

What's the point of this? He did not think that a careerist with a humble appearance and a conceited heart could possess such noble patriotic zeal.

The system began to urge again: "Host, according to my test, your IQ and EQ are very low, and it is impossible for you to become the richest man in China in this life. But it doesn't matter, I can probe other people's thoughts for you, as long as you bind me, I can help you make up for your lack of IQ and EQ. As long as you grasp other people's preferences, you will be able to go anywhere in the market." The

young man closed the flag page, covered his red eyes, and settled his mood silently.

After a while, he sneered in his mind: "There is something wrong with your detection function."

"I am a system created by the Lord God, and I can't have a problem." The system felt offended. He said coldly: "The host's EQ is terribly low, and it doesn't get along well with anyone, so even the family dislikes it; the host's IQ is only ninety, ninety, ninety..." The

system's voice seemed to be stuck. tape.

The young man put his hands around his chest, raised his eyebrows, and asked lazily: "What is my IQ?" The

system shouted in disbelief: "310! Why is your IQ 310? 92! Impossible, the system can't make mistakes!"

A rapid beep sounded, and obviously, the system began to repeatedly check the youth's IQ to prove it was right. But each repeated test showed that he did make a big mistake.

In fact, the IQ of young people is far more than 310. The reason why a higher value cannot be measured is because the most intelligent human beings identified by the Lord God have only an IQ of 310, so he did not install a more advanced detection program in the system.

This ridiculously high number made the system hit hard, and Xuan Ming's eyebrows jumped fiercely.

He carefully observed the youth through the smoke, and it was hard to believe that such an obscure person could be a super genius.

But the young man's next words showed that he was indeed terribly clever: "You say that you are a system? Just analyze it in words: a system is an organic whole with a specific function, which is composed of several components that interact and depend on each other. And this organic whole is part of a larger system to which it belongs."

"So, you are a small part of some master program, and that master program is called the master god by you."

"If I remember correctly, You say your name is 7480, and this number should be your number. In other words, before you, there are at least 7479 systems, and there will definitely be more systems after you. Your programs are all set by the Lord God, so You will follow his orders 100 percent."

"Your organizational structure reminds me of an insect, the bee. The main god is the queen bee, and your system is the worker bees.

" Picking nectar from the sea of ​​flowers."

"Once I bind you, you will be able to absorb energy from my body and feed back to the Lord God, which is not good for me at all." The

young man quickly tapped the keyboard and browsed the web, the so-called assistance to the system. scoffed.

"Host, you guessed wrong, we won't take energy from the host, we will take energy from the mission target. If we are bound, the host will definitely be able to realize the wishes in his heart." 7480 was busy explaining.

The curly-haired youth asked casually: "Who is your mission target?"

"This man sitting next to you is our mission target. Once you capture him and get his luck, you can replace him and become the country of China. The richest man, isn't this your dream?" The system tempted.

Xuan Ming turned his head to the side and looked straight at the curly-haired youth.

He thought that the other party would look back in astonishment, but he didn't expect that the young man was still typing on the keyboard, and he didn't even give charity out of the corner of his eye.

Obviously, he has no interest in the so-called mission objectives.

"Then what benefits can I get from you?" the youth continued to ask.

"Didn't I just say that, I can make you the richest man in China!" The system's speech speed has obviously accelerated a lot. It seems that it is eager to bind with youth.

The young man became more and more unhurried: "I mean, what kind of help can I get from you, not a flat cake that looks sweet but can't be eaten at all."

"I can help you detect the surrounding People's favorability. Whether they like you or hate you, they can't escape my induction. In this way, wouldn't it be possible to make up for the weakness of the host's low emotional intelligence? The host should also be very concerned about what others think of you?"

"Detection Favorability? This belongs to the category of mind reading technology. I think, I know where you come from." The young man stopped typing on the keyboard, pursed his thin lips and smiled.

Xuan Ming, who silently spied on the other party's computer screen, began to believe that he was indeed a super genius with an IQ of 310.

Because he was not fiddling with the computer at all just now, but with the help of several communication satellites, he hacked into the network of the U.S. Department of Defense and obtained a secret investigation report of scientific research results around the world.

His hacking skills are no worse than Qiao Yanan's system.

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