Chapter 94

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Zhuang Li said what all Wei generals wanted. The state of Jin has neither nurtured them, nor sheltered them, nor gave them any benefit. Why should the 450,000 troops of the state of Jin hid in the rear to watch the fun, but they asked 150,000 people to fight the Mongolian iron cavalry?

This is using them as cannon fodder!

"It seems that there is no need to fight this battle, let's go." Le Zhengming slapped the table.

All the generals also retreated.

Only then did the monarch of Jin accept the softness, and promised to let his army of 450,000 rush ahead, and hand over the supreme commander to Le Zhengming.

The monarchs of several nearby countries all know that when it comes to fighting, Le Zhengming is really powerful, one person can go straight into the army of a million chaos, back and forth to kill thoroughly. His prestige can even stop children from crying at night outside the gate. With him around, the Mongols would at least be a little afraid.

After the Jin monarch left, Zhuang Li asked his lover to gather all his confidants into the tent and hold a pre-war seminar.

"The Mongols can destroy a country with only a hundred thousand iron cavalry, and their combat power is evident. The army of Jin is composed of remnants of various divisions. Morale is low and people are scattered. I am afraid that it will not be beaten." The famous general shook his head and sighed.

The rest of the generals also agreed with this view and could not help but worry.

"We will win this battle." Zhuang Li gave a completely opposite answer.

The noisy camp was so quiet that you could hear needles falling, and everyone's scorching eyes turned to the military division.

Le Zhengming immediately poured a cup of hot tea for the little curly hair, and troubled him to take a tactical lesson.

Zhuang Li lightly drank the tea and moistened his throat before continuing: "I say that this battle will be won, not words of encouragement, but conclusions based on scientific deductions and calculations. Just as geometry can effectively divide the dimensions of war. , Mathematical formulas can also accurately predict the outcome of a war. For example, how long will a battle last before it ends, who wins and who loses, how many soldiers are killed or injured, etc." The

generals only understood the last few sentences . Words, my heart suddenly became hot.

Calculate the outcome of the war? Doesn't that amount to prophecy? The strategist is truly a genius!

There were all kinds of doubts in his heart, but no one was in a hurry to ask questions. At the back, the military division will naturally help them explain clearly in simple words.

Zhuang Li really explained further: "How to use mathematical formulas to predict a war? First of all, we need to understand a concept called destruction rate. The ratio of the number of enemies killed in a certain period of time to the initial number of enemies is called the destruction rate. "

To give an example: If the Mongolian army has 100 people, and we can kill 10 of the 100 people in one hour, then 10:100 is 10%, which is our destruction rate in one time series. "

"We only killed ten Mongolians in an hour?" Can't you? "Second Huai frowned and said.

Zhuang Li: "..."

Le Zhengming reprimanded angrily: "Didn't you hear the strategist say an example? This is just an assumption for your convenience. "

"Understood." "Second Huai lowered his head in shame, his black face turned red.

The other generals covered their mouths and snickered. In fact, they wanted to ask this silly question just now, but their mouths were a little slower. Fortunately, the fool Huai's second child rushed in front, setting off their wise and wise.

Zhuang Li continued: "The destruction rate is the most basic variable to describe the war equation. Through it, I can simply reveal to you another one that is victorious in every battle. Tips. When they heard the words "

victory in a hundred battles", everyone looked at them in unison, their eyes glowing green.

Zhuang Li recounted while filling out the form: "The Mongolians are very strong in combat. Do you agree with this?" "

"Agreed. "The crowd nodded reluctantly.

"I set the Mongols' destruction rate to be twice that of our army, do you agree?" "

Everyone was silent for a moment, but nodded, "Agree. "

Zhuang Li filled in the corresponding data and said, "So, the Mongols' destruction rate is 20%, our army's destruction rate is 10%, and our army's combat effectiveness is only half of theirs, and the gap is quite huge. Let's see. At a glance, if our initial strength is 100, in the first sequence, the Mongols kill 20 of us, and we kill 10 of the Mongols, and our strength becomes 90:80.

" With a constant kill rate for both of us, and the fight continues until the last man in one of the armies dies, then in the second chronology, both of our forces are 81:64.

"In the third time series, the ratio is 73:51.

"In the fourth time series, the ratio is 66:41..." Zhuang

Li kept counting nineteen time series, and the strength of the two sides became 14:0.

He took out another piece of paper, drew a table, and said, "Now, let's calculate another war mode. Assuming that the Mongols' destruction rate is still 20%, and our army's destruction rate is still 10%, but this time, the initial strength of the Mongols is 100, and the initial strength of our army is 300, then the first after the war starts. In the time series, the ratio of the strength of the Mongols to our army is 70:280.

"In the second sequence, the ratio is 42:266.

"In the third sequence, the ratio is 16:263.

"In the fourth time series, the ratio is 0:263."

Zhuang Li flattened the two tables on the table and said slowly: "Now I want to tell you the second variable, which is the battle loss rate, that is, the end of the battle. The ratio of the lost troops of the latter army to the initial strength. In the former war model, the Mongols wiped out our army, and the loss rate was 86%; in the second model, our army wiped out the Mongols, The battle loss rate is 12%. Now, when you compare the two models, do you see any mystery?" The

generals immediately gathered around, pointed at the two tables, and talked a lot. They always felt that they had caught something. What is not clear.

Le Zhengming understood after just a little thought, and was about to say the answer, but saw Xiao Curly Hair wink at himself.

He understood, so he remained silent.

The generals put their heads together and stared at the two tables, but they didn't dare to speak at all, lest they say the wrong thing and cause everyone to laugh at them.

Zhuang Li had no choice but to remind: "Don't stare at the numbers, just compare the destruction rate, battle damage rate, initial force, and the time it took to win the war between the two tables. Tell me what is the difference between the two, and you can do whatever you want. I understand."

Everyone was silent for a moment, then excited one by one.

"I understand the military division! The Mongols are twice as powerful as us, but with an equal number of participants, it will take them a long time to kill us! Look, in the first table, they spend nineteen Only the timings killed us to zero; in the second table, we had three hundred people, and it took only four timings to kill them all!" A general raised his hand and shouted.

"Yes, yes," someone immediately echoed, "The more people participating in the war, the shorter the time to victory!"

Someone else was busy adding: "The casualties will be smaller! The same 100 people participated in the war, and the Mongols killed our casualties. 86 people; in the latter mode, we have three times more than them, and only 36 people will die if we kill them!"

"I understand, even if the Mongols are much stronger than us, when we have three times more than them. , in fact, we can easily defeat them. Is that what you mean, strategist?" Second Huai also opened his mind, clapping his palms and shouting.

Zhuang Li smiled lightly and was about to speak.

A general standing on the periphery suddenly roared excitedly: "Master, I realized a truth, it is probably the secret of victory in a hundred battles that you want to teach us, do you want to listen to it?"

"Speak." Zhuang Li looked over expectantly.

Everyone also turned their heads with burning eyes.

The man cleared his throat and said quickly: "Combining these two tables, I found that there is no battle in the world where the less wins the more, and the weak wins the strong!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the tent.

Someone immediately retorted: "You fart, the strategist led us to defeat the Jie clan! Isn't that less to win more?"

Zhuang Li couldn't help laughing, and raised his hand again to signal everyone to be quiet.

Le Zhengming looked around at this group of idiots who suddenly loved learning and thinking, and felt quite comforted in his heart. Being taught by the little curly hair, they seem to have a 120,000 enthusiasm for fighting.

The previous general took courage and continued to say: "No, think about it carefully. The strategist taught us the Yanyue Formation, and let us control the number of effective combatants of the Jie tribe to around 3,000. In fact, during the Battle of Guandu , the ratio of our troops to the Jie tribe is 40,000 to 3,000. Our number is more than ten times more than theirs!" The

generals thought about it for a while, and suddenly realized: Yes, this is the truth!

Seeing everyone nodding, the general's voice became higher: "Then I thought of Mr. Kong Ming's most famous Gaopo battle. In that battle, Mr. Kong Ming annihilated 300,000 enemies with 130,000 horses. Great army.

He used the Bagua array at that time, which could effectively divide the enemy army into 64 parts. You do a good calculation, 64% of the 300,000 people is more than 4,600 people, and Mr. Kong Ming's military strength In an instant, there are more than 20 times more than the enemy's army. That's why he will win a big victory! Now, have you produced something?"

"The product is out, the product is out, all wars are actually those with many people. Fang Shengli, and the concept of a lot of people is not what we see with our eyes at all, it is divided, calculated, and even deliberately arranged!" The

second Huai touched the back of his head and said happily: "I How the hell can he say such profound words! General, did you hear me?"

The ice on Le Zhengming's face melted in the words of you and me, and he could only smile and nod.

Zhuang Li also clapped his palms and laughed lightly, "Everyone is right, this is the most basic secret of winning in a hundred battles—concentrating superior forces. As long as one's own forces are three, four, or five times larger than the enemy's. Even ten times, as long as there is no huge generation difference in weapons, this battle will be won. At that time, no matter how high the enemy's combat power is or how far the range is, it will be difficult for them to win, and all advantages will be taken by our sea tactics. Fill it up."

This war theory was used to the extreme by a great man in China. One of his most famous arguments is "to concentrate all superior forces to annihilate the enemy".

The so-called "concentrating all superior forces" refers to dispatching the most troops to participate in the war in a short period of time. If there are not enough troops, he would rather avoid it. So the enemy's planes, tanks, guns, guns, and guns were beaten down by his millet and guns.

After hearing the counselor's encouragement, everyone became more and more interested in strategy and tactics. They took out the Mongolian's past battle reports to study it, and discovered new things, so they all shouted.

"Master, Master! I know how to defeat the Mongols!"

"I know too!"

"I, I, I also know." A general standing on the outermost edge jumped up and raised his hand, lest the military master could not see.

Zhuang Li chuckled: "Then you can help me analyze how we can defeat the Mongols."

Second Huai was the first to speak, for fear that others would steal his limelight: "The Mongols don't seem to know how to set up formations . , but in fact they also know how to divide the enemy's war dimension, so they can always win more with less."

"That's right! That's what I want to say!"

"Second Huai, you are a roundworm in my stomach!"

" I think so too!"

Many generals shouted with dangling voices, trying to steal the limelight of the second Huai. Isn't it just analyzing the strategy and tactics? They will too!

But God knows, before the little curly hairs came, this group of big olds looked at Le Zhengming with dumbfounded eyes every time they went to war, as if we were right as you said.

They can have such a big change today, all depends on the adjustment of the little curly hair.

With time, Le Zhengming can almost imagine how far they will grow. When they are released one by one, they can all become strong generals guarding one side.

At this moment, Huai's second child, who was the dumbest, said confidently: "The strategist, the Mongols actually learned this style of play from the wolves.

"They like to use harassment tactics, that is, using iron cavalry to besiege the enemy infantry from time to time. When the infantry retreated, they chased and fought; when the infantry advanced, they immediately ran away on horseback to avoid casualties.

"Over time, the enemy's battle formation was dispersed under their constant harassment, and the enemy's soldiers became exhausted, making it difficult to organize an effective attack. They first divided the enemy's war dimension, exhausted the enemy, and then killed the enemy. Come back to reap the victory." The

generals nodded again and again and echoed: "Yes, that's it! The Mongols like to engage in exhaustion tactics!"

Second Huai was even more complacent, patted the table and said, "Master, you have seen wolves before. Besieging the sheep? That's what the beasts do.

"Every now and then they run to the edge of the flock and scratch one of the sheep's butts, and when the flock comes running on the horns, they run away, and so on and so forth until A certain sheep was so exhausted that it fell behind, and the wolves rushed over and killed the sheep.

"The Mongolian army is actually a group of wild wolves. It's not like us. They have already learned to use battle formations skillfully. They rely on wild intuition."

Zhuang Li nodded in admiration and said: "So what? What should the group do?"

Huai's second son was about to lift his tail proudly, and was about to speak, but he didn't expect someone in the account to shout eagerly: "In the case of an absolute advantage in troops, don't fall behind and keep our line. In battle, it's time to attack, defend, don't let the Mongols hang and run!"

Second Huai was almost suffocated by the rhetoric that was blocked in his throat. Damn, who stole his limelight?

At the same time, someone shouted: "Don't be afraid of the Mongols, they are actually not that powerful! Don't think about anything when you go to the battlefield, beat him!"

This land was ravaged by Mongolian cavalry. When I heard that the Mongols were coming, which country's army was not afraid? There are even some small countries that directly open the city gates and kneel to welcome their invasion.

Mongolians are like wolves, fierce and vicious. Even if the Han surrendered, they would still kill them. They often ride across the border, leaving the city full of corpses and mountains of blood. haze.

In the past, Wei soldiers were also afraid, but now, when they learned the secret of how to obtain a battle, this fear has been completely replaced by the urgent desire to fight.

They wanted to take on the Mongols well on the battlefield.

They always felt that their combat literacy was about to catch up with Mr. Kong Ming. The gossip array that the old man can use, they can use it too! As long as the Mongolian war is divided into small pieces, it can be easily won, but the specific method has to be well deduced on the sand table.

Less wins more, strength overcomes the weak, given time they can create such a miracle!

Seeing the wolf-like green light in everyone's eyes, Le Zhengming immediately suppressed their swollen ambitions: "Be honest with me, don't get excited. I won't let you shed a drop of blood for Jin. If you bring out a lot of you, you have to bring you back a lot."

Everyone's eyes were hot, and they almost burst into tears. The general was so nice to them. Even the military advisors were reluctant to let them go to help the Jin State to fight.

A moving and cheerful atmosphere enveloped the tent.

Zhuang Li said happily, "It seems that you are all ready to join the army. That's right, to defeat the Mongols, you only need to do two things: first, let the Jin army learn to not be harassed by the Mongols, and always maintain a neat and sturdy battle. Second, teach them how to overcome the fear in their hearts, so that they can maximize the advantages of their large numbers.


However, Le Zhengming poured a splash of cold water at this time: "But these two points are precisely the most difficult to achieve.

"The army of Jin is composed of remnants of foreign races, and they don't know how to unite and cooperate at all. How can they maintain a neat and sturdy formation when they go to the battlefield?

"And most of these remnants' home countries were destroyed by the Mongols, and they are afraid of the Mongols. , I am afraid that they will flee in all directions as soon as they enter the battlefield, and then we will have to top them ourselves. "The

generals immediately became anxious. The general was right, those alien races are very cunning, and they are willing to sacrifice their lives for Jin. Many of them may still have the idea of ​​taking a bite.

Zhuang Li took advantage of the situation and asked: " So, do you have any good solutions? "

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and I'm a little confused. It is not easy to make the scattered sand of Jin country condense into a rock, and let the remnants of the alien race have the courage to fight against death and the perseverance to never retreat. The task, this is a task that is more difficult than going to the sky!

Everyone thought about it, but they could only shake their heads.

Second Huai said with a sullen face, "Master, why don't you teach us a way?

Zhuang Li looked around and saw that everyone had no idea, so he tapped the table and said, "Listen to the drums . "

"What? Everyone was dumbfounded.

Zhuang Li pointed to his ears and repeated: "You don't have to boost their morale, you don't have to reconcile their conflicts, and you don't have to teach them complicated battle formations. For the next month, you just have to teach them one thing - to keep your head down when you hear the drums of war, and not to go backwards, that's enough. "

"Is it that simple?" Second Huai confirmed it again.

"Yes, it's that simple." Zhuang Li nodded firmly, and then explained in detail: "After 30 days of intensive training, the soldiers of Jin will form a conditioned reflex of 'as soon as they hear the thunder of the war drums, they will rush forward'.

"You don't need to know what a conditioned reflex is, just understand that the sound of the drums robs these soldiers of their ability to think, leaving them to fight on instinct. The drums beat and they rush, and the drums go out, and they stop, just as you see the signal soldiers. Just wave the flag and know which way to turn.

"So, no matter how much the Mongols harass , the rhythm of the attack will always be in the hands of the Jin army. Do you understand?" Signal flag to act, naturally understand this truth.

If they realized something, they clasped their palms in admiration, and each brought tens of thousands of Jin soldiers to training.

When leaving the camp, the second Huai threw the curtains and cracked, walked outside with eight-character steps, raised his hands to the sky, and shouted wildly, "Given time, I will definitely become a god of war!"

Everyone burst into laughter. , but also had the same ambition in his heart. Under the guidance of the strategist, they gradually discovered that the formation method and the art of war were not as difficult and difficult to understand as they were written in the book. As long as you study hard, you can eventually become a generation of famous players.

Le Zhengming listened to the movement outside, and laughed a few times, but after a while, he seemed a little lonely, and murmured: "It is said that soldiers are bristling and generals are bristling. They have followed me for several years, and they have grown a little bit. None of them. When you came, they all changed their appearances, am I not good at it?"

Zhuang Li glanced at his lower abdomen, and said in a meaningful way, "I think you are very good."

Le Zhengming immediately became red . He opened his ears and wanted to stare, but he pursed his thin lips and smiled.

Zhuang Li stood up, wrapped his lover's neck from behind, pressed his lips lightly against the top of his hair, and whispered softly, "If you can't do it, how can you let them follow them faithfully? When you kill the enemy, you will always stand in the front. Keep danger and death to yourself. You are not good at words, but you will carry all the responsibilities on your shoulders. For me, you are the best person in the world."

Le Zhengming's ears are not only hot, but also Eye sockets, nose, and heart are also hot. His suffering, his exhaustion, his confusion and helplessness were finally completely healed at this moment.

Zhuang Li lowered his head slightly, put his cheek against his lover's temple, and said with hot air, "I will be your brain, and you will be my knife; I will strategize for you, and you will fight thousands of miles for me. We are together. Together, the world is invincible, is that good?"

"Okay." Le Zhengming said hoarsely, but his eyes, which had always been frosty, turned into clear tears.

Zhuang Li bit the tip of his ear and continued to coax: "Then let's play with guns, shall we?"

Le Zhengming, who was full of emotion, said, "..."

He was only stunned for a moment, then bent down and picked up the small roll Mao, strode towards the inner room.

He may not be able to use his brain, but he is the best at playing with guns!


A month later, the Mongolian army arrived.

The ninth prince and Zhuang Xu sat in the pavilion on the top of the mountain, leisurely looking at the distant mountains blurred by the rain and fog.

"Has our army been assembled yet?" The ninth prince made tea slowly.

"The assembly has been completed. As long as the Jin Kingdom is defeated, I can immediately enter the battlefield and reap the victory. My father asked me to bring a coffin there so that Zhuang Li can collect the body. At that time, I will have to trouble His Highness to allocate some staff for me. It is really difficult to find a broken body on such a huge battlefield."

Zhuang Xu turned the cup over and washed it with boiling water, with a light smile on his face.

The death of his brother was in his mouth like a wisp of mist blown away by the wind, barely worth mentioning.

"It's a pity for such a stunning and talented person." The ninth prince shook his head regretfully, then rolled up his sleeves and poured tea.

When he handed one of the cups of tea to Zhuang Xu, a soldier hurried over and bowed his head: "Report~ Jin's army has defeated the Mongolian iron cavalry!"

With a crisp sound, the hot tea soup poured over the ninth prince and Zhuang Xu. Their hands splattered, scalding their skin.

"Hey!" The ninth prince gasped, pressing his anger and asked, "Jin won?"

"Yes, General Lezheng never dispatched troops, and the 450,000 Jin army beat the Mongols away by themselves. ."

"The Mongols are not vulnerable like this?" Zhuang Xu also came back to his senses and asked in a hoarse voice.

The soldiers cupped their hands and said, "It is said that after the war started, the drums of the Jin Kingdom kept beating endlessly, and the Jin army rushed forward to kill, even more brave and good at fighting than the Mongols, so they won quickly.

" This tactic alone defeated the Mongols?" The Ninth Prince was stunned.

During this month, he had sent people to Jin State many times to inquire about the movements of Le Zhengming and Zhuang Li, so he knew that this strategy was proposed by Zhuang Li.

Zhuang Li was reluctant to let Le Zhengming's private soldiers participate in the war, and did not teach the Jin army advanced battle formations. He only let them form the simplest phalanx every day, listen to the roar of the war drums, and rush back and forth on the training ground.

Seeing this information, the ninth prince thought that Zhuang Liqian had no idea, so he could only fool the Jin army like a fool. Anyway, after the defeat, he could leave Jin with the support of Le Zhengming's 150,000 private soldiers, and there was nothing to worry about.

Now that he heard the exact results, the Ninth Prince realized that Zhuang Li's arrangement was not a nonsense, but a subtle strategy.

But the ninth prince couldn't guess what the other party was thinking, let alone what the secret of this man's repeated victories was.

"If you go to Jin, can you help them defeat the Mongols?" The ninth prince turned to see Zhuang Xu.

Zhuang Xu hid the backs of his hot red hands in his sleeves and said with a smile, "How can you not win against 450,000 troops against 150,000 troops?" The

ninth prince looked at him for a while, then lowered his eyes and drank tea, sneering in his heart. : It's easy to say this, but I didn't see you taking the initiative to ask Ying to support Jin. In the end, there is still no such thing as Zhuang Li. The scattered sand gathered by a group of alien remnants can also be trained by Zhuang Li into an indestructible iron army, the opponent is really not easy!

It was only at this time that the ninth prince discovered that there was such a big discrepancy between the rumor and the reality.

Zhuang Xu, a very famous young genius, doesn't seem to be very powerful; Zhuang Li, a playboy, is not at all cowardly and incompetent. Obviously, the people who spread the rumors are deliberately touting Zhuang Xu and suppressing Zhuang Li! But what is the benefit of doing so?

The ninth prince pondered carefully, and soon thought of the lady Yanran who was loved by Zhuang Ran like a treasure.

His heart was suddenly blocked, and he felt even more uncomfortable. A foot-washing maid is a foot-washing maid. Just because of a little selfishness, it ruined Zhuang Li's reputation, and also caused him to lose a minister!

Because of this thought, when the ninth prince looked at Zhuang Xu again, he didn't find it pleasing to the eye.

Good things are afraid of comparison. This is an eternal truth.

Zhuang Xu is an extremely sensitive person, and he quickly sensed the subtle changes in the Ninth Prince's mood, so he closed his eyes and frantically flipped through a book of military books in his mind, trying to find out the reason for Zhuang Li's easy victory. But what is written in the book is easy to read, but it is even more difficult to apply it in reality.

He searched for a long time and could not find any basis, so he could only give up.

These various military books suddenly appeared in his mind when he was ten years old. Like a treasure, he studied with great concentration, and used various strategies in the military book to help the new emperor seize the throne.

That's why his father loved him very much.

He originally thought that he was the son of God chosen by the heavens, possessing extraordinary wisdom and talents, and he would definitely be able to make great achievements in the future and occupy a high position, but he did not expect that Zhuang Li just raised his hand and broke his confidence.

Could it be that even if I have so many mysterious military books, I can't match Zhuang Li? Is he really that smart? Zhuang Xu was extremely unwilling, but suddenly found that there was a book called "The Complete Firearms" in his mind.

He flipped through a few pages hastily, his breathing became very rapid, and when he opened his eyes, the frustration in his pupils had been replaced by complete excitement.

He adjusted his mood and said in a slow and arrogant tone: "His Royal Highness, it seems that my good brother really has some real skills. In this case, I can only be real."

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