Chapter 142

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On the night of the break with Teng Xuan, Zhuang Li completely left the Teng family and Zhuang Xin's control and moved into the apartment assigned by the school.

Si Ming and Zhong Xingyun helped him clean up, and they were busy until after eleven o'clock in the evening.

Not long after the two left, there was a knock on Zhuang Li's door.

He raised his eyebrows, he had already expected something, but he didn't care.

There was another knock on the door, and then there was no movement. Half an hour later, when Zhuang Li climbed into bed to go to sleep, an agent in charge of keeping him safe called and said that six high school students had been caught trying to kidnap him.

"We tracked the student who knocked on your door before, and found that he went to the back mountain to meet five other people. We felt something was wrong, and we arrested these six people on the spot, and found that they were carrying ropes, daggers, drugs, etc. A tool for committing crimes. I suspect that they want to kidnap you, and have already handed over the person to the Ministry of State Security. Student Zhuang, have you disclosed your research to the students around you?" The

agent asked cautiously.

"No." Zhuang Li denied it, and then inadvertently guided: "I think you can check network hackers. I have used the network to perform theoretical calculations."

"Okay, I understand! We We will definitely investigate this matter to the end!" The agent said firmly.

"Thank you, then." Zhuang Li hung up the phone, pursed his lips and smiled, and finally turned on the computer in the apartment to check the follow-up development of this matter.

The six people arrested were all Chongming sports students who chose to live on campus for the convenience of training.

Although they are all second-generation rich and powerful families, they have never seen the big battle of the Ministry of State Security. They are taken into a secret base, locked into a cramped interrogation room, and when they take a picture of an incandescent lamp, they will cry and howl. Recruited.

The student with the best family background was very stubborn. He kept saying that the secretary of the municipal party committee was my uncle, and that he wanted to let my uncle fire all those who arrested him.

The head of the Ministry of State Security was very hard, and within fifteen minutes, the uncle of this classmate was brought over, and he also used an incandescent lamp to shine his face.

The uncle was so angry that he almost fainted, he slapped his nephew in the face, and roared hoarsely: "Have you lost your fucking heart? Learn to kidnap! Tell me who ordered you, or you I'll be locked up in prison for the rest of my life!"

This classmate saw that his uncle in high position couldn't save him, so he made a move, saying that he was the good brother of Huang Zhe and Fang Yibo, and he came to avenge them.

So he pulled out the radish and brought out the mud. That night, Huang Zhe and Fang Yibo were brought to the Ministry of State Security by heavily armed agents.

Through Zhuang Li's suggestion, a network expert from the Ministry of State Security found out that his campus account had been closely monitored by a hacker named "Kestrel". In other words, all Zhuang Li's movements on the Internet are known to Kestrel, and this person is very likely to be a spy of the United States!

People from the Ministry of State Security immediately went to check on the kestrel, and within half an hour they arrested Teng Xuan and brought him into the Ministry of State Security.

The three of them were calm at first, thinking that with their family background, there would be someone to support them even if the sky fell, but not long after, the parents of the three were also brought to the interrogation room by the Ministry of State Security. trial.

Teng Wei sat next to his son, his hands were shackled, his face was illuminated by a lamp, his nose was pointed by the interrogator, and his heart was almost bursting with panic.

He never thought that he would one day be arrested by the Ministry of State Security!

Where is the Department of Homeland Security?

This is the most mysterious and terrifying prison in China. Those who enter here, no matter whether you are a dragon or a tiger, I will peel off a few layers of skin for you first!

Those national-level cadres who used to be all-powerful, never had to go out in full after entering here. You will find out what happened to you, and then sentenced to death, sentenced to death, sentenced to life, whoever It's useless to hunt people!

Teng Wei was just a wealthy businessman, not a big man, and there was no way he could leave this prison.

"What the hell did you do? Tell me now! Do you want to destroy the Teng family?" In desperation, Teng Wei could only vent his anger at his son.

If it wasn't for his hands being chained, he would have wanted to grab his son and beat him.

Teng Xuan, who had ever been so frightened, immediately confessed why he used the Kestrel account to spy on Zhuang Li.

"...I hate Zhuang Li, so I set up this game. If he loses face, he won't come back to Teng's house again. I just want to drive him out. It's better to drive him out with his mother." Teng Xuan He concealed his most sinister intentions, and only confessed part of the facts.

Unfortunately, when he said this, he had a polygraph attached to his hand.

"You lied!" The agents of the Ministry of State Security stared at him sharply.

"I didn't lie." Teng Xuan shook his head quickly.

The polygraph made a sharp hissing at the right time. "If you don't pass the polygraph

test, you will be in the interrogation room for the rest of your life. Let's ask you again now, why did you spy on and frame Zhuang Li? Who instructed you in all these things?"

Xiang Teng Wei reprimanded in a more severe tone: "Is your Teng family involved with foreign forces?"

Hearing the words "foreign forces", Teng Wei finally realized why the Ministry of State Security came to him. Co-author They thought the Teng family was a spy planted by foreign forces in China? !

Done! These two blood-red characters suddenly popped up in Teng Wei's mind, and the breath he held on was immediately let out.

No company is suspected of being involved with foreign forces by the state and can continue to operate in peace. It is too easy for the state to crack down on a traitorous enterprise. If the loan is cut off, the supply of goods is cut off, and the sales channel is cut off, the company will go bankrupt within a month!

But the question is, what does all this have to do with Zhuang Li? The son just hacked Zhuang Li's account and made a joke with him. How could he be involved in betraying the country?

Teng Wei couldn't think of the connection even if he tried to break his head.

At this moment, the officer in charge of interrogating them received a call and left for a few minutes. After returning, his gloomy face turned a little red.

His subordinates looked at him.

The two looked at each other, nodded silently, and then their eyes lit up.

Dozens of the top scientists in China from the Central Academy of Sciences have already come to the conclusion that Zhuang Li's theory of dimensional upgrading is indeed true! It has epoch-making significance! Its brand new algorithm will change China, and then the world!

On this basis, the national leader personally called and asked to raise Zhuang Li's security level to the highest level, and this evening began to build a laboratory dedicated to Zhuang Li.

From now on, the entire Ministry of National Security must be responsible for Zhuang Li's safety.

As a result, the attitude of several agents towards the Teng family and his son became colder and stricter.

"Just stay here if you don't explain, no one in the outside world will care about your disappearance." Several agents began to clean up the things on the table.

Teng Wei, who was chained to the chair, slammed into his son beside him, roaring hoarsely: "Speak up! Do you want to die here? Ah?"

Teng Xuan thought that the game was over and all nightmares would become In the past, I didn't expect that I would fall into another, more terrifying nightmare. He had no way of linking Zhuang Li with the Ministry of State Security.

How all this happened, he couldn't figure it out.

His eyes can always discern all the cause and effect in the world, and then he stretches out a finger and gently fiddles with the butterfly's wings, causing the storm he wants to cause and destroying the enemy he wants to destroy.

However, this powerful ability that transcends things has repeatedly failed in Zhuang Li.

He couldn't see through the depths of Zhuang Li, and he couldn't understand Zhuang Li's ways, and he didn't expect that when he stepped on Zhuang Li, he stepped into the air and suddenly fell into the abyss.

Seeing his usual scheming and high-spirited father become mad because of despair. Teng Xuan covered his face, choked and shouted: "I'll recruit, I'll recruit now! I don't want to drive Zhuang Li away, I want to completely destroy him, and then force him to commit suicide!

" .

Several agents who were full of prejudice against Teng Xuan were all staring at him at this time, with fierce light flashing in their eyes. That is the look of the beast only when it meets its prey.

Obviously, they have completely regarded Teng Xuan as an enemy because of these words.

This time, the lie detector did not issue a warning, and everything Teng Xuan said was true.

Teng Wei looked at his son in disbelief.

Several agents began to dig deeper into the truth behind: "Why did you force Zhuang Li to commit suicide? Who instructed you?"

"No one instructed me, I just don't like him. His name is Teng, and he doesn't deserve to live in Teng's house. I was annoyed as soon as I saw him and wanted to make him disappear forever. So I monitored his every move through the Internet, trying to find his weakness. I planned that love betting game, and my ultimate goal was to force him to commit suicide Teng Xuan sobbed a few times and emphasized again: "

I didn't treason, I just wanted to destroy Zhuang Li. But I didn't succeed, Zhuang Li is very powerful, and I'm not his opponent at all. Isn't this a crime? He? Isn't it alright now?"

Speaking of which, Teng Xuan looked up at the several agents, a look of hope appeared on his face that was laced with tears.

The lie detector still didn't sound, and what he said was true.

Several agents looked at each other in dismay, only to feel that it was an eye-opener.

Just because of the inexplicable rejection and jealousy, this child was able to devise such a vicious plan!

If Zhuang Li was not provoked by him, but endured silently as before, and then fell into the trap of Huang Zhe and others, wouldn't Hua Guo have lost one of the most precious scientists?

In this way, Teng Xuan actually committed a serious crime!

Several agents winked at each other, and then filed out of the interrogation room to report the situation to their superiors.

After these people left, Teng Wei began to gasp for breath, his face ashen.

After finally calming down from his rage, he stared deeply at his son and whispered in disbelief: "I didn't expect you to become like this. I've said before that you are my only son, and the Teng family belongs to you. No one can take it away. I'm ligated, I won't have a baby with Aunt Zhuang, what are you worried about? Why are you going to destroy Zhuang Li? Did he invite you to mess with you?"

Teng Xuan lowered his head, The father shed tears during the question, but he couldn't answer a single word.

He also didn't understand why he had to destroy Zhuang Li. His eyes told him that this man had to be removed.

"I registered with the state, our Teng family won't get better this time!" Teng Wei looked up at the ceiling and sighed helplessly.

Who is Zhuang Li? Why does the state take his business so seriously? This doubt has always lingered in Teng Wei's heart, but he did not dare to ask.

There are some things that people of his level cannot understand.

But he is more clearly aware that Zhuang Li is no longer a poor little man under the fence, but an important figure protected by the state. His status has already surpassed that of the Teng family.

"Heh~ Zhuang Xin will regret it." Teng Wei sighed bitterly.

Teng Xuan hugged his head and fell into an even more regretful situation.

That night, Teng Xuan, Huang Zhe, Fang Yibo, and the six sports students were quickly transferred to a juvenile detention center for a one-year reeducation through labor. The parents of several people were put back and have remained silent on the matter since then.

Xiuyue, who also participated in this game, committed the fewest crimes, and was always out of the situation, so he was not caught.

However, that morning, Xiu Zhaotian received a phone call from several bigwigs, warning him to discipline his children well, and not to wait for something to happen in the future.

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