Chapter 38

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Zhuang Li described the process of removing the chip very easily, but in fact, with his adequate preparation, the operation was indeed not difficult.

A tube of microbubbles quickly flowed into Lin Yayan's cerebral cortex along the blood, and then slowly invaded the blood-brain barrier under the guidance of ultrasound. The whole process is monitored by a superconducting quantum interferometer and projected on an LED screen on the side.

Xuan Ming looked at those little bubbles almost obsessively. They are crowding into Lin Yayan's brain one by one, and 169's terrified scream is the best accompaniment, which is refreshing to hear.

7480 couldn't bear it any longer, and risked being killed by the host, he whispered: "169, you can hold up your energy shield to prevent these nanoparticles from approaching. They can't help you."

Before 169 opened his mouth, Zhuang Li said First smiled: "This suggestion is very good. The plasma wall is a high-temperature and high-energy gaseous film. Once opened, Lin Yayan's head will burst like an egg placed in a microwave oven. The scene must be very spectacular. '

He laughed more and more interestedly, as if looking forward to it.

7480 couldn't help but scolded a dead pervert in his heart.

169, who should have responded, never said a word, but wandered anxiously in Lin Yayan's mind.

Xuan Ming pointed to the "Paramecia" that circled around on the LED screen, and asked his worries: "Will it abandon Lin Yayan and escape?" Opening the energy shield means blowing Lin Yayan's head, which is not a difficult choice.

"It won't." Zhuang Li slowly adjusted the frequency of the ultrasound guide, his voice very lazy: "Mr. Xuan, you are a businessman, you should understand sunk costs, right?"

"Understood, it is impossible to give up. early investment." Xuan Ming nodded.

Zhuang Li pointed at Lin Yayan's dreamlike face and body, and said slowly: "Look at this woman, she is so white, so tender, so evenly fleshed, it can be seen that in the process of nurturing, there are not many spy organizations. Invest capital in her."

He said compliments, but his tone and attitude seemed to be discussing a pork hog that was about to be dragged out to be slaughtered.

Xuan Ming pursed his thin lips to avoid laughing out loud on the spot, "Yes, that mysterious organization did spend a lot of money on her." He nodded in agreement.

"So this spy nanorobot will not leave Lin Yayan's body easily." Zhuang Li smiled confidently, "It is reluctant to waste its initial investment. Of course, it can also take a gamble to see if I can make it permanent. Imprisonment. You also know that its tiny size and super intelligence allow it to easily escape from any container."

Xuan Ming felt relieved and suddenly realized.

The mentality was completely shaken by 169, but there was no way to refute it. Indeed, it can prop up the force field, blow up Lin Yayan's head, and then escape into the vast void. Even if Zhuang Li has a quantum interferometer, it can be hidden smoothly when the radiation area is not large.

But it is reluctant to kill Lin Yayan, because the task has not been completed, it has no way to settle the points, and it will not get any income. What's more, it also gave Lin Yayan more than one million points on credit, which could kill it!

Most importantly, it does gamble. After being caught, Zhuang Li could not find any container to completely imprison it. The probability of its successful escape is as high as 8.90 percent.

Zhuang Li has already found a way to take me out, but he may not be able to find a way to imprison me. My force field is very powerful. Thinking of this, the speed of 169's movement slowed down again.

7480 couldn't help but remind: "Brother, don't be careless. Be careful he catches you and burns you as fuel."

"No, my technology content is too high, he is a scientist, he is reluctant to destroy me." 169 is very confident about this.

7480 thought of 367, who died terribly, and suddenly felt cold all over. He wanted to remind him a few more words, but he heard the host laugh, his voice was deep and slow, as if he was mocking someone. 7480 immediately fell silent, trying to indent himself into the corner of the small dark room.

While speaking, Lin Yayan's blood-brain barrier had been breached by microbubbles. Zhuang Li took out another needle, pumped a few milliliters of nanoparticles, injected it into the site, and fiddled with the remote control with great interest.

With the help of the superconducting quantum interferometer, he can clearly see how these particles enter Lin Yayan's brain, and how they swim in the brain cells, slowly approaching 169. Their fluffs stick to each other to form a long line, and after meeting 169, they form a circle and firmly imprison each other.

169 was quickly dragged out of Lin Yayan's brain by five flowers, and slowly flowed along the intercellular substance to the cerebral cortex.

The battle is neither fierce nor loud, but more like a childlike cartoon. Seeing such a scene, it was difficult for Xuan Ming to have the so-called reverence for the system, or even the main god who created the system.

Zhuang Li took out a magnetic needle and plunged it into Lin Yayan's cerebral cortex. So those nanoparticles, together with 169, were mixed in the blood and the intercellular substance, and were slowly recovered.

Lin Yayan was still in a coma, except for her hair being shaved and a few needle holes on her head, there was no other damage at all. It's hard to believe how much her brain has changed in just over two hours.

Xuan Ming was quite surprised and asked, "The operation is complete? Is it that simple?"

"Yes, you can send her back." Zhuang Li inserted the syringe into the introduction tube of a circular machine, and again Lin Yayan's oxygen mask was removed.

Xuan Ming waved his hand and asked several bodyguards to carry him.

Lin Yayan, who lost the system, naturally lost her aura of fascination. Facing her, these big men no longer had the heart to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade. If uninformed people saw it, the custody would think they were carrying a corpse.

169 smiled sullenly: "Hehe, where did this go? Human, do you think a syringe can trap me? Now I can open the energy shield and escape, you can catch me if you have the ability. me!"

Once the energy shield is opened, the huge temperature difference will detonate the surrounding liquid and air, and the needle tube will also burst. This was the way 169 had long thought of getting out. It is not like the 7480 that has nothing but to be slaughtered by others, nor is it like the 367 that fell into a trap and has no time to react. It has already formulated a series of revenge plans.

The first step in the plan was to leave the syringe and escape into the air.

The facts were exactly as imagined in 169. The fragile syringe was easily shattered by the high-temperature and high-energy plasma wall and fell to the ground. Part of the red blood containing nanoparticles evaporated into air, and part of it splashed around. 169 was still hovering in mid-air, never falling under the action of gravity.

It fanned the fluff around it and flew in the direction of the vent, but unexpectedly, the glass tube that was originally connected to the syringe began to frantically absorb the surrounding air.

169 was too underestimated, and did not use all its strength to start the engine at the first time, so it had no way to fight against this strong air vortex, and was quickly dragged into a huge glass container. In the middle of the container stood a diameter six. The metal ring of the meter, the inner wall of the ring is bundled with layers of high-voltage wires, arranged in a thread shape.

Zhuang Li looked at the LED screen beside him.

Under the monitoring of the quantum interferometer, a 3D image of 169 immediately appeared on the screen. At this time, it is constantly hitting the glass container with the high temperature and high energy plasma wall, trying to escape again.

But this kind of glass is currently the strongest material in the world. Its hardness is comparable to that of diamond. It is often installed on spacecraft. How could it be broken like a needle tube? 169 needs to hit the same spot consistently to break through a hole and escape long after. And it couldn't wait that long, so it had to keep turning around along the inner wall of the container, looking for a breakthrough.

Zhuang Li hooked the corner of his lips and pressed a red button.

The metal ring erected in the middle of the glass container suddenly made a crackling sound of electric current, and at the same time generated an extremely strong magnetic field, madly absorbing the surrounding plasma.

The 169 that stretched the force field was no different from the plasma, so it was also absorbed by the metal ring, collided violently with other plasmas, and ignited into a purple flame. An electronic thermometer mounted above the glass container showed the flame's temperature exceeded its limit in just a few seconds.

With the naked eye, Xuan Ming could only see an electrified metal coil frantically sucking in the surrounding air and making it burn. But from the picture broadcast by the quantum interferometer, 169 is like a top, spinning wildly along the inner wall of the metal ring, so fast that only afterimages can be seen.


7480 resisted the fear and asked, "Lord, master, what is this?"

Xuan Ming also asked the same question.

Zhuang Li squinted, watching this scene with almost enjoyment, his voice was like a murmur between lovers, unbelievably gentle: "This is the ultra-high-intensity magnetic field generated by the ultra-high-power electromagnet when it is running, and the magnetic induction intensity reaches 108T. You Do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean?" Xuan Ming was puzzled.

The 7480 also has no knowledge of magnetic fields. If it hadn't been locked in the black room, it could have checked the database, but now it can only ask like a fool: "What is it for?"

"It's a black hole." Zhuang Li casually dropped a bomb .bomb.

Xuan Ming and 7480: "!!!!!!"

When one person began to doubt his ears, Zhuang Li adjusted the shooting angle of the quantum interferometer, so the frantically rotating 169 on the LED screen disappeared, replaced by a complete Image of metal circle and purple flames burning in the circle.

Zhuang Li adjusted the focal length again, and the center of the flame was continuously enlarged, enlarged, enlarged... and finally fixed into a high-definition picture.

Xuan Ming and 7480 looked and looked at them and exclaimed in unison: "There is a small black spot in the center of the flame! Is that a black hole?"

Zhuang Li smiled with great interest: "Yes, that is an artificial black hole. 108T It means the limit magnetic field, and the limit magnetic field can absorb any matter, including light. In fact, with the existing technology of mankind, artificial black holes already exist, but only limited to fluids. Creating a super high-speed rotating vortex in water can absorb everything Sound waves, such a structure is very similar to a black hole. But the black hole I created is a true black hole, no different from the black holes in the universe."

A thin layer of sweat broke out from Xuan Ming's palm. He didn't need to ask him to know how terrifying the technology was. If one is not properly manipulated, the earth may be destroyed!

7480 was so frightened that his whole body began to change color.

However, Zhuang Li smiled even more happily: "Don't worry, since I dare to invent it, I can guarantee that it is completely under my control. Do you see the spiral high-voltage wire in the metal circle? As long as I remotely change it The direction of their rotation can form another limit magnetic field, which cancels each other with the current magnetic field, and then stops the machine. It is very safe and reliable."

Xuan Ming nodded to show his understanding, his expression looked very calm, but He quietly rubbed the cold sweat from his palms on his pants. The madness of the little curly hair far exceeded his imagination, but it also fascinated him even more.

7480 flattered with a trembling voice: "Master, you are amazing. You must be the most outstanding scientist in the world!"

Zhuang Li didn't bother to pay attention to it, but put his hands on Xuan Ming's shoulders and looked directly at the purple flames. The wrapped black hole asked softly, "Is it beautiful?"

Xuan Ming nodded firmly: "Beautiful!" But it's nowhere near as good as you.

7480 touted it even more vigorously: "Master, it is so beautiful! Only you can create such a magnificent spectacle!"

Yes, this extreme magnetic field is as beautiful as a miracle, and in fact it is indeed a miracle. Its outer layer is a purple flame that can burn all visible things; the inner layer hides a black hole that can devour all invisible things. It is gorgeous but also deadly, like the flower of destruction that exists only in the demon world.

Xuan Ming and 7480 stared at it intently, one was excited and the other was scared to death.

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