Chapter 63

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Zhuang Li, who was almost killed by the crash, didn't feel terrified. Instead, his blood boiled and he couldn't contain his excitement. Although he is a scientist, his job is to invent and create, but in fact he prefers destruction and killing.

When he was thinking seriously about how to fight back against Zhu Jianrui, a pair of big hands suddenly came out from behind, grabbed his shoulders firmly, and pulled him back, away from the dangerous road.

Immediately, he was forced to slam into a broad, warm chest, and the tip of his high nose was aching from a layer of hard muscle.

He let out a soft "hiss", and was about to look up to see who was imprisoning him, when a big hand pressed the back of his head, pressed his face back to his broad chest, and rubbed his fluffy body. Soft curly hair, careful movements reveal unspeakable tenderness. Immediately afterwards, a very light sandalwood scent penetrated into the nostrils, like the water vapor lingering on the edge of the hot spring pool, and a slight inhalation moistened the entire chest cavity.

Afterwards, a warm suit jacket enveloped Zhuang Li's body, isolating the cool night wind, the exhaust fumes from the speeding cars, and even the shadows cast by the neon lights.

The owner of the big hand hugged Zhuang Li tightly, his hoarse voice was filled with violent gasps: "You were almost murdered just now!"

Zhuang Li looked up, then squinted and smiled. He had already smelled it, so he didn't struggle.

Early summer nights are the most comfortable, the temperature is neither cold nor hot, but the man is covered in sweat. Since it was difficult to turn around on the one-way street, his car was parked dozens of meters away.

Maybe he also witnessed the murder, so he ran over in a hurry.

Zhuang Li's body was wrapped in a familiar smell, and the man's rapid heartbeat beside his ears, so strong and powerful, bang, bang, bang, one after another... It was real and alive. He hugged himself with his arms tightly bound, as if he wanted to build a safe harbor and continue the unfinished guard.

For some reason, Zhuang Li's nose suddenly had a sour taste, but he smiled happily.

He stretched out his hand to hug the man's thin waist, put his ear to his broad chest, and listened to his heartbeat like a fascination.

The man's already noisy heart suddenly changed its frequency when he got close, as if it would pop out of his chest in the next second.

He is nervous!

Zhuang Li curled his lips into a wicked smile. He raised his head and glanced at the man, who was also looking down at him, his expression as calm and cold as before, as if the earth would shake and the mountains would not change, but his heartbeat had already betrayed his chaotic mood. .

Zhuang Li laughed more and more badly, his dark red lips were hooked, but he didn't say a word. Faced with this person who is too familiar to be more familiar, language communication is no longer a necessity. The world seems to be a better place because of him.

Le Zhengming didn't know what to say, and felt embarrassed, but what was even more embarrassing was that he was reluctant to push the person out of his arms. His hand was still pressing on the back of his head, his five fingers seemed to be self-conscious, and he reluctantly stroked his soft and fluffy curly hair.

Silence spreads between the two, but a feeling of intimacy naturally arises.

When the two of them wanted to say something at the same time, the two bodyguards dragged a thin man over quickly, and replied in a deep voice: "General, I have been caught."

"Send it to the police station." Le Zhengming had to Let go of this soft body.

Zhuang Li gathered up the jacket that was draped over his shoulders, which still had a man's body temperature, and demanded, "Will you accompany me to record the confession?"

"Go." Practiced many times, so natural, so familiar.


The skinny man insists that he is the mazai of some drug dealer, and that the motive for murdering Zhuang Li is because he swallowed the boss's goods. If this rhetoric is combined with the evidence that Zhu Jianrui fabricated Zhuang Li to contact the drug dealer, it can be said that there is no flaw at all.

It's a pity that when arresting the drug trafficker, the police did not find any clues that Zhuang Li had an intersection with him. Based on the principle of never suspecting a crime, they could only let him go.

When we got back to the hotel, it was already dawn, and the mist coming from the top of the mountain tore a hole and let out a few wisps of yellowish morning light. The light fell on Zhuang Li, with a slight warmth, but not as warm as his heart at the moment.

Le Zhengming holds an important position, but he accompanies him to sit in the police station all night. He was recording a statement in the interrogation room, he was waiting outside, and he even let people buy a large bag of late-night snacks, all of which he liked to eat.

In a trance, Zhuang Li almost thought he had returned to the previous world. He doesn't have to worry about anything, and he doesn't have to worry about every aspect of his life. As long as this person is still around, he will do his best to shield him from the wind and rain.

Zhuang Li looked up at the few rays of morning light, and there were tears in his eyes. For some reason, he suddenly felt very happy.

"What's the matter with you?" Le Zhengming asked in a deep voice, his expression like an enemy.

"It's nothing, the sun is dazzling." Zhuang Li wiped the end of his red eyes with his fingertips and walked into the hotel first.

Along the way, he kept asking in his mind: "System, is he Xuan Ming?"

7480 denied it quickly: "Of course not. Master, you are also a scientist. You should know that although people in parallel worlds look the same, their experiences, There are differences in memory and thinking, and they cannot be the same person. Look at yourself, you are so smart and powerful. Look at the Zhuang Li in this world, who is utterly useless and unwilling to make progress. How dare you say that you are the same person? "

That's right, but Zhuang Li just curled his lips into a smile and didn't take it seriously.

When he took out his room card and swiped the door, he suddenly took out his mobile phone and said, "Can you add a WeChat account?"

Le Zhengming has a special identity, and in principle, he cannot add any strangers as friends. But he didn't hesitate at this moment, took out his mobile phone very quickly, and clicked on the QR code.

Zhuang Li scanned the QR code and sent the certification application.

Seconds later, the two added.

Le Zhengming pondered: "Master of the universe?"

Zhuang Li also raised his eyebrows: "Le Zhengming? Your name?"

At the same time, he said in his mind: "There is also a Ming in his name."

7480 Immediately To dispel his doubts: "The original owner's name is not different from yours, but you are still different individuals."

Zhuang Li did not refute, but added a remark to the man, very simple, just one word - Ming .

This is a very intimate name. Seeing his actions, Le Zhengming didn't raise any objection, but instead his Adam's apple rolled slightly and his mood floated.

"Your nickname is the Lord of the Universe? It's very interesting." In order to hide the throbbing in his heart, he joked in a hoarse voice.

"There are people who call themselves the Lord God." Zhuang Li said with narrowed eyes.

Lord God? This title made Le Zhengming frown subconsciously, but facing Zhuang Li, he quickly smiled gently again.

Zhuang Li would not miss any change in his expression. He pointed to his dark avatar and probed again: "I want to change an avatar, can you help me pick one?" There are a lot of pictures, including landscape photos, selfies, animal photos, and spoof emojis.

Le Zhengming walked a little closer, lowered his head and looked at the screen of his mobile phone. After thinking for a while, he pointed to a photo of a fiery red fox grinning at the camera, grinning at the camera, squinting his eyes and sticking his tongue out. Joy: "Choose this one, this one..."

He should have explained the reason for choosing this one, but he stopped as soon as he started talking.

But Zhuang Li knew that he should have wanted to say, "This one is very similar to you."

"Okay, let's use this one." Zhuang Li immediately replaced the photo of the little fox with his own head, and looked at it with deep eyes. Le Zhengming smiled happily: "Nice to meet you."

"Me too." Le Zhengming nodded politely, his expression restrained, as if he was keeping his sense of proportion when interacting with strangers. But his beating heart and burning ears had already betrayed his chaotic mood at this moment.

Zhuang Li took another deep look at him before opening the door, and then waved goodbye.

After walking into the bedroom, he immediately sent a text message to Le Zhengming with the same words: [Nice to meet you. 】

Le Zhengming replied in seconds: 【Me too. 】

The words and deeds of the goodbye were repeated between the two, but they did not find it boring at all.

But Zhuang Li is still the cunning Zhuang Li, and nothing will change. Through this text message, he implanted the Trojan program into Le Zhengming's mobile phone, so as to spy on each other's every move.

He walked into the bathroom, took a good look at his disgraced self, put gel on his hair, kneaded it into a messy and chic shape, then raised his phone to the mirror, took a lot of selfies, made a nine-square grid, and sent it to the circle of friends .

With the help of the Trojan program, he soon saw Le Zhengming open his circle of friends, browse those photos one by one, go back after reading them, read them again, and read them again at the end... It took him more than half an hour to save these photos one by one in his gallery.

The busy mobile phone interface returned to calm, but after more than ten seconds, it connected to the computer and exported the photos one by one.

With the super infectious power of the Trojan virus, Zhuang Li took advantage of the situation to monitor Le Zhengming's computer.

He called up the photo-editing software, refined Zhuang Li's selfie, and then cut out the curly hair on his head and placed it on the little fox's head.

The fiery red squinting little fox became the curly-haired little fox of the previous life, a familiar picture, a familiar formula. So sure enough, his guess was correct...

Looking at this picture that was too funny and too familiar, Zhuang Li fell on the back of the chair and covered his tear-soaked eyes with both hands, very happy and extremely He smiled lowly, "It's him, Le Zhengming and Xuan Ming, both are him."

7480 hid quietly in the small dark room.

Zhuang Li put down his hand covering his face, tapped the table lightly with his knuckles, and said with certainty, "Although it is a parallel world, the person is still the same person and has not changed. System, what the hell is going on?"

7480 silently pretended to be dead.

Zhuang Li quickly checked Le Zhengming's mobile phone and computer, and sure enough, he found traces of hacking. He removed all these traces, built several firewalls, and deleted his own Trojan program. Then he turned off the computer and sighed: "His situation in this world is also very bad. There are many people in the dark. I'm staring at him, eager to pull him down and tear him to pieces. System, what is the probability of meeting the same person in two consecutive worlds?"

7480: "..."

Zhuang Li: "You don't say I can also calculate that if you are crossing randomly, the probability of meeting the same person twice in a row is one in a billion. Just like two red beans stored in a bucket of mung beans, the probability of colliding with each other during stirring is about zero. . In other words, if I can live to be hundreds of millions of years old, I can only reunite with Xuan Ming once. Such a low probability is equivalent to an impossible event."

"But it really happened, so I make a bold guess, you It's not random crossing, but the world where Xuan Ming is located is specially selected for crossing. All of your system's attack targets are him, right? You obey the Lord God, so he is also the Lord God's biggest enemy."

"Can be the enemy of the gods . What kind of person would he be?"

Zhuang Li closed his eyes and spit out the truth softly: "It's a god."

"Xuan Ming is also a chief god, right? In fact, I have been thinking about why the chief god is called the chief god, and what does the word mean. But now I understand that the object of this Lord's jurisdiction is the plane, the world, and a small universe of the multiverse."

"So the Lord God is the Lord God of a parallel universe, and Xuan Ming is the Lord God of another parallel universe. are equal, right?"

"It's just that your main god is very ambitious, trying to rule all parallel universes, so he sent you systems to invade this universe, right?"

"Xuan Ming is a god born in this universe, so his figure will appear in every universe. A parallel world, right?"

"So every time you cross, I will definitely meet him again, right?"

"Xuan Ming is a god, so he will become the child of luck in the small world, right?"

"Deprivation ? Taking away his luck is equivalent to depriving him of his divine status, which is the main purpose of your Lord God, right?"

Under Zhuang Li's questioning, 7480 almost collapsed.

It really wants to kneel on the ground and hold its head up to the sky and shout: "Yes, yes, you are right, please don't ask again, my brain hurts!" But it dare not! The prohibition that the Lord God had installed in its core program prevented it from revealing a single word.

But its silence and panic were the best answers, so Zhuang Li smiled contentedly: "I understand." He nodded, as if talking about tomorrow's weather in a calm tone: "I'm sorry, you are going to destroy the right place. I want to protect it. Your main god and I will become enemies from today."

(BL) Learning God Is In Hand, I Have The World [quick wear] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now