Chapter 50

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One morning ten years later, Zhuang Dahai went out for a run with a one-meter-high little robot as usual.

The round face of the little robot is an LCD screen, which is playing Zhuang Li's image in real time. He was wearing a white coat, holding a notebook in his hand, staring straight ahead, as if he was busy.

Zhuang Dahai looked at his son on the screen from time to time, and his heart was extremely peaceful. My son is very busy with work and often stays in the laboratory for several months. When encountering projects that require strict confidentiality, it is not uncommon for him to not go home for two or three years.

In order to take better care of his old father, he specially developed this companion robot. Although they are separated from each other, they can often stay together through a video connection.

"Dad, don't be lazy today, I'll run with you all the way." Zhuang Li took the time to say to Zhuang Dahai on the other side of the screen between experiments.

The small robot has an automatic selection function, which will blur all the furnishings in the laboratory, leaving only a clear image of Zhuang Li. This prevents the leakage of secrets.

Zhuang Dahai touched his nose in a guilty conscience, and said to please: "After the run, I will definitely finish the run today. Help Dad to time it. Dad is very good now. It only takes 40 minutes to run the whole area."

"Dad is very good." Zhuang Li smiled and gave a thumbs up, and then carefully warned: "Don't run too fast, take your time."

"Okay, look, I'll run in small steps." Zhuang Dahai took small steps and rushed to the screen. Son can smile.

The people who passed him greeted him warmly: "Oh, Mr. Zhuang, your son is running with you again? Your son is really filial. He is always busy and always makes time to accompany you."

Zhuang Dahai He laughed happily, his voice so loud that it shook the birds in the trees. His bold and uninhibited personality would have been difficult to integrate into this rich and powerful community, but who made his son prosperous! He doesn't need to flatter others at all, others will naturally rush to please him.

They didn't move, they still lived in the villa given by Xuan Ming. The son said that he was nostalgic and did not want to leave, so Zhuang Dahai stayed in peace.

At the beginning, their family did suffer a lot of exclusion.

Zhuang Dahai drives a Rolls-Royce to go out to buy groceries, and he can always hear the guard pointing at him and teasing: "Look, this is the poorest family in our community, the dung beetle is on the train track - the number one in a daze. Wan's car is just like that, it's too dirty!"

Zhuang Dahai held his breath, got out of the car and argued with the doorman, which caused more and more ridicule from the people around him.

The property management company never took his complaints seriously, let alone dismissed the broken-mouthed doorman.

But what happened afterward?

After President Xuan died, everyone waited to see how their father and son escaped from this vanity fair that did not belong to them. As a result, his son published an e-mail on the Internet about more than 2,000 patented technologies that he had mastered. Become the arbiter of the fate of Haisheng, and even the fate of all companies in the same industry.

The global patent fee alone can provide hundreds of billions of funds for his son every year, which is more than the assets accumulated by many top giants for hundreds of years.

After the news came out, the whole community shook.

But things are not over yet. His son has established a new Haiming Group, which will become the world's number one technology company within five years, with an annual profit of one trillion yuan.

The powerful and powerful living in this community, who dares to compare their wealth status with the bankers? Saying it out can make people laugh out loud.

Since then, no one has laughed at Zhuang Dahai again, no one dared to look at him with blank eyes, and no one has whispered in his ear "your son is a waste, you will have nowhere to go in the future".

Speaking out, who doesn't envy Zhuang Dahai for raising a good son? He became the thickest golden thigh in this community.

Right now, a group of people chatted around him and greeted Zhuang Li in the video with great enthusiasm.

One of the old women said loudly: "Mr. Zhuang, the electronic pets your company sells are really useful! Did you know that a while ago, Lao Liu took his electronic dog to the back mountain for a run. He had a heart attack and fainted. Few people go to the back mountain, he almost died!"

"And then? He was fine when I saw him yesterday!" another woman asked.

"Later, his electronic dog gave him an electric shock, injected him with epinephrine, fed him special medicine, contacted his housekeeper and children, notified 120, and sent a positioning signal to the emergency center. It took less than half an hour. , Lao Liu was sent to the hospital and was out of danger. The doctor said that it is fortunate that the electronic dog has an emergency function, otherwise Lao Liu would be dead this time!"

"My God, this is too dangerous!"

"Yes, I I really didn't expect that kind of electronic dog to have an emergency function. Mr. Zhuang, your company's products are amazing!" The

old woman sincerely admired it for a while, causing everyone to place orders to buy an electronic pet.

Zhuang Dahai trotted all the way and smirked, murmured with tears in his eyes: "My son is really promising. My son has made a great contribution to the society.

" The killings of his previous life seemed to be gone from him.


An hour later, Zhuang Li escorted his father home and watched him take a bath, eat, and play games on his mobile phone before he exited the video connection with confidence.

7480, who was implanted in the form of a chip in the cortex of the back of his neck, reminded worriedly: "Master, because of your intervention, the technological civilization in this world has reached a score of 0.9, and the speed of development is far beyond common sense. You must know that if it is In an ordinary small world, it takes two hundred years of hard work to develop from a civilization coefficient of 0.6 to 0.9; from 0.9 to 1.0, it takes more than three hundred years of struggle. The higher the score, the slower the speed of technological development."

"But according to my analysis, if you don't stop, this world will reach a civilization coefficient of 1.0 in 20 years. Its development line has been advanced by three or four hundred years. Such a huge progress, while controlling hundreds of millions of small The main god of the world may not be able to find it, but the observer will definitely come as promised." "Master, I advise

you to keep a low profile. The observer is very powerful, and it is not something you can deal with now."

Pull out the 7480 from the back of the neck, put it into an energy tank, and upgrade the program.

The 7480 was forced to sleep.

I don't know how long it took, it woke up in a daze, and found that it had returned to the back of the host's neck, and the internal procedures had not changed.

"Master, why are you dizzying me?" It asked tremblingly, and then screamed again: "Master, be careful!"

It was really afraid of what. Before it fainted, it was still persuading the host not to be too high-profile, otherwise it would attract observers; after waking up, the observer appeared, holding a particle gun in his hand, without saying anything, only one shot and fired a beam laser.

"Ahhhh-" 7480 howled again and again.

However, the imagined scene of "the owner flying ashes and annihilating himself with the dog's leash" did not happen. Instead, the observer was shot in the chest by the bounced laser beam, which turned into light spots and dissipated one by one in extreme surprise.

The observer's wide eyes, contorted faces, and frantic and unbelievable expressions still seem to be vivid in his mind. He had no idea why he would die at the hands of an unknown pawn, and so quickly, so easily!

"What happened? Master, what did you do to him?" 7480 asked the observers' doubts that the observer could never ask.

"I used the force field technology of the Lord God to create a larger force field and loaded it into your defense system. When your scanner detects the danger, the force field will immediately wrap my body. Zhuang Li walked to the place where the observer disappeared, and his tone was light, "And this force field will automatically adjust the surface and bounce the incoming particle beam back. It can both defend and attack without consuming too much energy."

"If someone wants me to be crushed to pieces, then first of all, they will be crushed to pieces." Zhuang Li flicked a spot of light with his slender fingertips and smiled amusingly.

7480: "..."

Master, I still underestimate you!

Zhuang Li walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the blood-stained sunset, and said slowly, "I won't stop because I'm afraid of the observer, unless I die of illness one day."

7480 noticed that he was talking about dying of illness, not death. It seemed he was confident enough to survive the strangulation of the observers.

"I'm waiting for those observers to come to the door. I want to see how many such eagle dogs are still under the hands of the Lord God, and whether they will be slaughtered one day." Through the clouds, he seemed to see the opponent standing at the top of the universe.

Yes, he regarded the main god as an opponent, not the so-called high-ranking ruler.

His arrogance shocked 7480 and at the same time was vaguely uneasy.

"This observer was too contemptuous of you to be killed by you. He had no idea that you could invent the energy shield and bounce his particle beams. The next observer you meet may be more cautious and more powerful. ." 7480 couldn't help reminding.

If the host dies, it dies too, so it has to cooperate with the host.

"Observers will become more and more cautious, but relying on the world's rapidly developing technology, I can also make more advanced weapons." Zhuang Li turned around and walked quickly back to the laboratory, giving an irrefutable conclusion: "So the technological development of this world must not be stagnant, it must be accelerated. The more developed this world is, the stronger I will be. My interests are bound to the interests of this world, and it belongs to me completely, do you understand? 7480 was silent ,

but his heart was horrified.

It did not expect the host to realize the connection between luck and the world so quickly. That's right, people with luck can continue to become stronger if they take good care of the world. At that time, let alone the observer raid, I am afraid that if they have just stepped into this plane, the host will receive a warning from the world consciousness and use the law to fight back.

However, the host is not an orthodox son of luck, and he is still far from that realm.

But the host is so smart, who can guess which step he can do? Even the orthodox Son of Fortune is willing to surrender to him, maybe he can create miracles.

The 7480's core program trembled slightly at this thought.

A man who was several dimensions away woke up from a short sleep, and was extremely surprised to find that those wounds that were spread all over his body, no matter how much recovery medicine he used, had not healed even a millimeter of wounds. disappear.

When he took a closer look, the wound at the ankle had turned into smooth skin, and no matter how much he touched it, he couldn't feel the maniacal pain.

If it weren't for the man's excellent memory, I'm afraid he would think he was dreaming.

He raised his head and looked at the blood-like setting sun hidden in the gray-black haze.

(BL) Learning God Is In Hand, I Have The World [quick wear] BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now