Chapter 79

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A huge bright yellow round face hung directly in front of the studio, confusing everyone present, and also shocked the audience squatting in front of the TV.

This is an extremely famous emoji that people all over the world use, so they all know what it means. Its unbending eyes hide its ridicule to the world, and the corners of its mouth that does not smile reveal its inner disdain and contempt.

On such a solemn and solemn occasion, it appeared like a flash of lightning, allowing everyone to experience the feeling of being struck by lightning.

Gong Xuanqi twisted his neck to look at it, his mouth opened wide, his expression management was out of control.

Le Zhengming frowned deeply, his thin lips pursed tightly, and doubts and restraint were written on every inch of skin on his face. He doesn't seem to understand why his political opponents play this emoji during the debate. Is he mocking himself? What was the reason for the inexplicable accusation before?

The automatic camera followed, so he blinked and became calm again.

Zhuang Li, who was sitting under the stage, whispered to the two colleagues next to him, and kept shaking his head and waving his hands, as if he had no idea what Gong Xuanqi was talking about.

Gong Xuanqi's security officer was busy typing on the keyboard, trying to delete the big yellow face on the screen. But soon, his computer was stuck, and the forced shutdown did not respond. That rhubarb face was hanging in the venue for so long, and it was hanging in front of the people of the whole country.

Even if this is not a debate about the fate of the country, but an ordinary variety show, the occurrence of such a situation is enough to be included in a major live broadcast accident. Staff related to it will be severely punished by the TV station.

But it was Gong Xuanqi and his team that caused it all. They are so powerful that the national TV station can't control them, but the elders and dignitaries who are sitting in the audience watching the debate already have the answer in their hearts - Gong Xuanqi is simply ridiculous to make such an undignified incident on such a solemn occasion!

Even if they knew that he might have been plotted by Le Zhengming, these people had no sympathy, pity, or even a plan to help Gong Xuanqi.

If you can't even deal with a political enemy, how can you expect him to deal with the US, Y, and F? How can you expect him to manage such a big country? You can still expect him to deal with all kinds of issues related to national interests with ease and ease?


Gong Xuanqi, who had ended in disastrous defeats in two consecutive confrontations, has shown the world his incompetence. From today, whenever the public thinks of him, this huge mocking expression will automatically appear in their minds.

He went from a politician to a comedian in an instant.

The world is so unpredictable, and life is often so impermanent. In a blink of an eye, you win, and in a blink of an eye, you may lose again.

Realizing that he had once again lost to the insignificant person Zhuang Li, Gong Xuanqi turned back stiffly and shouted into the microphone: "I clearly captured a video of the two of you kissing! You are gay! Le Zhengming, you are not worthy of this country. Head of State! You are sick!"

There was an uproar in the field.

The camera again aimed at the faces of Le Zhengming and Zhuang Li.

The two looked at each other from a distance, one with a solemn and solemn expression, not at all chaotic; Their attitudes were both natural and indifferent, except for the confusion and confusion in their eyes, there was no trace of panic when their feelings were exposed.

Even the most observant psychologists have a hard time believing that there is an obscure relationship between them.

The bosses looked at the two back and forth, no matter what they thought, but at least there was no disgust or questioning on the face.

A female secretary hurried onto the stage with a thin blanket and whispered a few words to Gong Xuanqi.

Gong Xuanqi, who was about to lose control, immediately pretended to have a splitting headache, said a few words of apology to the microphone, and then staggered away with the help of the secretary, citing the heavy work and physical illness as an excuse.

An old-level politician picked up the microphone and said on the spot: "Xiao Gong, since your body can't stand the high-intensity work, I suggest you take a long vacation and cultivate well. Health is more important than anything else, what do you think? ?"

The rest of the bosses nodded in agreement. No one stood up to support Gong Xuanqi, or said a few rounds for him.

It would have been fine if he hadn't shouted in those voices just now, and the situation could still be salvaged. However, when he shouted out the sickness of homosexuality in front of the people of the whole country, it would definitely arouse the crusade of the public and be criticized by foreign media. Criticism of the status quo of human rights in China.

Homosexuality is a natural sexual orientation, not a neurosis, which has long been the consensus of the world. Ordinary people can denounce homosexuality on any occasion, but state politicians cannot. This is squeezing the living space of vulnerable groups and violating their human rights.

You can dislike, touch, talk about, but you can't crowd out or even persecute a human group.

As the head of state, you can't even have this kind of mind and knowledge.

Thinking like this, you have a few more bad impressions of Gong Xuanqi - not knowing how to judge the situation, not knowing how to control emotions, and not knowing how to speak cautiously. Three consecutive ignorances are low-level mistakes that the head of a country must never make.

Being watched by so many questions, scrutiny, and even disgust and rejection, Gong Xuanqi, who smiled and bowed and nodded, almost fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

After finally standing up, he immediately realized that he might really "can't get up" this time.

In front of the people of the whole country, these politicians actually let him take a long vacation to recover. Isn't it obvious enough? They felt he was not enough to be the leader of the country and wanted him to automatically drop out of the race.

Withdrawing from the campaign means losing your career and career, what hope do you have in your life? At this moment, Gong Xuanqi's disguised face actually showed a bit of weakness and confusion. He walked back to the backstage with a deep foot and a shallow foot, and when he saw the pale-faced security officer, he didn't even have the strength to get angry.

"Forget it," he waved his hands wearily, "send me to the hospital." There

is always a full set of dramas.

The debate ended so inexplicably.

Sure enough, Gong Xuanqi's remarks that homosexuality is a disease caused a scolding war on the Internet. Some people think that Gong Xuanqi is right, that homosexuality is really disgusting; some people think that he is narrow-minded and unworthy of being a leader.

Foreign media also joined in and wrote a blockbuster report with a big red headline - "Shock! China's presidential candidate is actually anti-gay! The Human Rights Situation in China is Worrying."

The Chinese people, who have always been united, immediately stopped arguing, and unanimously pointed their guns at the Internet, and repeatedly explained that human rights in China are the most inclusive and free human rights in the world, and China will never persecute vulnerable groups.

There was a lot of uproar on the Internet, and Zhuang Li, one of the parties involved, was also surrounded by a group of reporters, asking him what his relationship with Le Zhengming was and why Gong Xuanqi made such an accusation.

"Maybe he was trying to cover up the relationship between me and Zhu Miaomiao with a homosexual cloak." Zhuang Li smiled wryly at the camera.

The reporters were excited, their eyes glowing green one by one.

Now everyone knows that Zhu Miaomiao is Zhu Jianrui's mother; Zhu Jianrui is Gong Xuanlin's son. These three people have not formed a family, but their blood relationship is certain. But how did they get involved, and how many entanglements they experienced, no one could dig out.

The Gong family used the monstrous power to cover up this past. Even Zhu Jianrui became the owner of MIK and went bankrupt that night. Not many people knew about it. Everyone dared to pass it on privately.

But now the situation is different. Gong Xuanqi sees that the general trend is over, while Le Zhengming is in the limelight, maybe he will be the head of state in two months. His chief security officer publicly revealed the Gong family's information, do you want to eat this melon or not?

All fools know that this melon has to be eaten! One is that the people like it, and the other is that it can be a good thing to sell.

There is no difference between a political struggle and a real war. For the winner, the crown is the best reward; for the loser, leaving alone is the most merciful ending, and more people will fall into scandal and ruin their reputation.

So the reporters raised their microphones and asked frantically, "Why did Mr. Zhuang say this? What is your relationship with Zhu Miaomiao?"

"She is my wife. We used to have a fourteen-year marriage, and Zhu Jianrui was also watched by me. Growing up, we are a family of three..." Speaking of this, Zhuang Li's eyes were slightly red, and his throat was blocked.

He smiled helplessly, waved his hands wearily, and was escorted by a group of bodyguards, passing through the crowd and leaving.

The reporters were excited, and after returning to the newspaper office, they digged up the past of Zhu Miaomiao and Zhuang Li, and then they were shocked to find out—I... fuck, this woman is too superb, right? Zhu Jianrui was conceived by her secretly eating the forbidden fruit with Gong Xuanlin when she was eighteen! In order to give birth to this illegitimate son of a wealthy family who might help her gain tens of billions of property, she broke with her parents and found Zhuang Li as a successor.

Zhuang Li had a crush on her for 19 years, and he married her knowing that the child was not his own, so he worked hard to support the mother and son.

In the blink of an eye, Zhu Miaomiao betrayed the marriage and ran away with his son.

Zhuang Li has been using Weibo to record Zhu Miaomiao and Zhu Jianrui's life, from high school to university to work, for 14 years without interruption. He conveys his happiness and joy to the world with vivid brushstrokes and beautiful photos. It can be seen that he loves his wife and son very much, and it is absolutely impossible to be gay.

His honesty and honesty, affectionate and unrepentant, more and more set off Zhu Miaomiao's gold worship and Zhu Jianrui's ruthlessness.

These black materials were slowly unearthed by reporters and put on the Internet.

The public has gained further awareness of the ugly faces of the Gong family.

But it's not over yet. An intern working in a law firm took a picture of the divorce agreement between Zhuang Li and Zhu Miaomiao and posted it online. The two-centimeter-thick consumption list that was densely printed with numbers shocked everyone.

No wonder Gong Xuanlin scolded Zhu Miaomiao as a woman who worshipped gold, and threatened not to marry her for the rest of his life. It's right not to marry, such extravagant and wasteful women are really rare in the world. Zhuang Li earns more than 10,000 yuan a month, which is not enough for her to spend. She has to take a lot of private work every day, and she is busy until three or four in the middle of the night to pay for her exaggerated consumption.

Does she consider herself a princess?

There is also a good son she raised, and in the divorce letter, it is clearly written that she will cut off the father-son relationship with Zhuang Li from now on. Whoever has money can be his father, is that what it means?

If there is a mother, there must be a son!

Public anger was completely ignited by these black materials. Some people may not care much about national affairs, but this kind of family ethics tragedy is what everyone likes to watch. The Gong family's reputation was completely stinky, and they had to be washed away. The scandal between Zhuang Li and Le Zhengming is self-defeating.

Gong Xuanqi, who was sent to the hospital to recuperate, was calling around with his mobile phone. He must seek the understanding of the elders in the shortest possible time.

His party really asked him to withdraw from the campaign, but he sternly refused, "I will not withdraw. The affair between Le Zhengming and Zhuang Li is real. Zhuang Li is a hacker, he can change the video to an emoji, I was plotted by him. Give me a little more time, and I will be able to dig out their weaknesses. I am in good health and do not need a medical examination. Come on, we will have an interview."

After hanging up the phone, he lay on the bed and closed his eyes . Eyes rested, the violent ups and downs of the chest revealed the inner unrest.

The staff of the public relations team whispered: "Mr. Gong, the public opinion is very unfavorable to you now. The matter of Zhu Miaomiao has been dug up, and the public has great doubts about the family style of the Gong family."

"Let me see." Gong Xuanqi opened his eyes. Open your eyes, your eyes are full of evil spirits.

The staff handed him the mobile phone, but saw a video automatically jumping out of the screen, which was sent by Zhuang Li.

Zhuang Li held the phone above his head with one hand, patted himself from top to bottom, and put one hand around Le Zhengming's neck, reminding him with a smile, "Look here."

Gong Xuanqi was shocked and angry, but he still straightened up. Look past.

Then, Zhuang Li stood on tiptoe and kissed Le Zhengming's thin lips. Le Zhengming was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth and kissed back fiercely. The two were intertwined as if no one else was around, and they were very close and intimate, as if they would both die in the next second.

In the eyes of others, this picture is beautiful, strong, and scorching; in Gong Xuanqi's eyes, it is a great insult and provocation.

His throat was so sweet that he almost vomited blood, and his head exploded with a bang. Without even thinking about it, he sent this video to everyone in the address book, with the accompanying text: [Take a good look, this is Le Zhengming and Zhuang Li's true colors! They are shameless! 】

The security officer reached out his hand to stop it, but it was still a step too late.

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