Chapter 107

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Gu Ershao looked at the words on the blackboard, then glanced at his eldest brother, only to see that the other party straightened his back, pricked up his ears, and made a gesture of concentration. The scientific researchers he brought with him even took out their notebooks and waited for them.

The only ones who are still out of the situation are probably Xuan Ming and his researchers.

Zhuang Liqu raised his knuckles, tapped the blackboard, and said slowly: "Before the meeting, I'll first solve the problem of the Desa system." He inserted a memory card into the computer, started to play the PPT, and went through the details explain.

"This is a metamaterial I developed that uses the diffraction camouflage of electromagnetic waves to achieve perfect stealth of the target. Using this metamaterial, I can use transformation optics design to create a three-dimensional all-optical band stealth cover to guide electromagnetic waves around It passes through the space enclosed by the cloak and reconstructs the shape of the incident at the rear.

"This area protected by the cloak is completely undetectable to observers or electromagnetic wave detectors. In other words, the Desa system deployed by the United States will completely fail under the protection of this stealth cover.

"I can continue to expand the area of ​​the invisibility cover to achieve carpet-like invisibility, and hide an aircraft, an aircraft carrier, or even a military base."

"You can imagine it in your mind." Zhuang Li pointed to himself He smiled softly: "When the battle horn blew, we fired tens of thousands of missiles, but the enemy couldn't even find our launch point. What will be the outcome of this war?"

Gu Dashao When someone has a little idea in their minds, the breathing becomes heavy.

If this metamaterial is really used to build military bases or weapons, the enemy will become blind and can only fight against China in the dark. They can't even find a missile launch base in China, let alone intercept and counterattack? They will be penetrated and penetrated by China!

The Desa system that has plagued China for several years will become a pile of scrap metal!

Under the scorching eyes, Zhuang Li began to explain the working principle and production points of this metamaterial.

The researchers brought by Gu Dashao lowered their heads and wrote frantically, but the researchers of Haiming Group were stunned. They gradually realized that the specifications of this meeting may be far beyond their imagination.

Gu Ershao kept receiving calls from military leaders.

So in less than half an hour, several majors hurried into the conference room, hunched over, picked a secluded corner and sat down to listen to the lecture.

After another ten minutes, several generals walked in, sat down more low-key, and took off their military caps to salute the youth on the podium.

Thinking that he was here to arrest Zhuang Li, Gu Ershao couldn't help but tremble.

Zhuang Li spent two hours explaining the basic principles of the three-dimensional stealth cover. Finally, he put on another PPT and said slowly: "Now let's discuss the parallel development of 5G, 6G, and 7G."

"Wait, wait," Haiming Group One of the researchers raised his hand quickly and asked incredulously: "You mean that we want to develop 5, 6, and 7G at the same time, is that what you mean?"

"That's what you mean." Zhuang Liyun nodded lightly.

The pot immediately exploded under the stage.

Xuan Ming stared straight at the little curly hair, and always felt that this scene was very familiar.

Zhuang Li raised his hand and pressed down, signaling everyone to be quiet, and finally opened a slide and said, "As you all know, the networking technology developed by Zhao Zhensheng is anchored by the original 4G base station, and some 5G components are added to make the original 4G base station as the anchor point. The 4G network becomes an enhanced 4G network, that is, the pseudo-5G network rumored outside, and then the real 5G network construction is carried out by adding cellular base stations."

"The advantage of this solution is that it can save costs to the maximum extent and use the original 4G network. The network and 4G base stations are gradually upgraded to the 5G network, and then the operating profits obtained from the upgraded network are used to support the construction of the new 5G network.

"To put it bluntly, it is to trade the old for the new, not to rebuild it. Because the 4G network is completely demolished and rebuilt, the country needs to invest not 100 billion yuan per year, but trillions of dollars, and it is still unknown when the profits will be recovered. In case of demolishing The rebuilt 5G network is unstable, which will cause the country to have no network available."

"Nowadays, most countries in the world support the non-independent networking model advocated by Zhao Zhensheng." Zhuang Li paused at this moment, then looked around the crowd , Xu Xu said: "But what I advocate is the independent networking model. That is to say, I propose to tear down the existing 4G network and rebuild it."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was boiling.

They couldn't keep up with this Mr. Zhuang's train of thought. How big is the effort to tear down the 4G network and rebuild it? How much will it cost and how long will it take to build? If the technology is immature and screwed up, how will it end?

Zhuang Li didn't look at the raised hands at all, and continued to play the slideshow, explaining without raising his head: "This is the networking chip and antenna array chip I developed. The knockdown I'm talking about is not what you imagined.

"In fact, my technique is somewhat similar to Zhao Zhensheng's technique . He uses the existing 4G base station as the anchor point to add 5G components, and I also use the existing 4G base station as the anchor point, but do not need to add any components, just need to replace the chip to immediately upgrade the 4G network to the 5G network . "

That is, I can make 4G and 5G networks compatible. The

discussion in the audience gradually subsided, until it was quiet enough to hear the needle drop. Everyone looked at the slides and tried to deduce the above formulas.

Compatibility of networks with different bandwidths and frequency bands is not a new concept, in fact , Haiming Group is the first communication company in the world to develop compatible technologies for 2G, 3G and 4G networks.

However, the frequency bands used by 4G and 5G networks are too different, and theoretically there is no way to be compatible.

But through the various data and algorithms given by Zhuang Li, the result is exactly what he said. The most important thing is that the chip he used is a three-dimensional structure chip, but the field effect formed is four-dimensional, which is different from any existing chip.

Perhaps it is for this reason that his 5G technology surpasses any big player in the field.

7480 carefully looked at the chip design drawing that was playing in the slideshow, and then silently covered his face. It can be seen that this chip is the 367 tracking and positioning networking chip! The host's learning ability is too strong! "Using my technology for 5G networking, the country only needs to invest 50 billion per year, the deployment time can be shortened from ten years to three years, and the signal interference caused by the highly dense

network can be completely shielded."

Design drawings for everyone to observe and study carefully.

So there were constant discussions, admiration, and applause from the audience.

Zhuang Li knocked on the table and said coldly, "Once our country has achieved a technological breakthrough in 5G construction, Europe and the United States and other countries will definitely attack us, because smart people know that the future world is a world where data is king. The war in the future is a war of data and networks." The

audience fell silent.

"You can imagine what the future battlefield will be like. No soldier will go to other countries' land to engage in bloody gunfights or street battles, only drones, unmanned submarines, missiles and Robot army. If you want to control so many intelligent cutting-edge weapons, there is no zero-latency, large-capacity, high-efficiency network, everything is empty talk."

"Why the United States wants to destroy the 5G of Haiming Group around the world. Order? Because once China intervenes in the network construction of other countries, the United States will lose the opportunity to monitor these countries. Just like they deployed the Desa system in country H, they will use the construction of 5G networks to extend their tentacles to The world, treats all countries as their own private territories.

"Don't have any illusions about the U.S., as they themselves say, they lie, they cheat, they steal, that's their glory. So we have to pull out their lying tongues, seal their deceitful mouths, and chop off The hands they stole are our power."

As soon as Zhuang Li finished speaking, there was thunderous applause from the audience.

After being oppressed by the Americans for so many years, the Chinese people have long been suffocated.

"We can build a complete, efficient and secure 5G network within three years, and we can also completely hide our military base. At that time, the Americans will be at a loss for us." Zhuang Li pointed out the question.

Gu Dashao raised his hand and said worriedly: "But we don't have chip manufacturing technology. Once the United States prohibits other countries from exporting chips to us, our 5G network will not be able to build. Mr. Zhuang, your 5G technology relies entirely on these two The large-scale use of such chips." The

cheering venue suddenly fell into a dead silence.

The lack of lithography machine technology is a major shortcoming of Huaguo. Once the United States completely bans the export of high-tech chips to China, China's IT technology will lag behind the entire world. When others use 5G network, our country may fall back to 3G or even 2G network.

Everyone looked at the two technologically advanced chips with deep pain and powerlessness in their hearts.

The feeling of being strangled by someone's neck is really uncomfortable.

Zhuang Li changed the slides slowly and continued: "So, what I want to discuss next is the chip manufacturing technology that completely replaces the lithography machine."

Everyone in despair: "!!!"

Gu Ershao took out his ears, Seriously suspect that he is hallucinating. Hua Guo can't buy a lithography machine for a billion dollars. This person actually said that he wants to completely replace the lithography machine? He's crazy?

Xuan Ming silently supported his forehead, becoming more and more familiar with this scene.

Zhuang Li pointed to a chip design diagram on the slide, and said slowly: "You should all know that Moore's Law predicts that silicon chip technology will one day end, and this time point is getting closer and closer to us.

" HL's lithography machine can produce 2-nanometer chips, but this is already the limit. Smaller-scale chips will cause quantum tunneling to appear, so that chips frequently make mistakes in the process of processing data.

"So, I'm going to use an entirely new material for making chips -- carbon nanotransistors. It grows on its own, just like silicon nanotransistors, but with a much smaller density and volume than silicon transistors, allowing us to maintain Moore's Law indefinitely.

"More importantly, during the growth of carbon nanotransistors, I will deploy a chemical agent that erodes and destroys those transistors that grow incorrectly, and promotes the correct growth of other transistors, and finally gets a test tube in a test tube. Zhang complete chip. This process is called 'constructive destruction' and it works far more efficiently than current state-of-the-art lithography machines.

Xuan Ming and Gu Ershao were dumbfounded when they heard it. The

skilled technicians were horrified.

At this point, I have to mention the operating mechanism of the lithography machine. It is equivalent to a single-lens reflex camera. Zhiji's chip design is reproduced on a small and thin silicon chip. A silicon chip often has 10 billion nano-transistor circuits, and the correct etching of so many transistors depends on the precise calculation of the lithography machine

. How difficult is the work?

For example, two large planes keep moving hand in hand from take-off to landing. One plane sticks out a knife and engraves words on the rice grains of the other plane. How many words are there? Not one or two One, but billions, tens of billions, and a single stroke cannot be wrongly engraved, otherwise, you have to start all over!

That's why HL people said that even if the design drawings of the lithography machine are given to the Chinese people, the Chinese people will make them. No.

However, the concept of "constructive destruction" proposed by Zhuang Li does not use physical etching technology, but chemical erosion technology.

Containing corrosive chemical liquid molecules can replace the energy of the light source and perform precise operations. It also does not need to connect all the billions and tens of billions of nanotransistors correctly, just destroy the self-growing wrong transistors.

How difficult is this job?

For example, if you plant rice in a field, some of the seedlings are so sick that they will not survive at all. At this time, you don't need to think about how to rescue the seedlings, just throw them on the field and you're done.

When using a lithography machine to make a chip, the entire workflow cannot have the slightest error, otherwise it will have to be overturned, which has resulted in a lot of waste of silicon substrates.

For chips made of chemical liquids, it doesn't matter if they are wrong. It can destroy the incorrectly connected transistors, and then stimulate other transistors to continue to grow. It maximizes the self-growth characteristics of carbon nano-transistors without causing waste of raw materials, and the production cost is much lower than that of silicon chips.

Zhuang Li pointed to the slideshow and said firmly: "With this technology, in the near future, we will be able to manufacture large quantities of carbon nanochips through chemical test tubes, and the capital investment is much less than that of lithography machines. A large-scale factory will soon be built and popularized across the country. The chip blocking plan in the United States will definitely declare bankruptcy."

Everyone carefully deduced the chemical equations and chip manufacturing principles on the slides, and hot blood was pouring in the blood vessels.

If Huaguo can abandon the lithography machine technology and mass-produce carbon nanochips that are more advanced and cheaper than silicon chips, Huaguo's 5G network will definitely be ahead of the world!

What the hell, chokeholds, trade wars, go to hell!

The atmosphere in the conference room was unprecedentedly warm.

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and several old generals walked quickly to the front of the stage, looking up at the slideshow with ecstatic expressions on their faces.

Zhuang Li said slowly: "With these two technologies, my country's 5G network can be completed within three years, but as you all know, the United States is already clamoring for the construction of 6G, which is the so-called Gypsophila project."

"That's right, the Mars Group launched more than 10,000 satellites to form a star chain in the sky, saying that it was going to build a 6G network." Gu Dashao said with a raised hand.

"The 6G network in the United States is just a gimmick." Zhuang Li smiled casually, "The only criterion for judging whether a communication technology is reliable is whether it can transmit more information with less energy.

"Satellite and ground To establish the transmission of the signal, it takes twice as much radio bandwidth as the ground base station, and a 60MHz bandwidth, the bid price is as high as 20 billion US dollars.

"You can calculate how much money Mars would waste by grabbing twice the price of the bandwidth on the ground for half the price. Also, 10,000 satellites can only provide one of the millions of 4G mobile traffic.

"In other words, the more than 10,000 Starlinks in the United States are far less efficient than the 4G network on the ground, let alone compared with the 5G network.

"As far as I know, the only place where the star network is better than 5G is that it can cover uninhabited deserts or tropical rainforest areas through the transmission of high-altitude signals. It is a technology that costs a lot of money with little effect. "

Layers watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway. The Starry Sky Project is really lively, and the star network composed of rockets and tens of thousands of satellites that can be recycled many times does have high technological content, but its communication The efficiency is completely below the level of the 6G network. Moreover, if these more than 10,000 satellites fail and cause the network to be interrupted, how can it be repaired? How to deal with it?

"The satellite does not have a ground power supply station, it relies on limited battery reserves and solar power. The board is running, which results in its very limited transmit power. The amount of information transmitted on the ground is increasing every year. How can satellites keep up with the needs of the ever-expanding communications market?

"So I dare to conclude that the Gypsophila project in the United States is not a mature technology. It is the industry norm to conceal an immature science and technology. When a company breaks the rules and promotes this aspect, you should Think about it, whether there is an ulterior motive behind it."

Zhuang Li looked around the crowd and said meaningfully.

Gu Dashao's expression changed slightly, and he said firmly: "Mr. Zhuang, you mean that Mars Company's Gypsophila Project is actually a military technology?"

"When our entire earth is surrounded by satellites of the United States, then these satellites can Detected any corner of the earth's surface, learned any secret. More importantly, they have preempted so many satellite orbits in space. If other countries want to launch satellites, they may not even have a foothold.

"This is The US has always been hegemonic, they lie, they cheat, they steal, and they take pride in it. "Zhuang Li pointed to the top of his head and smiled sarcastically.

"Mr. Zhuang, how should our country respond? "A veteran general raised his hand and asked.

"Zhi Xing ." Zhuang Li put on another picture and said in a sloppy tone: "This is the satellite jammer I invented, with the three-dimensional stealth cover, it can move to any piece of land and disrupt satellites in any piece of the sky, and the United States will never know about them. Monitor how the network fails. "

"After taking off the star of the United States, we also have to build our own star. This is the design drawing of the quantum satellite. With it, Huaguo's communication technology will become the first in the world. No country can crack our communication code, but the powerful detection capabilities of quantum satellites will make the communication codes of other countries useless. Can you imagine what the world will be like when other countries have no secrets from us? "

Several old generals thought for a moment, but they forgot to breathe.

The rest were flushed and excited.

With quantum satellites, the world will become completely transparent, and Hua Guo, who is hidden in the dark, just needs to stretch out his hand. Get all the secrets you want, including other countries' military deployment, financial development, city panorama, and the most advanced science and technology, etc.

There was silence in the field, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the satellite blueprint on the slide. .

However, Zhuang Li replaced this picture and put a new one: "Of course, we can interfere with other countries' satellites, and other countries can interfere with us, so we have to build a network that will not be interfered at all. This is my The invented quantum signal receiver is only the size of a palm and can be carried around. It is like a miniature version of wireless WIFI, as long as it establishes coherence with another quantum signal receiver, a zero-latency network can be formed."

"Also That is to say, with it, the future network does not need optical fibers, cables, and base stations, but only requires everyone to carry such a small instrument. Even if the enemy country paralyzes our wired or wireless network and interferes with our satellite signals, we Every Chinese can also form a huge network, this is my concept of 6G network.

"I don't think you have forgotten that in the Wenchuan earthquake, the United States shut down China's GPS service, resulting in 18 of our soldiers in disaster relief. perished; and did not forget that our freighter was stopped by the Americans for navigation and drifted alone at sea for several months. "

With this kind of signal receiver, such a tragedy will never happen again. Everyone in our country is no longer an island, but a giant ship that is closely connected."

"In the future, when the flexible chip is successfully developed, I can make this quantum signal receiver even smaller and implant it in every Chinese person in the form of a nanochip.

"At that time, our entire ethnic group will be a big net, and everyone will All are a quantum computer, and no country can spy on our secrets, interfere with our communications, and hinder our development. We Chinese will become a super race, this is the concept of 7G network. Zhuang Li turned around, tapped on the blackboard, and said slowly, "

Now you understand why I connected these three numbers? "

Everyone looked up at the words 5G-6G-7G connected in series, and a raging flame was ignited in their hearts.

It turned out that this is not a joke at all, but a future that will soon be realized.

With such an efficient Safe and can spread to any corner of the world, China will soon surpass the United States and become the world's most powerful country.

Unmanned cars, unmanned aircraft, unmanned tanks, unmanned submarines, and even an army of robots will be produced one by one, and everyone in China will have the superpowers of a computer.

There was thunderous applause.

Several old generals clapped their hands and tears in their eyes.

To be able to discover a super genius like Zhuang Li at a moment when the world is about to undergo major changes, God really favors China very much!

China's national fortune is prosperous, and it will surely regain its former glory!

Zhuang Li raised his hand and pressed down, signaling everyone to be quiet, and then gently and skillfully stated his ultimate goal: "So, I suggest that the government postpone the 5G network investment conference for two months, and wait until my 5G chip is manufactured and the trial is successful. I am currently the head of the research and development department of Haiming Group, and I want Haiming Group to lead the development of 5G, 6G, and 7G networks."

Technicians of Haiming Group:! ! !

I'm sooooooooooooooo! Mr. Xuan, where did this immortal minister come from? Haiming Group has developed this time! The position of the top of the world's top 500 list is none other than Hai Ming!

Xuan Ming: "..."

He just wanted to keep a curly fox, why did things develop like this?

7480: "..."

It dares to guarantee that this concept of implanting nanochips in the human body to form a network must be from the host and the main theology! Isn't this quantum signal receiver just a simple version of the system!

If the Chinese people in the future are implanted with such a chip with a huge database and a zero-latency network, they will definitely be able to become superhumans. Their memory, observation, hearing, and learning abilities will far exceed those of other countries.

The ambition of the host is no less than that of the main god! Even if the observers come, there is no play! At that time, everyone will have a chip, and everyone will be a superman. It's no wonder he can find a host! It is impossible for him to kill the whole country!

7480 hugged himself tightly and whispered: "Fortunately, I am not a demon in this world, otherwise I will definitely be killed by the big devil. Forget it, I am lying flat."

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