Chapter 78

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When Zhuang Li was immersed in a tender and lingering kiss At the same time, Zhu Jianrui held a knife and dismembered a puppy who was less than two months old. The viscous blood splashed all over his body and dyed his gloomy eyes red

. When he found the sub-chip in the minced meat, he actually laughed nervously, his breathing was like the wind coming up from the gap in hell, which was shocking.

The servant who was hiding outside the door eavesdropping was so frightened that his face turned white . Now, he quietly found Gong Xuanqi and reported the young master's abnormality.

Gong Xuanqi, who was thoughtful and caring about his nephew, said indifferently this time, "Don't worry about him. "

This is the Gong family's principle of doing things. When you are valuable, they can treat you as a close relative. When it is useless, they don't care if you live or die. The

servant walked away embarrassingly.

Gong Xuanlin couldn't let go of his son, so he knocked on his door and comforted: "Your uncle doesn't blame you, come out quickly, don't suffocate yourself. You're just a child, you don't need to worry about the election.

" After a long time, Zhu Jianrui came out of the door and asked in a dry voice, "Uncle doesn't need my help?" Bai, but his eyes were covered with blood, and his body was cold. At first glance, he looked like a sinister evil spirit.

Gong Xuanlin took a step back in fright, and said in surprise, "Why don't you take off your clothes and take a shower? You're taking a cold shower?"

"I feel uncomfortable, I want to calm down." Zhu Jianrui lowered his head, showing his vulnerability in front of his biological father for the first time. one side.

Gong Xuanlin only has such a son, so he can't ignore it completely, so he calmly said: "Don't be uncomfortable, you should study hard in the future, and study computer technology well, you don't need to worry about the uncle's affairs. You are still young, and there are infinite possibilities in the future, Zhuang Li. He's in his thirties, how long can he live? You don't have to be afraid of him, your uncle has a way to deal with him."

Zhu Jianrui nodded and said in a low voice, "Dad, I understand. I'm sleepy and want to sleep."

"Go ahead . , take a hot bath and then go to sleep." Gong Xuanlin waved his hand and left, not wanting to enter his son's room to take a look, then hug the other's shoulders and talk for a long time, erasing all anxiety and fear in his heart. .

If his concern for his son is measured by exact values, it is probably only as little as a fingernail. Otherwise, he will find that his son's bathroom has become a pool of blood, white bones, broken flesh, red blood, and the scene is like hell.

Gong Xuanlin gave a little cheap care to his son, but turned around and actively helped his eldest brother to make suggestions. He inquired about Le Zhengming's privacy and weaknesses through various channels, and finally received a memory card sent by a courier from an unknown paparazzi the next morning. The card contained a video that lasted for more than ten seconds.

The paparazzi squatted on the top of the mountain opposite the hotel where Le Zhengming was staying. Using a high-powered camera, several hundred meters away, he took a picture of him and Zhuang Li kissing on the balcony.

The two hugged tightly and kissed.

Le Zhengming was so stern and stern, but he would show an obsessed expression in his kisses, and would hold Zhuang Li's cheeks with both hands, not allowing the other party to evacuate first. Zhuang Li was out of breath from his kiss. After the end, he rested on his shoulder and bit his sexy Adam's apple.

Le Zhengming slowly stroked Zhuang Li's curly and fluffy hair, his face full of contentment and love.

An orange halo enveloped them, and the atmosphere was as intense as a fire. If there are no personal grievances, just from the perspective of ordinary people, this picture is quite beautiful.

The video ended when the two looked at each other affectionately, and Gong Xuanlin was uncontrollably excited.

For conservative Chinese people, the three words "homosexuality" represent morbidity, heterogeneity, and the disgust and rejection of the vast majority of people. While the younger generation has changed their minds, the older category is completely unacceptable to such deformed relationships.

That is to say, once the video was made public, Le Zhengming, the presidential candidate, would immediately become notorious. And Zhuang Li, who caused his fiasco, will also take all the blame. He will be retaliated by the reformists, and he will be cast aside by the general public.

No matter how much power he has in the network, in reality, he will live as a street rat.

Gong Xuanlin took the memory card and hurried to the study.

"Scan it a few times." Gong Xuanqi didn't see a hint of joy on his face, but was more cautious. He was terrified by Zhuang Li.

The newly appointed network security officer immediately began to scan the memory card. After a few minutes, he shook his head and said, "No viruses and Trojans were found."

"Is the video real?"

"I'll check it."

After a few minutes, The network security officer said firmly: "It's true, there is no trace of editing and PS."

"Brother, when will we send the video?" Gong Xuanlin asked eagerly.

"Let me think about it." Gong Xuanqi pondered for a moment, and finally made up his mind: "Next Monday, Le Zhengming and I will hold a debate on national TV, which will also be broadcast live. There is a part that requires us to ask each other's questions. Governing the country policy, and then give an answer. I can play a video in this section and ask what is the relationship between Le Zhengming and Zhuang Li."

Gong Xuanqi is a smart person. After Zhuang Li's character of a modest gentleman was exposed by Zhuang Li, he immediately began to create a tough and honest man. Persona.

Continuing to pretend to be moderate will only make voters more inclined to Le Zhengming. Everyone is a hypocrite, so they love the truth. If that's the case, then Gong Xuanqi will give them the truth.

The security officer nodded and said: "This is a good time. In front of the national audience, Le Zhengming should have no excuses to cover up. And Zhuang Li will also be on the live broadcast. I asked the director to cut a close-up of him to see His reaction."

"Okay, let's do it like this. During this time, carefully observe Le Zhengming and Zhuang Li to see if there is any ambiguous relationship between them." Gong Xuanqi looked at Gong Xuanlin and instructed: "You let the paparazzi Keep staring at them, it's better to take some more evidence."

Before Monday, the paparazzi had been lurking on the mountain opposite the hotel, and the high-powered camera was constantly aimed at the windows of the two, but no evidence was ever captured. . Silly picture. Thinking about that night, Le Zhengming's speech was a great success, and they were too happy to indulge for a while.

Outside, Zhuang Li and Le Zhengming always kept a safe distance, but when they looked at each other, they couldn't help smiling at each other, showing a little bit of intimacy.

The newly appointed security officer edited several videos of Le Zhengming's participation in public activities, pointed to the two people who were far away from the crowd but looked at each other, and said with certainty: "There must be an affair between them, and the eyes of love cannot be deceived. Human."

Gong Xuanqi, who was very good at observing words and expressions, finally let go of his last doubts.

If the video is real and the personal relationship is real, then it can be used.

He never thought that this might be Le Zhengming's conspiracy, because no one would be foolish enough to personally deliver such a deadly handle to the enemy. Isn't that looking for death?

"Take good care of the video, don't let Zhuang Li find it. His hacking skills are very powerful." Gong Xuanqi warned with trepidation.

"I understand." The security officer said cautiously: "I have already asked clearly. After the video was taken, the paparazzi took off the memory card and sent it to the second young master by express. The second young master inserted the memory card into the one that was not connected to the Internet. Computer, watching the video, this process is safe. After that, the computer I used to detect the video was not connected to the Internet, and a thick steel plate was installed in the study to isolate the scanning of the signal amplifier. It may be possible to hack into our equipment." The

security measures have been so strict that Gong Xuanqi felt a little more at ease.

"Put the memory card in the safe, and never take it out until the day of the debate," he reminded again.

Gong Xuanqi, who never looked down on anyone, learned a truth from a painful lesson - in the era of the Internet of Everything, offending anyone should not offend a top-notch hacker. Most of them are ways to kill you without knowing it.

The security officer agreed more cautiously.

Monday arrived soon, Gong Xuanqi and Le Zhengming stood face to face on the stage, and began to ask each other questions, question each other, and give reasonable answers.

Compared with the gentle and handsome Gong Xuanqi, Le Zhengming is colder, harder, and more distant. He also has a majestic aura, which was not very obvious before, but has become more and more majestic recently. He is completely in line with people's imagination of the words "leader of a great country".

As a result, the polling data of both sides began to ebb and flow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was Gong Xuanqi who disappeared, and Le Zhengming who rose was naturally.

When there were five minutes left in the debate, Gong Xuanqi suddenly said, "General Le Zheng, I would like to ask you to explain, what is the relationship between you and your security officer? You are both men, isn't this kind of interaction too intimate? "

He turned to look at the big screen behind him.

Le Zhengming also looked at the big screen, his face sank slightly.

The audience below the stage sensed almost immediately the amount of information the sentence contained. What is too intimate an interaction? What do you mean by all men? Could it be that Gong Xuanqi is implying that General Le Zheng and Mr. Zhuang are engaged in foundation?

This kind of thing is not uncommon in foreign countries, after all, gay marriage has been legalized in many places abroad. But in China, this is outrageous, and some people even describe it as immoral.

The originally quiet venue was suddenly full of clamors. The dozen or so senior dignitaries sitting in the front row showed expressions of surprise and even disgust. Obviously, old-fashioned people like them would never accept a gay president as president.

Once they are disgusted with Le Zhengming and give up on him, the campaign can end early.

The director immediately cut the close-up to Zhuang Li's face. His long and narrow eyes were slightly rounded, and he seemed surprised, and then shrugged to his colleagues sitting on both sides, saying that he didn't know anything.

Gong Xuanlin, who was sitting at the round table opposite, saw his innocent expression and couldn't help sneering in his heart.

However, he soon stopped laughing.

Gong Xuanqi, who turned his head to look back at the big screen, also froze in place.

That disgusting kissing video that was supposed to be played at the right moment turned into a huge little yellow face, occupying an LED screen of more than 20 square meters, with eyes bent into obscene arcs, like black beans His eyes turned left and right, as if he was scanning the audience under the stage, the corners of his mouth grinned to the bottom of his ears, and his mocking expression came alive.

Gong Xuanqi, who was in control of the victory: "..."

Gong Xuanlin, who was waiting for Zhuang Li to

make a fool of himself: "..." 7480: "..."

There is no accident. Today is another day when the protagonist group was devastated.

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