Chapter 129

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At the same time as Zhuang Han accelerated, Zhuang Li's sports car also accelerated, and two streams of light, one silver and white and the other dark black, galloped through the highway.

Zhuang Li said slowly while turning the steering wheel: "Zhuang Han, tell the truth, your AI technology is indeed at the top level in the world, otherwise I wouldn't see the development potential of the Cambrian, and try to get it. "

But your R&D philosophy was deviated from the very beginning, which is doomed to your present failure.

"Eugene's perception deficit can be compensated by constantly expanding the database. The intelligent software you develop can reach the height of in-depth learning or even self-learning after one upgrade. You can make Eugene smarter, you are only one step away from success. One step.

"But unfortunately, you will never be able to cross this step. Zhuang Li shook his head and sighed, but there was an interesting smile on the corner of his mouth.

Zhuang Han was fascinated by his words before he knew it, and asked out of breath, "Why can't I ever get past this step?" "

"Because your concept is wrong. "Zhuang Li stared at the front and sighed: "If the technology is wrong, it can be improved. If the concept is wrong, the direction of your travel will be completely changed, and the goal you set will never be reached." "

"What's wrong with my idea?" I can't go wrong! Zhuang Han roared with red eyes.

"What form do you think the driverless technology should take? Is it linear or one-shot? Is it a step-by-step approach, or will it completely replace the role of the human driver as soon as it hits the market? Zhuang Li took time to look at the LCD screen.

"Of course it's linear, step by step!" Do you think I'm a primary school student? "Zhuang Han gritted his teeth and sneered.

[Of course it's linear!]

[Linear and linear! It's impossible for this technology to completely replace the role of human drivers as soon as it appears!]

[Yes, driverless technology currently exists only as an aid to human drivers. ]

These words come from netizens watching the live broadcast.

Yes, Zhuang Li not only hacked into Zhuang Han's mobile phone and obtained a video connection with him, but also broadcast the competition to the Internet through live broadcast.

Those watching the livestream did not realize that it was actually a murder, and thought it was just a debate between the banker brothers.

When he got the expected answer, Zhuang Li shook his head and chuckled, and said slowly: "Zhuang Han, you are wrong, this is the fallacy that you will never be able to overcome this technology."

"Where am I wrong?" Zhuang Han sneered back, His face was full of disdain.

[Yeah, where are we wrong? 】 Netizens in the live broadcast room are also asking.

"Have you seen this steering wheel?" Zhuang Li asked the camera installed on the roof to focus on the objects under his hands, and said seriously: "Whether it turns left or right is related to our lives.

" When I was alone, this problem was not a problem at all, I could choose whatever I wanted, and I would take full responsibility for the accident.

"But now, if you develop an automatic driving system according to your logic, then this system will become my assistant, and it will also give its own opinions when judging the direction.

"You can imagine such a scenario. You are driving a car on the highway, the speed is 120 kilometers per hour, there is a fork 150 meters ahead, your brain tells you to go straight to the left to reach the destination, at this time the system tells you to drive to the right and enter the fork To reach your destination, how do you choose?

Zhuang Li looked at a miniature camera installed on the windshield, his dark eyes were very penetrating. Being stared straight

at by his long and narrow eyes, Zhuang Han's heart palpitated for a moment, and his mind was also empty.

The audience in the room gave the answer after a brief thought: [I listen to the system.]

[I listen to myself. 】

【I listen to the system. ]

There are many people who choose to go left or right, and it is impossible to tell whether the human brain is more trusted or the judgment of the machine is more valued.

It was only then that Zhuang Han said in a deep voice, "I will choose to trust the system."

However, Zhuang Li's focus was different from everyone else's.

He shook his head and said: "You hesitated. When the system contradicted your judgment, you hesitated for three seconds. Your current speed is 120 kilometers per hour, which is 2 kilometers per minute and 33.33 meters per second. "

In the three seconds you were hesitating, you had run out 99 meters, and you were very close to the fork, and you were about to miss it. In a panic, do you swerve the steering wheel, like this? Zhuang Li suddenly turned the steering wheel and drove towards the lane on the right. The

high-speed sports car waggled its tail and drifted. The tires scraped the ground and made a sharp neigh.

This kind of operation is undoubtedly very dangerous. The audience was covered in cold sweat.

Zhuang Han, who was chasing after him, hurriedly stepped on the brakes, and his tires also slipped, almost hitting the guardrail.

A drone hovered in the sky, nearly knocking the two cars off. The danger of the collision was instantly transmitted to the Internet.

Seeing this extremely dangerous scene from the perspective of God, the audience was even more afraid.

However, Zhuang Li easily turned the steering wheel back, continued to drive forward quickly, and chuckled: "I see. ? This is what happens when two brains operate a steering wheel at the same time.

"If you use an automated driving system as a tool to assist a human driver, it will have more accidents than when a human driver is driving the car.

"Every driver will wander, every driver will go the wrong way, in the case of a confused mind , even if the system informs the correct route 500 meters in advance, someone will still make the wrong choice. I think a lot of people have experienced this situation.

"Moreover, when you turn on the automatic driving mode and drive leisurely on the road, if the car encounters an unavoidable emergency, the system will immediately return the power to control the steering wheel to you, allowing you to respond. Because according to your research and development Logic, the system is the assistant, and the real decision maker is always human."

Zhuang Li asked one by one: "How do you deal with this? How do you reverse a car accident in a hurry? If you are texting or calling when you take over the steering wheel , watching videos, or even sleeping, can your brain respond?"

Zhuang Han was asked.

Netizens in the live broadcast room: [...No, you can't! Those who can save themselves in that situation are gods! ]

Until then, Zhuang Li gently tapped the steering wheel and gave his opinion: "Do you understand now that your R&D concept was wrong from the beginning. When this steering wheel was invented, it was destined that it could only be developed by A brain to control, either to humans or to machines, there is no middle ground, no hesitation, no confusion.

"All confusion leads to death!

"The development of autonomous driving technology should not be linear, step-by-step, and assisted. Every technology has a process of exploration and trial and error, but autonomous driving technology cannot. Every time it explores, every trial and error , may take a life.

"If I were to develop it, I would make it completely replace humans, and I would completely abandon the steering wheel. Until it gets to that point, I'm not going to put it on the market.

Zhuang Han sneered, "What are you talking about in your sleep, Zhuang Li ? It will take at least another decade or two for this technology to reach the level you are talking about! If you don't take it step by step, how can technology go from low-end to high-end? "

No, you are wrong again, the development of technology is not linear. Zhuang Li pointed to his own brain: "In the hands of a genius, even a technology that has never appeared before can mature in a very short time, just like the miracle of life created by the Cambrian.

"Why did you call your company Cambrian? Just because you have the word 'cold' in your name? Then I can only say that your understanding of the Cambrian is too shallow, so it is destined not to belong to You.

"What you can't do, doesn't mean others can't do it.

"The steam engine suddenly pushed the farming society into the mechanical age; the generator quickly pushed the mechanical age into the electrical age... The emergence of every super genius will make the times move forward in great strides."

Zhuang Li looked directly at the camera and said slowly : "My friends, please get ready, my age of intelligence has arrived."

After saying this, he raised his hand and let go of the steering wheel completely, and the dashboard in front showed that his current speed was per hour. 120 kilometers!

Zhuang Han: "!!!"

Audience in the live broadcast room: [! ! ! ]

[Fuck, fuck, fuck! What is Mr. Zhuang doing? Suicide? 】

【Ah ah ah ah! Help! I can not see! 】

In the chaos, even more terrifying things happened: Zhuang Li's steering wheel slowly sank, folded, folded, and disappeared into the interior of the car! It's completely gone!

Zhuang Han: "..."

Audience: [...]

At this moment, everyone has lost their language! What the hell is going on here? Zhuang Gongzi's car has no steering wheel? What the hell is this? !

[Friends, open your eyes! The accident didn't happen! Check out the aerial photography! Zhuang Gongzi's car is still driving, very stable! Damn, it's drifting! Shit, it's drifting again! It does it, it never slows down when cornering! ] A netizen sent a barrage with blood-red characters.

At the same time, Zhuang Han's mobile phone screen also appeared on the screen of the drone.

He saw Zhuang Li's car driving forward, speeding through corners, changing lanes at speed, and overtaking cars at speed, without any hesitation or pause. He was more skilled than the world's top racers.

It wasn't until then that he understood what Zhuang Li's previously sent Weibo meant.

Zhuang Li succeeded! He has developed the most mature driverless technology!

On such a complicated road, in such a turbulent traffic flow, and at such an extreme speed, the car did not have the slightest miscalculation, and it galloped like a gust of wind, like lightning, like something that could not be captured by the eyes. A ray of light!

Every word that Zhuang Li said before was not false, he really did it!

Suddenly, Zhuang Han lost all his strength, parked the car on the overpass, watched the silver-white streamer fading away viciously, then frantically thumped the steering wheel and let out a frustrated roar.

He did not find that, under the guidance of Zhuang Li, he had actually entered an economic and trade city that was still under construction, and the vehicles driving in the city were all extras hired by Huarui Manufacturing.

These people created a scene of a bustling neighborhood, and they have already greeted the relevant departments and paid the rent, but the angry Zhuang Han did not realize that he had been tricked.

He didn't know where it was, nor did he know that the traffic and pedestrians under the overpass were fake, he just stared at the silver streamer.

Zhuang Li's car drove into an S-shaped curve, still did not slow down, but drifted left and right to swipe at a high speed, and then went straight to a wall, but just before hitting the wall, it swayed its tail gracefully. A safe exit between life and death.

A car came head-on, gradually approaching his car, and was about to collide, but they staggered each other at a critical moment.

As a slope approached, the silver-white sports car still did not slow down, leaped high, and landed lightly.

The roadway is so narrow that it can only accommodate the lower half of the car body. The car did not slow down at all, but kept increasing its speed. With the help of the roadside slope, the half car body was lifted off the ground. With the remaining two wheels and the inertia of high speed , ride on the wall and drive over.

Zhuang Han, who was sitting on a high place and watched all this with his own eyes: "..."

Netizens who watched this scene through aerial photography and various cameras installed in the trade city: [...]

If Zhuang Li had not broadcast the situation inside the car on the screen, no one would have believed that the car had no steering wheel and was driving it by himself.

It drives better than the best racers in the world!

When the vast majority of netizens were shocked to lose their language ability, some rich people who loved cars like their lives shouted hoarsely: [Master Zhuang, when will your car be released? I'll take it! ! ! ! ]

There is no shortage of rich people in Huaguo, so it didn't take long for the screen of the live broadcast room to be occupied by the blood-red "buy" characters.

Obviously, Zhuang Li's purpose has been achieved. He used Zhuang Han to make the best promotion for his products.

After today, no one would question the safety and reliability of this car. If it can take you around the city, on steep slopes, and in narrow lanes, it can take you anywhere in the world.

Vehicles and pedestrians in the trade city stopped and looked intently at an LED screen erected on a high place, which was broadcasting the performance of silver meteors in real time.

Applause and cheers resounded from every corner of the block.

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Hancai slowly broke free from the huge frustration and despair, picked up the phone and said with a sneer, "Zhuang Li, did you rent this block? The terrain was also explored by you in advance. So our topic Going around again, without a high-precision positioning service and a detailed map, your car can't drive on the road at all!"

Zhuang Li also picked up his mobile phone and said with a smile: "Zhuang Han, look at the top of your head. Do you remember? Huarui Manufacturing donated a batch of cameras with hundreds of billions of pixels to the government some time ago. These cameras are equipped with a signal transmitter, and my car is equipped with sensors.

"When I drive on the road, These signal transmitters will transmit the pictures captured by the camera to my car, which will then analyze and process the data.

"Without mapping maps, without high-precision positioning services, what the camera sees, what my car can see, the width of the road, the height of the bridge, the depth of the tunnel, all will enter the car's brain.

"And this kind of signal and signal The transmission is encrypted, and there is absolutely no possibility of leakage. In the future, Huarui will continue to cooperate with the government to spread this high-precision camera to a wider area, so as to prevent criminal cases, car accidents and man-made accidents, and espionage activities to the greatest extent possible.

"When map services and satellite services are unavailable, there are still many ways to solve the problem of data acquisition channels. It only depends on how good you are at thinking."

Zhuang Li pointed to his temple and smiled contemptuously: "Zhuang Han, encounter a problem. Please use your brain when you want to, don't limit your thinking to a box. What you can't do doesn't mean others can't do it. Your failure is not without reason, understand?"

Zhuang Han looked up at On the light pole on the side of the road, I saw a camera with Huarui's trademark sprayed on it.

Netizens also suddenly realized: [Ah, I remember! When Hua Rui donated the camera, it was also on the news. The host praised and praised this camera, saying that it is highly technical and an invention across the ages. I didn't take it seriously at the time, and I forgot about it! 】

【I also forgot! 】

【Who would have thought that a small camera could have such a big effect! In the future, if the satellites are interfered with, our country will still be able to enjoy the most accurate navigation services. Zhuang Gongzi's skills are too awesome! 】

【It is no exaggeration to say that the invention of this camera has great strategic significance. With it, Huaguo can start building a smart city. 】

【Do you understand the concept of smart city? That is, important industries related to the national economy and people's livelihood, such as transportation, logistics, water and electricity transportation, are managed by a central control program. Our nation's operating mechanisms will be more efficient, faster, and safer. ]

[Criminal cases, car accidents, and natural disasters can all be eliminated under the surveillance of cameras. 】

[To give a very simple example, if a large number of moths appear in a forest in a certain place, the camera will immediately issue a pest warning; if the pigs in a pig farm die abnormally, the camera will immediately issue a swine fever warning; if the forest Smoke is coming from somewhere, and the camera will immediately issue a fire warning. 】

After this person explained, other netizens finally understood it, and their hearts were shocked beyond belief.

They never thought that a simple camera could bring about such a huge change in society!

Zhuang Han had no idea that he was being watched by a national audience.

He couldn't think about it any more, and Zhuang Li's sarcastic words echoed in his mind - you failed for no reason, you failed, failed, failed, failed...

These two extremely sharp words eroded Zhuang Han's heart like venom , and then, he saw Zhuang Li's car drive back onto the overpass and parked quietly in front of him.

Zhuang Han's mind went blank for a moment, then he stepped on the accelerator and slammed into it frantically.

Zhuang Li's car immediately backed up, turned its head smoothly at the bottom of the overpass, and rushed towards the open area.

Zhuang Han chased after him desperately, and screamed with a twisted face: "Zhuang Li, I'm going to kill you! Only if you die can I start over again!"

Seeing his murderous face and hearing his hateful words, the live broadcast Only then did the netizens in the room realize dully—I... fuck, the previous chase wasn't a rehearsal, was it for real? Zhuang Han has been chasing Zhuang Li? If you fail, you blame others for being too good. What logic is this?

[Quick alarm, quick alarm! Zhuang Han is crazy! 】Netizens are scrambling to make phone calls.

However, Zhuang Li was already prepared. His car drove straight towards a pile of huge plastic buckets filled with water, but swayed its tail a second before hitting it and evacuated safely.

However, Zhuang Han's brain did not have such precise computing power and manipulation ability, and could only slam into the wall of buckets with a bang.

Netizens were stunned.

But something even weirder happened.

An off-road vehicle came from an unknown fork, and slammed into Zhuang Han's car, who had been forced to stop by a bucket.

Zhuang Li opened the door and walked out, waving at the off-road vehicle.

The off-road vehicle hit Zhuang Han's car many times before opening the door, and an unusually tall figure walked down.

This figure turned his back to the drone and could not see his face clearly. He walked around Zhuang Li, who came to greet him, and walked to the black car buried under the bucket. Han took it out and threw a punch against the opponent's face, followed by another punch, two punches, and three punches in the abdomen...

Zhuang Han was beaten to the ground, spitting out bile, and wailing.

The man's back was very tall. Although he was wearing a suit, he couldn't hide his knotted muscles. Every time he punched, his arms would bulge, and his body seemed to be filled with terrifying power.

Seeing that Zhuang Han was about to be knocked unconscious, Zhuang Li jumped on the man's back, tugged at the man's ear and said something in a soft voice, and then kissed the top of his hair frequently.

Only then did the crazy man calm down. He threw the muddy Zhuang Han aside, and backhanded Zhuang Li into his arms, shaking uncontrollably.

He didn't show his face or speak, but everyone who looked at him could clearly feel the fear in his heart. He was so afraid of losing his arms.

The drone stopped filming, and the follow-up content Hua Rui is not going to be broadcast again.

The netizen who saw it was cool: [? ? ? Is this the end? ? ? Shit, I feel like I'm going to orgasm right away. My boyfriend suddenly gets impotent! Who is this man who avenged Mr. Zhuang! The back is also too sturdy and stylish! 】

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