Chapter 171

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 On the first day he met Zhuang Li, King Qi gave up the idea of ​​pulling out the poisonous needle because he knew he couldn't afford to lose.

If closing his eyes was his farewell to this man, he would shudder with fear.

But now, when Zhuang Li firmly said that he must pull it out, he couldn't say anything to refuse.

He is the one who can't afford to lose, and he is the one who is willing to lose everything for the young man in front of him. So he gave up the struggle, closed his eyes and responded, "Okay."

Zhuang Li hugged his head and whispered softly against his ear: "Don't be afraid, it will be fine. Trust me?

" The sentence "Trust me" was clearly the first time the young man said it, but it evoked an inexplicable and profound sense of familiarity in King Qi's ears. So his uneasy heart immediately calmed down, and nodded in response: "Okay."

These simple two "good" words entrusted the life of King Qi. He didn't understand why he was so gullible with someone, but he just wanted to do it. There is nothing to think about, at this moment, staying in this warm embrace is eternal for him.

So he stretched out his hand and slowly hugged the boy's slender waist, waiting with bated breath for the boy's reaction.

Accept or push away?

Not only did Zhuang Li accept the hug, but he buried his head in his lover's neck and quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

The carriage suddenly became very quiet, but it was vaguely entangled with two violent heartbeats, which merged into a reassuring warm atmosphere.

For a long time, King Qi, who didn't know how to write the words "relaxed and happy", kissed the soft hair on the side of the boy's temple without a trace, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, Zhuang Li spoke in a sullen manner: "Have you married a wife and gave birth to a child?"

The smile at the corner of King Qi's mouth immediately pursed into a straight line, firmly denying it: "I don't!"

"Then how did your son come?" Zhuang Li asked aggressively. .

"That's the son of my general." King Qi grabbed the little gentleman's waist, lest he would run out of his arms without listening to the explanation, and said very quickly: "My general died on the battlefield to save me. , I went back to the capital to look for his wife to repay her kindness, but found that his wife died in childbirth, leaving behind a newborn baby. At that time, my father and mother forced me to get married and have a child, so I secretly pretended this child as a prince and prevaricates I've passed it."

"I've never found a woman in these years, nor have I ever had the idea of ​​getting married and having children." King Qi looked sideways at the little gentleman, and said in an embarrassed tone: "If I say it, I've been in the dark all the time. Waiting for someone, and that person is you, do you believe it?"

Zhuang Li looked into his deep pupils and nodded with a chuckle, "I believe."

After finishing the words, he called out in his heart, "System, do you hear me? Do you still doubt God's feelings for me now?"

7480: "...Master, you are a little naive!"

Zhuang Li didn't care about the system's complaints, he quickly approached his lover, and stole a kiss on his lips.

King Qi was stunned, and after reacting, he immediately held the little gentleman's cheek and grabbed a deep kiss forcefully.


It was already very late when the convoy arrived at the other courtyard, and Zhuang Li, whose lips were red and swollen, was picked up by King Qi and carried off the carriage.

When he landed, Zhuang Li pinched King Qi's hot ears in revenge.

The two looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Zhuang Lao Er and others were arranged in the West Crossing Courtyard, while Zhuang Li and King Qi went to the East Crossing Courtyard. The commander of the guards gathered 150 guards and arranged patrol tasks. Zhuang Li seemed to remember something, and deliberately warned: "You don't care

about Luoxia Village at the foot of the mountain, and don't pass by there."

The movement here.

"Yes, the subordinates will avoid Luoxia Village." The commander of the guards respectfully agreed.

"Is the imperial physician here?" Zhuang Li asked again.

"Follow me." The commander of the guards waved slightly behind him, and a gray-haired old man stepped forward with a medicine box.

"Give me the box, you can go and rest." Zhuang Li sent the imperial physician back, pointing to the East Crossing Hospital and instructing: "Tonight, you should focus on guarding this place, don't let anyone approach, I will help the prince pull the needle." The

guard commander He looked up suddenly, looking at him in disbelief. The rest of the guards also stared at him with sullen faces.

No wonder they reacted so fiercely, it's just that the poisonous needle stuck in the prince's chest has become a heart disease for all of them.

The needle is too close to the heart, if you pull it too hard, or if the angle is wrong, the prince will die immediately. What's more difficult is that when the needle is pulled out, the skin on the king's chest must be cut open, and the flesh must be stabbed and searched repeatedly. The severe pain cannot be tolerated by ordinary people.

If the prince can't bear the pain and struggles by himself, and the imperial doctor who pulls the needle is disturbed, the prince's fate will also be a death sentence.

They also thought about suppressing the prince's hands and feet, but the prince's martial arts were very strong, and seven or eight guards could not restrain him. Lock his wrists and ankles with iron chains, and it won't take him long to break the chains.

The prince who has been tempered in the battlefield of blood and fire has one eye open even when he sleeps, so how can he let someone else drive the knife in his own fatal way? His brain knew not to struggle, but his body would resist subconsciously, and no imperial doctor could approach him with a knife unharmed.

All in all, if you want to remove the poisonous needle for the prince safely, the practitioner must meet four requirements: one is painless, the second is fast, the third is precision, and the fourth is 100% trust of the prince.

Can this young man really do it?

When the guards hesitated, King Qi said in a deep voice, "I've already agreed, and I'll pull the needle tonight.


The group returned to the East Courtyard, cleaned out a room, lit several candles at different angles according to Zhuang Li's instructions, and used a bronze mirror to reflect all the candlelight on King Qi's chest. The light was not enough, the guard commander also opened the prince's warehouse and took a few night pearls.

Zhuang Li sat opposite King Qi and said in a soft voice, "Now I'm going to hypnotize you. After entering a deep hypnosis state, you will lose your pain, so I can pull out the poisonous needle for you. You have to trust me and follow My order, okay?"

King Qi nodded and said yes.

Zhuang Li then instructed: "Now please close your eyes and imagine yourself lying in a white halo."

King Qi's eyes were always on Mr. Xiao, and he was reluctant to even blink.

"Close your eyes." Zhuang Li emphasized.

King Qi closed his eyes, but quickly opened them again.

Zhuang Li raised his eyebrows and said, "You say you believe me, but your body is resisting me. Are you worried that I will hurt you?" He thought too simply. Such deep trust.

King Qi shook his head and murmured, "I can't bear to close my eyes."

More worries were stuck in his throat but it was difficult to say. Because he knew that now he would live one more day, one less day, one more glance, one less eye, and when his eyelids droop, the boy would disappear into the darkness, which made him very frightened.

Zhuang Li stared at his lover's eyes full of nostalgia, and quickly understood his mood, so he couldn't help but chuckle.

No matter how many worlds he has traveled through, this person is always so cute.

Zhuang Li stretched out two slender fingers and gently pressed his lover's eyelids, his voice softly coaxing: "Don't be afraid, I promise that when you open your eyes, the first person you see will be me. I will Always by your side.

"Sleep, sleep, your eyelids are getting heavier and heavier. Your body begins to relax, from scalp to cheeks, then neck and shoulders, and the muscles in your back stretch like wings, taking you away You become as light as a cloud. Your abdomen rises and falls with deep breathing, and you gain complete relaxation. Your legs are also relaxed inch by inch, all the way to the soles of your feet."

Zhuang Li While guiding with language, he gently stroked King Qi's whole body with his palm, from scalp to cheeks, to his lower abdomen and legs.

The amazing thing is that every time he touched a place, King Qi's tense body softened, and he fell into a completely defenseless state.

Finally, Zhuang Li's palm hung on King Qi's gauze-wrapped chest, and he said slowly, "Do you feel my comfort?"

"I feel it." King Qi answered slowly with his eyes closed.

"Is my palm very warm, with a soft power?" Zhuang Li continued to induce.

King Qi, who was half lying on the soft collapse, nodded subconsciously.

"Now, this force is saturating your chest and protecting your heart. It can cut off the pain, so the pain in your chest will disappear soon. I'm exerting force, can you feel it?" The palm of his hand is always suspended on the blood-stained chest of King Qi.

"I feel it." King Qi showed a comfortable expression.

"Your wound no longer hurts, do you feel it?"

King Qi closed his eyes and felt it for a while, then said briskly, "I feel it."

The guards who were staring at Zhuang Li had long been stunned. Is this a magic spell? Use thoughts to take away the pain, who can do it except gods?

However, only Zhuang Li knows that everyone's subconscious has superpowers like gods, and they can completely control their own body.

After numbing the pain nerves of King Qi, Zhuang Li continued to guide: "Tell me, where is that poisonous needle."

King Qi's brows furrowed, as if he didn't know how to answer this question.

After a long time, he said in a trance: "I don't know."

"No, you know, as long as you feel it seriously, you will know." Zhuang Li said firmly.

7480 couldn't listen anymore and retorted in a low voice: "Master, he can't know where that poisonous needle is! His eyes are not X-rays.

" Only let him find the answer himself. Without absolute certainty, I will not cut a knife on his heart. Human potential is beyond your imagination. I hypnotized an interstellar thief.

"She defected from the Federation . When her husband and son were killed by federal troops, she went out of menstruation for six years. Six years later, the wounds in her heart were slowly healed by her friends. She wanted to marry her friends and have a child again.

"For this, she came to me and hoped that I could make a medicine for her. I hypnotized her and asked her: 'When will you have your period?' In a daze, she answered me: 'Three days later.' After waking up, I told her the answer, so three days later, her period came as scheduled. So you see? Human subconscious can completely control their body.

"People with low blood sugar will crave sugar and lack trace elements. People will suffer from pica, which is our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind can see through our body like an X-ray, but we don't know it.

7480 was

stunned when he heard it . After a long time, he realized that when did the host hypnotize the interstellar thief? What is the origin of the host? If the host doesn't kill it, it will always be the host's Sweetheart.

At the same time, King Qi frowned and said: "I feel it, it is here, it is an inch under the skin, and it can be cut with a straight knife. "He slowly raised his hand and pointed to his heart.

The heart is no more than ten centimeters away from the chest, and King Qi is so thin that the heart is probably only hidden five to seven centimeters under the skin. That is to say, this needle is really close to the heart, it is three centimeters under the skin, and it can take the life of King Qi with two centimeters!

Zhuang Li immediately cut open the gauze, followed the direction pointed by King Qi, picked up a sharp knife that had already been sterilized, cut through the skin, and used tweezers to insert it straight under the skin, and with a slight turn, he touched a needle. , and then quickly clipped out.

The whole process is completed in the blink of an eye.

When the poisonous needle fell into the bowl and made a crisp sound, the guards standing around realized that the disease that had tormented the prince for several years had been cut off!

Fast, precise and painless! There is nothing more immortal than this!

While the guards were still immersed in shock, Zhuang Li had already used a knife to scrape off the rotten flesh due to the corrosion of the poisonous needle, poured spirits to sterilize the poison, then sutured the wound with catgut and wrapped it in clean gauze. The whole process is quick and gentle.

At the end, he used two fingers to press King Qi's brow bone and whispered: "Okay, you can sleep peacefully. After you wake up tomorrow morning, the pain will leave you forever, and you will feel refreshed and healthy. Comfortable, you will quickly recover to your healthiest state. Go to sleep, and everything will be fine when you wake up tomorrow."

King Qi tilted his head slightly, followed his voice, and then fell asleep with a long breath, a look of happiness on his face Satisfied smile.

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