Chapter 41

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248 spent hours sifting through important data on Zhuang Li's personal computer and various scientific research results in his laboratory.

"Host, you must admit that there are super geniuses in this world," he sighed as he downloaded these confidential documents: "Zhuang Li only started to develop nanomaterials two months ago, and the results achieved have surpassed other people's research for more than 20 years. "

Qiao Yanan was lying on the sofa browsing Lin Yayan's scandal, swaying his raised legs up and down, his tone was both happy and disdainful: "So what? No matter how talented he is, I will have a way to deal with him. In the future, we will disclose what he studies. , to see if others dare to sponsor his research. No one contributes money, and he is just a rotten pheasant who graduated from a pheasant university."

"Host, you are like a hungry wolf, you won't let go if you bite the enemy."248 He praised: "This is what I admire most about you. As long as you eliminate all your opponents, you will definitely become the ultimate winner."

Qiao Yanan smiled more and more proudly, "System, when I was bound to me, I said, you The choice is not wrong. The information we stole from Zhao Zhensheng is useless on Haiming's side, but domestic companies of the same type should be rushing for it, right? Help me find out who Haiming's rival is. Enterprise, I'm going to apply for a job. Doesn't Xuan Ming look down on me? Then I'll help his enemy to attack him, so I can catch his eye, right?"

"Are you going to love and kill each other?" 248 analyzed it carefully After a while, he nodded and said: "Yes, I'll help you investigate... Now, the communication company that is chasing Haiming is called Future Map, they have hired headhunters to dig you, you wait at home over there Just a phone call."

Then, 248 worried again: "But you don't have any goods in your stomach, and Zhao Zhensheng's research and development results are limited to the 5G framework and basic algorithms. There is no problem with these future entry maps, but you must lead them to catch up. Hai Ming is just a distant dream. I'm worried that you will be exposed in the future."

"Didn't the United States get Zhao Zhensheng's scientific research results and are developing them? You can just help me steal the technology from the United States. To what extent they have developed, I will lead the future map to continue to follow up, so that it will be soon It can surpass Haiming. The technology of the United States is much more advanced than that of China." Qiao Yanan said on the ground.

In her opinion, it is better to take away the road paved by others and leave others with nowhere to go. How interesting is that?

248 became more and more satisfied with the host, and praised: "Although you are not skilled, you are really good at opportunism. I will help you steal the technology of the United States, and I will also help you delete all traces, you can rest assured.

" Suddenly, the headhunting company called Qiao Yanan, offered an annual salary of 60 million yuan, and gave her ten points of shares. Because they have obtained her latest medical report and found that her body is recovering very well.

However, just in case, when Qiao Yanan joins the job, Future Atlas will still provide her with a medical team to take care of her physical and mental health at all times.

Such conditions far exceeded Qiao Yanan's psychological expectations, so the two sides quickly reached an agreement.

A few minutes later, an entry contract slowly emerged from the fax machine, which was sent by Future Atlas. It seems that they are determined to win Qiao Yanan.

"This is too impatient. The contract was sent as soon as the phone call was finalized. But forget it. For the sake of their chairman's vision, I'll sign the contract now." Qiao Yanan took a closer look There are several provisions on remuneration in the contract. After confirming that it is correct, I picked up the pen and signed it.

After receiving the photo of the signed contract, the future map immediately announced the good news on the official Weibo and official website. The senior management at all levels, together with the chairman of the board, expressed their warm welcome to her on the Internet @qiaoyanan, and extended her generous support. Treatment as the focus of publicity, so that everyone knows. I believe that in the near future, more and more technicians will jump to the future map.

Through this move, the future map completely exposed its ambitions. They don't want to chase after Hai Ming, what they want is to surpass, crush, and even kill them all. There is one and only one leader in the industry, and that is the future map.

Zhuang Li's birth was too sudden and inexplicable, so people in the industry believed that he was just a shield for Qiao Yanan. After all, Dr. Zhao was assassinated, and Qiao Yanan, who succeeded him, is very likely to be assassinated.

Hai Ming's public dismissal of Qiao Yanan must have been to protect her and transfer her underground. But this move is horribly wrong. Because once Qiao Yanan regains her freedom, other companies can openly dig corners.

As long as the benefits are high enough, I believe no one will be tempted. After all, technicians also have to eat. No, Qiao Yanan was dug away?

People in the industry lamented that the future has a large pattern, a long-term vision, and willingness to invest. The rumor that Zhuang Li is a super genius has not been investigated by anyone, let alone believed.

For a time, the whole network was praising Qiao Yanan and mocking Haiming Group. Others put Qiao Yanan's photo together with her resume on the Internet to inform the general public about the achievements of the youngest female scientist in China.

Seeing this dense list of honors, netizens were shocked, and then expressed their opinions one after another: [You can rely on your looks, but you rely on your talent! 】

【My mother asked me why I was on my knees and swiping Weibo! 】

【This is the idol our teenagers should worship! ]

[Haiming has grown bigger and bigger over the years, and President Xuan has become more and more absent-minded. Even a person like Dr. Qiao dared to fire him. I bet this company is over. ]

[Yes, the future communication field is the world of the future map. 】

Various touts cover the screen and greatly satisfy Qiao Yanan's vanity. She put the phone to her chest and hummed smugly. Yes, this is the life she wants, splendid, admired by everyone, and aloof. Being suppressed is only temporary, she will soon let that bastard Zhuang Li taste the taste of ruin!

Thinking of this, her eyes narrowed and she urged, "System, have you finished downloading the file?"

248 sent the huge file package to the major forums, and marked the title - "Report on the latest research and development results of nano-engine technology".

Nanorobots are the product of the development of nanotechnology to a certain extent, and the prerequisite for manufacturing nanorobots is to create an engine. Once this difficulty is overcome, it will set off another round of technological revolution around the world.

Scientists in the field quickly noticed the post and opened the attachments.

Qiao Yanan and 248 silently waited for the industry's response. I believe that within half an hour, Zhuang Li's research and development results and the billions of dollars invested by Xuan Ming will be in vain. The EG Research Institute, which has suffered huge losses, will vent its anger on their heads, tear up the cooperative relationship with them on the spot, and demand exorbitant compensation.

Against the state apparatus, Zhuang Li will not end well, Xuan Ming will not end well, and even Hai Ming will fall into a precarious situation.

"This is a great gift from me to the future map. It doesn't take five years to catch up with Haiming, they can short Haiming now and become the biggest winner. Will Xuanming go bankrupt? If I pull him at this time, Will he be grateful to me? Zhuang Li will be banned by the industry? The country has claimed billions of dollars from him, will he dare to default? How much he has stolen from me, and now he has to spit it out for me!"

Qiao Yanan closed his eyes Thinking about the future, the more he talks and laughter, the more proud he becomes, but his expression is distorted like a ghost. Greed, selfishness, viciousness, narrow-mindedness, these extremely negative things have corroded her heart into a black hole.

248 was very satisfied with what she had done, and agreed: "Now we can slowly wait for the follow-up development."


At the same time, Xuan Ming also found a large number of document packages on the Internet, and the eye-catching title directly pointed to the recent research and development results of Xiaocui Mao. He immediately thought of Qiao Yanan's system. When it comes to online theft, no one can be more powerful than it!

Xuan Ming hurriedly opened the attachment. Because the data packet was too large, the download speed was very slow, and the specific content could not be seen for a while. He was in a hurry, grabbed his laptop, and went down to the -6th floor to find the client to clarify.

The laboratory is very lively with people coming and going, and there are more and more advanced experimental equipment. Unknowingly, Little Curly Hair has embraced the top medical technology R&D team, optoelectronic technology R&D team, quantum technology R&D team, and nanotechnology R&D team in China.

The people who work here are all the top scientists in China and even the world, but they regard the little curly hair as their spiritual leader. Even if the little curly hair hides the real research and development results, and only reveals some basic things, it is enough for these scientists to ponder for a long time.

Although the billions of dollars invested by Xuan Ming have not yet been converted into tangible economic benefits, the broad prospects contained in it have already begun to leak.

"Mr. Xuan, come down to inspect the work again?" Several scientists greeted Xuan Ming with a smile, and then hurriedly left with a thick folder.

Xuan Ming nodded absentmindedly, walked into the small curly hair's office and immediately locked the door, put the laptop on the table, and said in a hurried voice: "Your scientific research results were stolen by Qiao Yanan."

Zhuang Li was lying on the table, using He deduced a brand new black hole model with pen and paper. Hearing this sentence, he didn't even bother to lift his eyelids: "No."

"Look if this is your research material." Xuan Ming pushed the laptop to his hand. .

Zhuang Li didn't look up and directly denied: "No."

"You invented the nano-engine, right?" Xuan Ming had to remind him.

Zhuang Li finally raised his head and showed an interesting smile. He hooked the pen with his fingertips and slowly turned into a cluster of flowers. His voice was full of anticipation: "It packed my data away?"

"Really your information?" Xuan Ming's heart sank.

Only then did Zhuang Li support Yi, glancing lazily at the computer screen, and an air of contempt came out from his nose: "Well, it's mine." He threw away the pen, raised his hands to support his waist, The long and narrow eyes became wet due to sleepiness, but the dark pupils were even more unpredictable.

"When the file package is downloaded, you can open it and take a look. It will be interesting." He leaned back in the chair stretched out, and there was a subtle meaning hidden in his smile.

Finding that the little curly hair was not in a hurry at all, Xuan Ming slowly calmed down, "Then keep busy, I'll be waiting." He put the computer on his lap and waited patiently.

Zhuang Li was also intrigued. He put one hand on the back of the wheelchair, and put one hand on Xuan Ming's shoulder, put his head close, and looked at the computer screen with him.

The beautiful wood scent floated over again, in the same half hug and half hug position, which made Xuan Ming's frantic heart melt completely in the rapid heating up, burning his chest and burning his ears. If it weren't for the amazing self-control, his whole face would be on fire.

Pressing the shoulders, leaning over to stare at him, and confining his arms, these are all actions to control a person, and the little curly hair will always make these actions inadvertently, which shows that his character is very strong. No one can disturb any of his decisions, not even the system and the main god. To gain his favor, you must follow his will.

Xuan Ming thought silently in his heart.

At the same time, the huge file package was finally downloaded, and after opening it, it was not the latest scientific research results of the so-called nano-engine, but a whole row of mocking expressions. The expressions also jump up and down, sway from side to side, and zoom in one after the other.

Every expression suddenly becomes huge, and when the entire screen is filled, the smirk on their faces will appear particularly contemptuous, which makes people look extremely angry.

The technicians who were still very interested in this scientific research result turned blue, and then took out their keyboards and madly sprayed the publisher.

Xuan Ming looked at the big yellow faces that were taunting one after another on the screen, and burst out laughing.

At the other end, Qiao Yanan, who also opened the file package, was screaming sharply: "System, what's going on?!"

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