Chapter 32

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An Baoer was trapped between his arms by Zhuang Li, and he kept calling the system in his mind, but he couldn't get any response, so he finally figured out what to do, and shouted in disbelief, "It's you!" But how is it possible!

In a panic, she blurted out, "Where did you get my system?"

Zhuang Li retracted his arms, stood up slowly, and said with a smile, "I temporarily paralyzed a certain area of ​​your brain, which is related to Your neurons are disconnected, and naturally there is no way to communicate with you."

For the sake of this, Xuan Ming felt that it would be inappropriate to play stupid, so he controlled the wheelchair to get closer and asked, "What system? "

A spy organization has implanted a nanochip in her brain to monitor you." Zhuang Li said nonsense in a serious manner, and lightly patted the man's broad shoulders, comforting: "Don't be afraid, I'll help you right away. You solve it."

Xuan Ming: "..."

Is the little curly hair bullying me for not understanding technology? Xuan Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his heart, but he had to make an expression of surprise and gratitude on his face.

As a tasker, An Baoer received the first prohibition not to reveal the existence of the system, so he lowered his head and acquiesced to Zhuang Li's statement.

"Now I'll give you a choice," Zhuang Li put his hands into the pockets of his white coat, as if talking about the weather in a relaxed tone: "Before the system returns to normal operation, cooperate with me to perform a brain surgery to remove it. Come out."

"No!" An Baoer subconsciously exclaimed, "I won't take it!"

"Why? You should know it's a time bomb, right?" Confused.

An Baoer owes so many points on credit and faces the fate of being obliterated at any time. Of course, she knows better than anyone how dangerous the system is.

But she thought of the Wangchun Pill that she had just exchanged; thought of the tens of billions of property she would get after conquering Xuan Ming; thought of the rich rewards for completing the task; thought of the binding system that can live forever...

Life is precious, but in the face of such huge and irresistible interests, she has no way to give up.

When she made up her mind secretly, Zhuang Li poured a glass of warm water for her and handed it to her, wondering, "Isn't freedom not good?"

An Baoer lowered his head and drank the water without answering, but his eyes looked at Xuan Ming from time to time, showing just the right amount of attention. Timid and frightened, his lips twitched slightly, as if he was hesitating to speak, and he was deeply troubled.

After drinking the water, she held the cup tightly, making her knuckles stretch white, as if she was experiencing an extremely painful struggle, and then whispered: "I don't want this either, but I can't help it, they will. Kill me, woo woo..."

However, what she thought in her heart was: the story line of the beautiful spy and the hostile president also seemed very interesting. I can transfer to become a double agent and fight side by side with Xuan Ming. In this process, I have many opportunities to give him medicine, and the task will definitely be completed. Omg, how am I so witty!

Xuan Ming, who received this message, turned his head away in disgust.

Zhuang Li wondered: "In this case, shouldn't you fight back before they kill you?"

Undoubtedly, this is his basic principle for dealing with all problems.

7480, who had already been killed, hugged his poor and helpless self.

"You just temporarily freeze the system, right? You open and close your mouth to fight back. Do you know their origins? Their organizers are as powerful as gods! Can people fight against gods?" An Baoer retorted excitedly.

"So, are you unwilling to cooperate with me?" Zhuang Li was not afraid of the so-called gods, he only cared about the final conclusion.

An Bao'er was silent for a while, then looked at Xuan Ming with bright black eyes full of tears, silently expressing his helplessness and helplessness.

Xuan Ming looked back blankly, with complete indifference in his eyes. He even pursed his thinned lips in obvious disgust.

An Baoer was stabbed by his attitude, and finally remembered that Xuan Ming was an emotionless dog. He would never have the slightest pity for a poor and weak girl, not to mention that the life-saving grace had been overturned and turned into an ill-conceived approach.

Maybe he was doubting himself from the beginning, so he drove himself away so neatly. Thinking of this, An Baoer cried sincerely.

"Put away your tears, Miss An." Zhuang Li's attitude was even colder than Xuan Ming's: "Actually, I don't need your cooperation."

He turned to look at several assistants, and ordered: "Take her Carry it into the operating room."

"What do you want to do!" An Baoer stood up and tried to escape, but his body fell down softly, and the cup in his hand fell with a clang and shattered into pieces.

"Water, there is..." She completely lost consciousness before she finished speaking.

Zhuang Li took off his white coat and quickly changed into his surgical gown, staring at his watch while reminding, "We have fifty-six minutes left."

Several assistants quickly prepared for the operation.

Xuan Ming followed them to the door of the operating room, and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

Zhuang Li put on plastic gloves, pointed to the top of his head, and his tone was full of eagerness to try: "I will punch her skull. Take out the brain tissue containing the chip."

"It's very dangerous to do this?" Xuan Ming showed a worried expression, but it was not for An Baoer, but for Little Curly Hair. If this is the only way to take out the system, then it will inevitably hurt the brain of the little curly hair. No wonder he was as daring as he did not dare to do it.

"There is a certain risk, because the implanted part of the chip is the language center of the brain. If there is a mistake during the operation, she may have difficulties in speaking, writing, reading, etc. in the future." Zhuang Li walked under the disinfection nozzle, Accept full sterilization.

Xuan Ming's face was a little ugly.

It is self-evident how important the ability to speak, write, and read is to a super genius. Without any ability, the little curly hair will not be the current little curly hair. Can he take such a blow?

Xuan Ming's heart clenched into a ball, and he was about to ask more questions about the sequelae of the operation, but he heard a slightly mean voice from 7480 coming from his mind: "Host, you are also stupid sometimes!"

Zhuang Li He stood quietly under the disinfectant spray with his head down, ignoring the sudden sarcasm from the system.

7480 managed to catch one of the host's mistakes, and inevitably said: "Useless host! 367's situation is completely different from mine. I will be caught by you when I run out of energy, but 367's energy is very abundant. When you take it out, it can return to An Baoer's body..."

Xuan Ming listened intently, his nerves were extremely tense.

However, Zhuang Li directly interrupted 7480, looked up at Xuan Ming, and comforted: "Are you worried that she will find trouble with us after she wakes up? There is a waiver of liability attached to the contract, and she must cooperate with our experiment unconditionally. And bear all the consequences on your own. Don't worry, I won't let you get into a lawsuit."

He pointed to the filing cabinet not far away, and walked into the operating room.

Xuan Ming was stunned for a while before realizing that the little curly hair seemed to have misunderstood his worries, and was about to catch up to explain, but the door of the operating room was automatically closed, isolating the idlers and others.

Xuan Ming stared at the door, the anxiety in his heart was increasing every second. As 7480 said, it is easy to take out the 367, but it is even more difficult to keep it. It's a nano-scale robot that can't be distinguished by the naked eye, and the sealed container can't trap it. This operation may be a failed attempt.

When 367 escapes, will it take revenge? The drugs it sells are really evil. If they are thrown into a small curly food or a water glass without knowing it...

Xuan Ming wiped his face, not daring to think about anything worse. From now on, he has to follow the little curly hair all the time.

Also, the confrontation with the 7480 seems to be deadlocked. Although it cannot move, it cannot easily remove the brain. In order to control the host, it must be lurking in the most important and core part of the brain. If this part is injured during the operation, it will be a disaster waiting for the little curly hair.

367 is a time bomb that cannot be touched; 7480 is a stinger that cannot be pulled out. How can these two situations be resolved?

The more Xuan Ming thought about it, the more worried he became, but he could only wander outside the laboratory in a wheelchair.

Fifty minutes later, the door of the operating room opened, An Baoer, who was in a coma, was pushed out by two assistants, and Zhuang Li walked unhurriedly with a glass slide in his hand.

Xuan Ming immediately greeted her and asked eagerly, "How is the situation?"

"The chip has been taken out." Zhuang Li shook the slide, "Miss An's brain will definitely be damaged, but it should be able to recover after exercise. The company needs to be responsible for the expenses in this regard." When he asked his immediate boss to take care of the aftermath for him, his attitude was too natural.

"Okay, I'll ask the lawyer to talk to her, you don't have to worry about this." Xuan Ming agreed without hesitation.

Even if the little curly hair is not mentioned, he will send someone to monitor An Baoer. If she can't recover, Xuan Ming will never allow Xiao Curly Hair to do such an operation.

Zhuang Li nodded in satisfaction: "Thank you, President Xuan, then I will go to the next experiment."

Xuan Ming nervously looked at the slide in his hand, which should contain some of An Baoer's brain cells and systems.

7480 said with schadenfreude: "Host, you have done a big stupid thing! This level of sealing can't lock nano-scale robots, we can slip through any gap. Even high-density metals will be destroyed. We infiltrate, let alone two pieces of glass."

"Host, once 367 returns to An Bao'er's body, it will launch a crazy revenge on you! Each of our systems has special abilities, you underestimate us!"

"Ah, 367 sent me a message! It thought it was me and you working together to fix it, it was declaring war on us. It has started to get rid of those brain cells, and it will be completely free soon. You stabbed a hornet's nest What a host!"

7480's tone became more and more gloating. Although it has been implanted with super long data and can no longer execute any commands, it can still see the operation of all programs.

Its liaison was spewing out a long string of curse words, all from 367.

Xuan Ming had expected this for a long time, and his heartstrings were suddenly tense. But he couldn't think of any way to stop 367 from leaving.

A nano-scale robot can silently penetrate any corner, including the human body. Sealed metal cans can't stop them. As long as the force field is opened, no matter how strong the container is, it will burst in an instant.

"Didn't I tell you?" Zhuang Li walked forward like a leisurely stroll, with a wicked smile in his tone, "I dissected it not for research, but for destruction."

"Destruction?" 7480 Strange Exclaimed: "Host, you must be confused! You know, the force field we support can ensure that we will not suffer any damage in the turbulent time and space, and also ensure that we will not be squeezed and damaged in low-dimensional space. 367 Its energy is still very abundant, and its force field is enough to resist all attacks! You have no way to destroy it!"

Another term for the force field is the energy film, and Zhuang Li naturally understands how strong this thing is. But he walked straight to the largest testing ground as if he didn't hear it.

367 saw that 7480 had not replied to himself, so he radiated his spiritual power and directly connected to Zhuang Li's brain: "Human, you are dead!" Its voice was sharp like a poisonous thorn: "Wait for me and these brain cells and Neurons are completely unbound, and you will receive my craziest revenge!"

Due to being too conceited, after An Baoer's cerebral palsy, it fell into a short hibernation state without any precautions, and it was taken out unknowingly. Its structure is very similar to human brain cells, and it also has neurons, and it is firmly bound to the neurons of Amber. If it disregards the force field and blows up these brain cells, it will also be severely injured.

So to escape the two glasses, it first has to unravel its own neurons.

Zhuang Li said casually, "The system in my hands has only one option, and that is to be destroyed. If you want to take revenge on me, you must first ensure that you can survive. I am looking forward to your performance.

" He couldn't help screaming: "I will invade everyone around you and let them kill you!"

Hearing this threat, Xuan Mingda felt a trace of fear in his heart. He couldn't imagine the consequences of being surrounded and killed by people all over the world.

"It's over, it's over, host, you're dead this time!" 7480 rubbed his hands together excitedly. It wants to kill the host more than 367, but unfortunately it has no energy and can't do it.

"Host, you are looking for a dead end! Hahahaha..." 7480 laughed wildly.

Both systems were screaming in Zhuang Li's mind, but he remained calm and composed. He strode into a testing field, threw the glass slide holding 367 into the cavity of a ring-shaped instrument, and then activated the seal. device.

At the same moment, 367 untied the binding of the neurons, then propped up the force field, shattered the glass pieces, and roamed into the cavity, screaming frantically: "Human you are dead! Starting today, everyone around you will be They will all become my puppets, and I will instruct them to kill you in every possible way! You will be hit by a car while walking; you will be poisoned by nurses when you are seeing a doctor; you will be hacked to death by your relatives when you sleep: eating You will be stabbed to death by the chef...there is no corner of the world that can hold you!"

Xuan Ming's clenched fists were covered in a layer of slippery sweat, but his face was as hard as steel. It doesn't matter if 367 escapes, he can read its heart. As long as the little curly hair is locked by his side at all times, he can help him defend against all dangers.

It's just an enemy of the whole world, it's not that difficult. Xuan Ming loosened his fist and his eyes became extremely firm.

7480 excitedly announced: "Host, you can't beat 367! A system full of energy is invincible in this world, you can't break its force field!"

Zhuang Li pressed the start button of the ring machine without a word .

A roar suddenly exploded, and the head portrait of 367, which was constantly jumping in the contactor, suddenly darkened, and the abuse and curses it sent frantically stopped abruptly. Those shattered glass slides and 367 himself wrapped in the energy shield turned into smoke and disappeared without a trace.

A second passed, the machine stopped, the roar stopped, and Zhuang Li jumped off the high console, wiped his hands in desperation, and said with an undisguised disappointment: "Is it so unnecessary? I thought it would be fun to play with it. It's very interesting."

7480, who was eagerly looking forward to the death of the host: "..."

Xuan Ming, who made up a lot of terrible prospects in his brain: "..."

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