Chapter 96

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Le Zhengming walked around the field with Chi'er Khan's head.

Zhuang Li felt the emotional changes in the system, and asked keenly: "Are you broken down? Is this Mongolian important to you?"

"No no no, no!" 7480 stuttered in denial.

"You are nervous. You must know him. What, he is related to Destiny Child?" Zhuang Li continued to test.

"I'm not nervous." 7480 wanted to raise his hand to wipe the sweat, but found that his short and fat hand was still recovering, and he couldn't move at all. He could only hide in the corner with sweat pouring down.

Zhuang Li sneered softly: "Forget it, I won't ask, it's just a dead person, and it won't have any effect on my plan."

7480 resisted the fear and asked, "Master, what is your plan?"

"Tell you It doesn't matter, my plan is to capture Jin and then unify the entire Central Plains." Zhuang Li said loosely: "No matter who the son of destiny arranged by the Lord God is, I will smooth the way he wants to go." This

means that he wants to Let Destiny Child have nowhere to go, and he has done it. Thinking of this layer, 7480 almost cried.

It really wanted to hug the host's thigh and beg him to stop making trouble, and also wanted to simply give up resistance and serve the host as a real host. Does the small world collapse and care about its affairs? It's really had enough!

But it can't. The moment it was created, the Lord God was marked with absolute surrender in its core program, and it was impossible for it to go against the Lord God's will.

Hearing the system's choked sobbing, Zhuang Li closed his eyes and smiled comfortably.

His spiritual power is no match for the main god, so he cannot format 7480, and he is afraid that after formatting, he cannot simulate the spiritual power of the main god, and then start the crossing program. If you can't pass through, what should your lover do? Who will protect him when he falls into disaster?

Taking into account the above points, Zhuang Li kept the 7480 until now.

Of course, the process of taming 7480 is also very interesting, and it can always bring him different happiness.


Le Zhengming descended from the sky and killed Chierhan. The monarch of Jin State was overjoyed, gave a lot of gold and silver treasures, and implored him to continue to help recover other lost territories.

Le Zhengming pretended to be annoyed and refused, so the monarch of Jin secretly bribed his subordinates with a lot of treasure and asked them to persuade them together.

After half a month of hard persuasion, Le Zhengming reluctantly agreed, and asked for the remnants of the alien race with only 350,000 dead left, and brought them to fight.

These 350,000 horses have long since surrendered to Le Zhengming, and are naturally happy to go with him.

When he left Wei State, Le Zhengming had only 150,000 private soldiers, but now, his army is as many as 500,000, enough to conquer a small country.

Chi'erhan is the next king and the only son of the old Khan. After Chier Khan died, his cousins, uncles, and uncles all set their sights on the position of the future Khan king, eager to return to the country to fight for the throne, and had no intention of fighting.

So Le Zhengming's army of 500,000 easily recaptured Jizhou, Bingzhou and other places. The generals under his command were brave and good at fighting, and they knew strategies, and they were unstoppable.

The illustrious Mongolian iron cavalry were chased and beaten by them, and the troops of other countries hit them like a chicken and a dog, vulnerable to a single blow.

By this time, Le Zhengming's private army had expanded to 800,000, all of whom were aliens or Han Chinese who had rebelled and escaped from the Mongolian army.

Every time the Mongolian army seized a piece of land, it would wantonly kill the people in that area, and then oppress the surviving foreign women as slaves, and use foreign men as cannon fodder for the previous war, pushing them to death.

It was precisely because of the atrocities of the Mongolian cavalry that Le Zhengming had the opportunity to recover these people.

After tens of millions of troops, Le Zhengming stayed in Bingzhou and did not leave.

It was useless for the monarch of Jin to ask his grandfather to tell his grandmother. He could only hold his nose and endure this Bodhisattva.


"We have returned to the mountains." The ninth prince who received the information rubbed his temples and muttered, but there was no anger on his face.

Zhuang Xu, who proposed this strategy, bowed his head, feeling embarrassed in his heart.

Fortunately, the blast furnaces and windmills he begged the Ninth Prince to build are quite large, and the coal mines and iron ore have been mined continuously. A large number of muskets and artillery shells have been produced and distributed to the army for trial, and the results are surprisingly good. , which strengthened his position and prestige.

Otherwise, when the news that Zhuang Li helped Le Zhengming gain a firm foothold in Bingzhou and Jizhou, the Ninth Prince would never give him a good look.

"You said, how about we use Le Zhengming to sharpen his knives? I want to see what kind of casualties those firearms will cause on the battlefield. The artillery shells. Entering Le Zhengming's camp, will he think it is falling from the sky? Thunder?" The ninth prince looked at Zhuang Xu with great interest.

The picture of Zhuang Li's arrogant face stained with blood and shattered into pieces in the artillery fire involuntarily appeared in Zhuang Xu's mind.

He was fascinated by this idea, suppressed the slight itch that suddenly swelled up his throat, and said slowly: "Of course. Didn't the monarch of Jin send us a letter asking for help, hoping that we could drive Le Zhengming away? We led the army to fight on the grounds that Le Zhengming had disobeyed the imperial decree, colluded with aliens, and betrayed the country."

"How many people are suitable?" The ninth prince took out the map and took a closer look.

"We will send 300,000 troops, and then let Jin State send 300,000 troops, and bring all the muskets, artillery, and fire pills in the warehouse. It should be enough."

"Okay. "The ninth prince clasped his palms and smiled.

Zhuang Xu also pursed his lips and smiled: "Looking back, we can still eat Jin and occupy Bingzhou. That place is rich in iron ore and coal mines, and can make more firearms." The

ninth prince shook his head and sighed: "Le Zhengming occupies such a place. A piece of geomantic treasure, but I don't know how to use it, it's a waste."

"However," he turned to look at Zhuang Xu, and said with sincere admiration, "If it wasn't for Mu Yun's supreme wisdom, who would have made a musket? Others would never have imagined that such a terrifying weapon existed in the world. Due to the great merit, if this king will dominate the Central Plains in the future, he will definitely ennoble Mu Yun as the national teacher and share the world with me."

"Your Highness is serious. It is an honor to be loyal to Your Highness." Zhuang Xu immediately leaned over and saluted, not daring There is a tinge of complacency.

However, when he thought of the scene where Zhuang Li was blown to pieces by artillery fire, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Because of the certainty of victory, the ninth prince decided to go out in person.

Zhuang Ran guarded the rear for them and never accompanied the army. When saying goodbye, he patted his son on the shoulder lightly and said in a flat tone, "This time we must bring Zhuang Li's body back. That golden silk nanmu coffin was prepared for Zhuang Li. It's going to break."

Zhuang Xu followed his father's fingertips and saw a golden silk nanmu coffin tied to a carriage by heavy hemp ropes.

The ninth prince pointed at the coffin and smiled: "Empress Zhuang, you have the heart to prepare such a precious coffin for your son. Just wait, we will definitely bring your worried son back!"

Zhuang Xu bent down to bid farewell to his father, and then dressed Set off.


A few days later, Zhuang Li received information from the spies.

He read the letter hastily, pressed it under the thick stack of letters, and continued to observe the solution in the beaker.

7480 asked inexplicably: "Master, the ninth prince is working on blast furnaces, digging iron and coal mines, and summoning many craftsmen. It seems that he is developing firearms. Why are you not in a hurry?

" Advanced guns and weapons, but the strange thing is that the host did not do that, just let the craftsman refine some coal tar, fired a lot of glass equipment such as test tubes, measuring cups, flasks, etc., and purified the alcohol, and then stabbed it. Enter the laboratory and start refining various chemicals day and night.

Le Zhengming doesn't care about the war, but instead concentrates on urging the people to farm, as if he wants to live here and become a rich man.

Just as modern people can't leave Baidu, 7480 can't leave the database either, which is equivalent to its brain. Without the search function of the database, it doesn't know what the host is doing, and it can't recognize what the glycerin and powder he refines day and night does.

It only knew that the host did not manufacture firearms in large quantities, and Child of Destiny seemed to have already made them.

"Master, have you given up your resistance?" 7480 probed with hope, even though it knew that this hope was slimmer than the probability that the Lord God would come to the small world.

"Give up resistance? Have I been pressed against the ground and rubbed so that I have to resist? The logic of this word is wrong." Zhuang Li carefully placed the beaker on the shelf, and the corners of his mouth evoked a smile that was not a smile.

7480, who hadn't seen him with a wicked smile for a long time, suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

"The ninth prince is calling with a firearm, aren't you in a hurry at all? Why don't you let Le Zhengming dispatch his troops?" 7480 swallowed while asking.

The calmer the host, the more frightened it is.

"In a firearm-to-firearm war, the death rate of soldiers will increase significantly. Why should I let my people die in vain?" Zhuang Li took out a glass rod and drained the oily liquid in the beaker into another one filled with yellow powder. beaker.

7480 nodded first, and then said anxiously: "Master, the logic of your sentence doesn't seem right. If you don't make firearms, won't your people die more? On the battlefield, others have firearms, You don't, how can you win?"

Zhuang Li put on goggles made of glass and wood, and sneered: "Do you think I look like the kind of person who stands and gets beaten but doesn't resist? I'm just not ready to fight head-on. That's it. My goal is always only one - to exchange the least casualties for the greatest victory." The

more 7480 listened, the more frightened he asked, "Master, what are you trying to do?"

"Don't you already know what I want to do?" Zhuang Li took out a test tube, scooped up a gram of white powder from it, placed it in a glass dish, and tapped it lightly with a glass rod dipped in chemical solution.

So in the next instant, the pinch of powder exploded into a dazzling fireball, making the sound of air bursting.

The 7480 was so frightened that it almost crashed.

However, Zhuang Li smiled interestingly: "Have you seen it? I want to blow up this world."

7480 Only then remembered that he seemed to have said the same thing a long time ago, just to vent his anger and fear. Wuxin, when I look at it now, I find that my words have come true.

7480 Chubby's short legs were suddenly clamped, and Chubby's face was flushed red, actually scared to pee.

At the same time, far away at the junction of Bingzhou and Jinzhong, a roar resounding through the sky came from the top of the towering mountain, and then countless rolling stones rained down on the army of 600,000 led by the Ninth Prince.

Some of these rolling stones are as big as a steak, some as heavy as a grinding disc, and some are as small as a single one. When they hit the human body and horses, they can penetrate the flesh and even the bones, causing serious injuries.

The 600,000 troops walking in neat ranks in the canyon immediately turned into a pot of porridge.

After the aftermath of the loud noise dissipated, the valley was already in a tragic state. Some were stoned to death, some were killed by stray bullets, some were trampled to death by horses and comrades, and blood was spilled all over the pits and valleys.

The soldiers walking at the end of the line were lucky to escape the rocks, but they still couldn't escape the scythe of the god of death. They didn't know what they stepped on while fleeing, and they were thrown into the air by the suddenly blasted dirt. The scorching air and scattered iron inflicted even wider casualties.

The ninth prince, who was walking in the middle of the army, was hit in the head by a stone and died on the spot. Half of his skull was missing, and he had lost his human form. Only the cluster of golden crowns on his head remained bright.

Zhuang Xu, who was walking at the end of the team, ran to the exit of the canyon under the support of a line of soldiers, but unfortunately stepped on a mine and broke his legs.

The severe pain swept through his body and blurred his sanity. He could only use his fingers to dig into the soil on the ground, moving inch by inch to the sunny place. Away from this dimly lit, perilous valley, he was safe.

A loud bang came from behind, and it should be someone or the carriage that was overturned by the blasted dirt.

Then, a coffin fell from the sky and landed in front of Zhuang Xu with a bang, only an inch away from his bloody fingertips.

With another bang, the coffin board fell down, revealing the pitch-black mouth of the coffin. It swallows the fishy wind in the canyon, like a monster that chooses to devour people, and like the entrance to the nether hell.

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