More Murder Drone Ocs

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Serial Designation JV:

Serial Designation JV is the brother of Serial Designation XY

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Serial Designation JV is the brother of Serial Designation XY. Unlike most Dissassembly Drones, JV has 2 tails: one with insta-kill nanite acid and one with a paralyzing liquid.

(Red = insta-kill acid
Blue = paralyzing liquid)

JV, unlike his sister, is sadistic but laid back. He prefers to paralyze his victims to watch them die instead of killing them instantly.

JV looks down on Bree and sees all Worker Drones as weak and pathetic. But he accepts Bree because he is XY's love interest.

JV also works with XY and Bree as the excorcists of the Iron District. Though he is often left taking care of XY and Bree's child, Eev.

However, JV is just as strong as any Dissassembly Drone and can easily assist XY and Bree in killing anyone who sets foot on the Iron District.


Eev is the daughter of XY, a Dissassembly Drone, and Bree, a Worker Drone, making her a mix of the 2

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Eev is the daughter of XY, a Dissassembly Drone, and Bree, a Worker Drone, making her a mix of the 2.

Because she is considered a hybrid, Eev is not as strong as normal Dissassembly Drones. Her claws and wings are smaller and some of her weapons are under-developed.

Eev was made when XY and Bree asked BluFireX for a child. Blu willingly gave them one as long as they took care of Eev.

Eev is curious and friendly but she can be fierce whenever she wants to. She gets along with JV, who takes care of her when XY and Bree are busy.

XY and Bree allow Eev to go with them during hunts because since Eev is part Dissassembly Drone, she can tolerate killing and massacres.

Serial Designation LC:

Serial Designation LC is a Dissassembly Drone made to be 'the ultimate Murder Drone'

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Serial Designation LC is a Dissassembly Drone made to be 'the ultimate Murder Drone'. She is stronger than regular Dissassembly Drones.

LC is equipped with larger wings and spines for speed. Her tail also small spikes by the side to act as an extra weapon.

LC's tail can shoot out acid to hit victims that are not in close range. Her sensors are also more sensitive and can see color. She lacks the overheating failsafe that most Dissassembly Drones have.

Along with her abilities, LC is very intelligent and has the capacity to strategize and trick others by using a special voice changer.

LC was made for one reason: to eliminate the human race. Because of this, she wasn't programmed emotions, sufficient communication, and social skills so that she can kill humans with no hesitation.

In case LC needed to be found, she is equipped with a tracking collar that cannot be removed.

LC also has a shocker that can temporarily stun and deactivate her in case she needed to be handled. However, she goes online again after 30 minutes.

LC was created in BluFireX's lab. Blu wasn't sure if she wanted to release LC because LC's code could go haywire and she might end up killing more than just humans.

The reasons why LC was created is still unknown because her creation is top secret and barely anyone knows about her.

Serial Designation AN:

Serial Designation AN is a Dissassembly Drone that was made to be the 'backup plan' in case Serial Designation LC failed or went haywire

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Serial Designation AN is a Dissassembly Drone that was made to be the 'backup plan' in case Serial Designation LC failed or went haywire.

AN is cautious, worried, and struggles to prove his worth to prevent being deactivated. He fears his half sister, LC, and his creator, BluFireX.

AN was always trying to be as good as LC because he knew he would be trashed if he didn't. So, he would do his best in completing missions and tasks given to him.

AN is has the abilities of a regular Dissassembly Drone and lacks many of LC's abilities. But AN can feel human emotions and can socialize with others while LC can only use people's voice to trick and kill them.

AN is a pacifist but he is forced to kill and commit violence to try to show that he isn't worthless.

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