OC - Serial Designation Z3 and CAT

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Serial Designation Z3 is a Disassembly Drone who is the last of her squad

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Serial Designation Z3 is a Disassembly Drone who is the last of her squad. She has a Disassembly Drone cat companion named CAT.

Z3 was one of the first Disassembly Drones, making her feel entitled. She and her squad were sent to exterminate Worker Drones on the other side of the exoplanet.

But after a fight with a Worker Drone that tried to kill her, Z3's squad was defeated while the tip of her tail was cut off.

Ever since then, Z3 felt humiliated for losing to a Worker, so she and CAT hid somewhere while recovering from injuries.

Z3 reattached her tail but she didn't want to fight again until she knew how to wipe out the colony in one go. She is also plotting her revenge against the Worker that attacked her.

So she inserted some of her code into CAT so CAT can walk around the colony's base to spy. All the while, Z3 could see whatever CAT could see.



(Who said Murder Drones can't be animals?)

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(Who said Murder Drones can't be animals?)

Serial Designation CAT is a Disassembly Drone but in the form of a house cat. She was an experiment after the company wanted to make less dangerous Disassembly Drones.

CAT was made to be loyal to Z3 but at the same time could think and act on her own if ever Z3 was not around.

CAT lacks the 5 'eyes' of a Disassembly Drone and instead sees through her monitor. She also has a tracker on her left arm so Z3 can always locate her.

CAT can only speak through typical cat sounds and pre-recorded dialogue. But she can also record sounds and play them at will.

Though not as strong as a regular Disassembly Drone, CAT is still a threat because of her stealth, speed, and mimicry.

When Z3 was defeated, CAT was there to help her recover. She also allowed Z3 to insert code inside her so that CAT can help Z3 in spying on the Worker Drone colony.

CAT and Z3 are more than just partners in crime: they both see each other as reliable friends.

The Workers do not really think too much about CAT, letting her easily infiltrate the colony's base using her cat 'cuteness'.

*CAT was supposed to stand for 'Corrosive and Terrifying'.

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