Chapter 23

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"Ladies and gentlemen, congratulations on escaping Trick Tower. Only the Fourth Phase and the Final Phase remain. The Fourth Phase will take place over there, on Zevil Island. Let's proceed." The examiner said, snapping his fingers. Material gworl! "I need all of you to draw lots." Oh, when did that box get here?

"Lots? For what?" A salmon haired guy asked.

"To determine who will hunt, and who will be hunted." The examiner responded. "There are twenty-five numbered cards in here. In other words, the numbers correspond to all remaining applicants ID badges. Now, I need you all to draw a card, in the order by which you exited the tower. Will the first person come forward."

Hisoka was first to grab his card, I was second, then Gittarackur, and so on. Until everybody had a card, the fat guy being the last.

"Has everyone gotten a card?" No response. "Alright, go ahead and remove the sticker." Finally, who has badge 82?

"That indicates your target." The examiner informed, causing almost everyone to take off their badge. "This box has recorded which card each of you drew. This means you're free to dispose of the cards if you wish. The objective is to steal your targets ID badge." The examiner explained.

"Oh, so we don't need to kill each other." Someone said.

"Naturally, you're free to use any method you choose to procure the ID badges. That includes killing your target and taking the badge at your leisure. Listen carefully! Your targets ID badge is worth three points. Your own ID is also worth three points. All other ID badges are worth one point. You need six points to advance to the Final Phase. So, while you're on Zevil Island, you must gather enough ID badges to total six points. Any questions?"

Oh well, might as well figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do. I raise my hand, ignoring the confused glance from Hisoka. "Yes?" The examiner asks.

"What happens when you're your own target?" I ask.

"That's unexpected... I guess that would mean you have six points." The examiner replied.

"That's not fair!"

"We have to fight and they just get all the points they need!"

The applicants started complaining, which I understood, having to work hard while someone else just passes would be annoying, so the examiner is probably going to add some plot twist thing in here.

"Hm, I must agree that isn't fair, so your badge will be an automatic six points for everyone." See? "Anyone who has badge number 82 will pass Phase Four of the exam."

"Ha! That makes things easier!"

"I'll just target them instead!

But wouldn't anyone who has badge number 82 immediately become a huge target? Without it you have just one person hunting you, with it you'll have like five.

"Wait! Aren't they Hisoka's lover? We'll die if we attack them!" Oh yeah, people still think we're dating.

"Oh.." The applicants all let out disappointed groans.

"Wait you're dating Hisoka?" Kurapika asks.

"Yeah." I respond.

"You should break up with him." Killua says, sending a glare toward Hisoka.

"Why? You want to date me instead?" I ask, teasing people is fun.

"Of course not! The fact that anyone would date that clown just weirds me out!" Killua says to defends himself.

"Please board the boat to Zevil Island." The examiner said before running off. Weird.

After boarding the boat, I decide to hangout with Gon and Killua. Ignoring the overly annoying guide.

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