Chapter 80

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Eat food, drink water, and get 5+ hours of sleep today or you will always step in water right after putting on new socks

"Alright, we have 12 people, so we just need to get 3 more." Killua said. Yes, everyone here can do basic math. You're not special.


I take that back. Everyone here, besides Gon, can do basic math.

"We can probably just get some random players, 3 people shouldn't matter to much." Bisky mentioned.

"Or, to create even more chaos, we can get Layoreo and Pikachu to play." I suggested. We're literally playing Pokémon on steroids, we must have Pikachu play.

"Oh, and we can try to get Uvogin to join us to!" Gon added.

"Yeah, he's an idiot! He won't even realize he's betraying his own team until it's to late." Killua said.

"Who are Layoreo and Pikachu?" Bisky asked.

"So now we just need to gather them all." Gon said.

"And if they disagree we threaten them!" Killua added.

"I like these children." Anzai muttered.

"Someone explain who Layoreo and Pikachu are!"

"Of course you like us, we're amazing." Killua replied.

Killua being yeeted into the air count: 5

And incase you forgot:

Kalluto being yeeted into the air count: 1
Illumi being yeeted into the air count: 1

I swear Bisky has shit against the Zoldycks.

"Alright, I'll peacefully force Layoreo and Pikachu to play while y'all get Uvogin." I said.

"How do you peacefully force-"

And I'm outta there.

"Hey Layoreo-"

"It's still Leorio!" Layoreo shouted. God, you could've at least let me finish my sentence. So rude.

"Okay, anyways I was wondering if you wanted to play Greed Island with me."

"No. Even if I wanted to I have to study." Layoreo replied.

"Gon is playing."

"...I can study later."

One down, one to go.

"Now we just need to get Pikachu." Easier said then done...

8 minutes later

"...Y/n you've been staring at the door for eight minutes." Leorio said.

"I'm going to die soon, at least give me a couple more minutes." I muttered. I don't care that I'm a god, Pikachu is scary. I'm fear no man, but that thing... it scares me.

"Goddamnit, I'll open the door then."



Help me.

"What do you both want?" Pikachu asked. Please. Somebody save me.

"Y/n wanted you to play Greed Island with them." Layoreo explained. No- you could've just asked if he wanted to play Greed Island! Now I'm completely screwed.

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