Chapter 24

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(Why- 😭😭😭😭 but also- 🤣😂🤣🤣)

"I have an announcement for all applicants, the Chairman wishes to interview the remaining applicants. When your number is called, please come to the first reception room, on the second floor. We will start with #82, Y/n" Why am I first? Better question why am I still in the exams?

"Ah, please have a seat." The chairman said once I had entered the room.

"..So what's with the interview?" I ask, now sitting down.

"Just some questions to satisfy my curiosity." The chairman responded.


"First, why do you want to be a Hunter?"

"I don't." I respond.

"Oh, and what would your reasoning be for taking the Hunter exam then?"

"I'm being forced to take it, stayed in to hang out with people." I respond.

"Alright, next question, which of the other applicants are you keeping an eye on?"

"Hisoka, Gon, Illumi, and Killua." I reply.

"Any reasoning?" The chairman asks.

"Hisoka and Gon because I knew them before hand, the others because they're cool." I said, wanting to end this a soon as possible.

"Ah, and which of the remaining applicants would you least like to fight?" Hmmm..

"Gittarackur." I respond.

"Reason?" Do you have to ask so many questions?

"He's stronger than me." I reply.

"And, #44, Hisoka, isn't he stronger than you?" The chairman questioned, with a confused tone.

"Hisoka would die if he hurt me." I respond.

"Hm? And how could you be so sure?" He asks, now more confused.

"Our.. friends would kill him, anything else?" I ask, now tired of the prolonged interview.

"No that'll be all." The chairman said, dismissing me.

Timeskip brought to you by- Kurapikas clans eyes! get yours today at the Yorknew Auction!

"The Hunter exam committee runs this hotel. This place is all yours until the battles have concluded. For the Final Phase, we will be holding a one-on-one tournament." The chairman said as someone pushed a covered board over. The chairman unclothed the board.

"So only one person passes?"

"No, one win is all you need to pass. The winners are removed from the competition. While the loser continue up the bracket." The chairman explained. It's not the best test, seeing how only one person can fail, but oh well.

"So you're saying only one person will fail?" Bald guyᵗᵐ asked.

"Exactly." The chairman said, taking of the tape at the bottom.

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