Chapter 42

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(Hit or miss, depression is a bitch huh? You got anxiety I bet it never leaves ya!

but seriously my mental health just went ✨Bye✨ so updates may slow down again 😓- and when I do update chapters may be literal garbage-

Also this has no relevance but I'm having ✨lasagna✨ tonight- and like lasagna is just 👌✨😩)

After the flight we headed straight to Heavens arena. Gon had passed out on the flight, and Killua was forced to carry him.

"Why do I have to carry him again?" Killua whined for the hundredth time. Shut up for a second please!

"Because you lost the game of rock paper scissors." Kalluto replied yet again. Killua just rolled his eyes as we finally arrived at the arena. I woke Gon up, and Killua muttered something along the lines of "Why couldn't we have done that sooner."

We got in line, which was luckily short, seeing how it was five am. "Woah! The line is so long." Gon said. Well short to anyone who's been here before at least.

Once we got up to the front of the line we were greeted by the receptionist.

"Welcome to Heavens arena! Please fill out this form." She said, handing all of us a piece of paper. We all filled out our forms, then handed them back to the receptionist.

"Killua Zoldyck, you are #2054. Gon Freecss, you are #2055. Kalluto Zoldyck, you are #2056. Y/n L/n, you're already on the 180th floor. They'll call your number on the first floor of the arena, so make sure you remember it." We all headed towards the waiting room, fighting going on around us.

(I'm not sure, but I think the having to fight every 90 days is only for the 200th floor. So if you stopped on 180 you should still be there. And if not, it'll be like that in this book anyways.)

"It's been awhile, but the place hasn't changed." Killua mentioned. Yeah, it's definitely a place Hisoka would hang around.

"Huh? You've been here before?" Gon asked.

"Yeah, when I was six. My dad left me here without a penny. He said I should reach the 200th floor before coming home. It took two years, he also did the same for Kalluto. Y/n apparently never made it to the 200th floor." Killua replied.

"My mom left me here when I was seven, I never got to the 200th floor out of spite." I stated. Get it right.

"#1973 vs #2055, please enter ring E." The announcer said, I headed to the spectators area to watch Gon's match. After all the matches were over Gon was sent to the 50th floor, and Killua and Kalluto were sent to the 180th. Though Killua declined, being sent to the 50th floor instead.

Both me and Kalluto got a room, so Killua and Gon ended up sharing Kalluto's room, leaving me and Kalluto sharing my room.

"Why am I sharing a room with you and not Killua?" Kalluto asked. Haha, well you see..

"I may or may not be trying to get Gon and Killua together." I replied. Hahahaha, Illumi's going to kill me.

"They would make a cute couple... I'll help you." Kalluto stated. Yes! Illumi's going to kill us though...

We both fell asleep a bit later, I'm just going to mention this, falling asleep without a cat is weird now.

After we woke up we decided to camp out on this floor until Gon and Killua got up here. Which gives me a chance to teach Kalluto Nen. Well besides one problem, I have no idea how to open his aura node things. And if I ask Illumi he'll just come over here and insist on doing it himself. Hisoka will probably do the same, and I don't trust him. Which leaves me no choice.

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