Chapter 75

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(Are y'all happy now?)

Eat food, drink water, and sleep for 5+ hours today or 3 baby zombies will chase you in your Minecraft survival world

For the next few days Gon, Killua, and Kalluto we're attempting to catch Pokémon to collect Pokémon cards. Yes I'm upset that Ging completely copied Pokémon.

I'm honestly gonna skip over some of Bisky's training arc because Y/n ain't really doing anything-

Killua and Gon were using.. whatever that technique is called, to spar.

Meaning I had to spar with Kalluto.

Meaning I had to actually do things.

Meaning I spent the rest of the day crying in the corner.

Meaning- I'll stop.

Anyways, because Kalluto is my favorite- I mean, I love all my children equally, I obviously went easy on him.

Lol, no.

I beat the absolute shit out of that child. I healed him afterwards, of course. Kalluto definitely learned faster than Gon and Killua did though.

"You've made a lot of progress. It looks you three are ready to enter the final phase of your training!" Bisky, our lord and savior, said. So I don't get to beat up the children more? Damn.

"You'll start training in individual categories." Bisky stated, putting her finger up. Oh, three. God I'm so good at this. After all this hard training, I've finally done it, I've finally learned how to count. Those pesky kindergartners don't stand a chance now.

"The number three!"

"Bingo! That was a tie." Bisky said. I still was first. "You can train exclusively in your own category. In the case of an Enhancer, you'll focus on your Enhancer skills while training in your Transmuter and Emitter abilities equally. That'll help you master your own category faster." Bisky explained.


"Kalluto was slower, 1,000 push-ups."

I wonder if I could get the troupe to play Greed Island with us... Eh, not like I'll give them a choice.

Time to kidnap- I mean gather some troupe members.

Insert the sound of an enderman teleporting behind you while you're in a cave and on half a heart

"Hello-" I was, very rudely, cut off by loud screaming. I was just trying to say hello. Damn. 

"Y/n, why must you give me so many heart attacks?" Shalnark whined. You scream like a girl.

"It's not my fault you get scared easily." Shalnark you act exactly like a teenage girl. Always on a phone, obsessed with said phone, mood swings, that basically sums it up. (I'm not saying every teenage girl acts like this-)


"Anyways, I'm kidnapping- I mean, gathering troupe members to play Greed Island with me, Gon, Killua, and Favorite chil- I mean Kalluto." I said. I'm not kidnapping y'all, I'm just forcing you to hang out with me! This isn't a hostage situation, it's just friendship. You just need to be optimistic about this!

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