Chapter 39

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(Kinda inspired by GTA because I'm to lazy to come up with my own ideas 💅-

Also- updates should be returning to normal within the next week or so :3)

"Alright so (drivers name) here is going to set up the sleeping gas. Then after everyone is knocked out we enter with gas masks, and you guys will be hostages just in case." The robber explained. ...That's actually not a bad plan.

"I'll be in the getaway car directly behind the building." The driver added. So we don't have to walk far? Best news I've ever heard.

"He will also be telling us what we supposed to do via coms." The robber said.

"Yes, all you both have to do is play the role of hostages, understand?" Me and Killua nodded our heads in response, this'll be fun.

Our kidnappers got ready, me and Killua didn't have to do anything seeing how we're just  supposed to be hostages. Once they got ready we headed to the jewelry store, the driver parked in the back and we walked to the front.

(Italics will be the driver over comms)

"Tell me when you're in position."

"We're ready, you can start the gas." The robber replied. We waited about five minutes, then entered the building. "Everyone is knocked out." The robber informed.

"Alright, you'll have to disable the alarm, do you see a keypad on your right?"


"Open up the keypad and cut the green wire."

"Alright, it should be disabled now, right?"

"Yeah, you should be good." All of us started putting the jewelry into bags, seeing an empty jewelry store is hella weird. We exited out the back door, where the car was waiting.

We tossed the jewelry into the back, then we all got in. "This was the easiest robbery ever!" The robber said.

"Don't jinx us." Talking about Jinx, I miss him.

"The alarms didn't go off or anything, there's no way we're going to get caught." The robber replied. Well now we're definitely going to get caught.

"Whenever anyone wakes up they'll call the police, we might still get caught." The driver informed.

"That's got like a one in a billion chance of happening!" You're jinxing it, which is fine because that means I'll have more fun.

"Whatever." The driver muttered, rolling his eyes. The rest of the car ride was silent, well until a fucking police car started chasing us.

"Why're they after us!?" The robber yelled. Hmmm, probably because we just robbed a store?

"Someone probably noted down the license plate before we left!" The driver shouted back, rounding a corner. Car chase! Car chase!

The drive evaded the police, which kept on getting harder as more police started chasing us.

"They've blocked off the road!" The robber shouted, amazing observation. The driver quickly turned into an alleyway, which was also blocked off by a cop car.

Killua rolled down his window, using a yo-yo to literally yeet the cop car out of the way. The driver and robber gave questioning glances, but they immediately put there focus back on the road.

Me and Killua took turns murdering the police, earning concerned looks from our kidnappers. "Are you sure that these are children?" The driver whispered.

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