Comfort~ Megatron x Young!Reader

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You seem to be loyal to Megatron, just like Soundwave would be. He and you are partners, and work for Megatron as long it stands. You couldn't complain about it, but one thing is sort of holding you back. Which is your memories from your past it has been controlling your emotions everyday, when you work. Nonstop tears coming down, when you sleep. You hold them back, as you work to think that this would never effect you. It has.... The night came on earth every decepticon going to sleep your the only one who still standing, and your reason is you don't wish to see the horror dreams again. Yawning a bit trying to stay up was hard, and what's worst won't be able to work on anything in the morning.

"___?" a deep voice says your name looking back seeing Megatron walking in, "Your suppose to be asleep." He says to you, standing next to you looking at the planet. "I-I just couldn't sleep is all... And don't want to..." Turning around to walk away, his server lands on your shoulder. You look up at him, "Is there something your not saying young one?" The warlord questions, "Not at all, Lord Megatron..." You say softly. He sort of got the hint that you were lying to him a sigh came out of him. "___.. You know you can tell me.." looking at his optics as they were staring back looking down at the floor. "I just have bad dreams about the past is all..." You mutter, "is all? Don't think it is... Now I know that has been holding you back on work." He kept himself in calm, looking at you seeing tears running down. He kneels down to your height. "I can't get angry about it, your are young still. The past is the past, it will haunt you, and scar you. One thing I want you to do for me is to stay strong." Telling you that as he wipes your tears away, you smiled a bit, and nodded. You hugged him in react he didn't know what to do, but he hugs you back. "Thank you Lord.-"

"Call me Megatron.." He says to you, nodding, he made a smile standing up, "Lets get you bed." You follow him, he's had been like a father to you. Even though when you have bad days, he has been trying to keep you happy. Someone who's plays as the big bad wolf, had always kept you safe away from danger.

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