Team Prime~ Highschool!Autobots x Teen!Reader

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//An highschool story, also it's an human form as well. Sorry took me long to write this story.

As you know, when you see "____" you add your name, or character name.
I think you should know the rest after reading my other stories. Enjoy the story, and have fun!//


                                                       Chapter 1- Welcome to Autobot Highschool

Your Pov.

Let's get to the story my name is _____, and had switched schools, reason my parents decided to move somewhere else, as they say my school isn't the greatest influence. I had started a new high school somewhere call Cybertron City. The school my parents attend me to is called AutoBot Highschool. Strange to name a highschool, but it didn't matter, as long I don't get into fights, and getting into trouble like the last highschool. Getting to the new home wasn't too bad. Actually looked pretty nice. "Remember ____ you start tomorrow" My mother reminds me so much, sighing heavily about it. "I know that mom." going up to my new room, seeing the bed, and boxes were already set in my room. Already unboxing to get tomorrows clothing, shower, and other stuff I usually do. Getting to bed, then the next day comes along. Getting up to head to my new school, driving there seem like a peaceful thing. No one fought, well some argue while driving pass by. Turning seeing the school, well this is a lot bigger than I expected to be.
no ones pov.

Getting out of the car, you look at the school building, "I'll pick you up after school." Your father tells you, before driving off to work. Huffing a little, as you walked up to the school front door. Inside was pretty nice, wasn't bad at all. Clean, and calming. Well that is what you thought, seeing a teen boy running down the hall toward your way, bumping into you. Seeing another teen panting look like he was out of breathe. "Oh sorry about that." he says to you. Helping you up to your feet, blinking a little. "I've never seen you around here before." examine you more. "yeah I am new here." says to him, the other gasp, look like he couldn't speak, making hand gestures. "Oh! You must be the new girl!" Then dragging you to the office, "I'll show you the office, com'on Bee!" he yelled out, seeing this Bee kid following you, and the other. "Oh I am Smokescreen," smiled at you. Again never heard these names, but can't judge it though. By the time you were already done, coming out with a piece of paper. Bee peeks, and did his hand gestures again. "Oh you are in the same first and second hour with us." looking seeing a Prime class, they both blanked. "The Prime class!" Smokescreen says, you were sort of confuse.

"What's that?" asking the male, "Oh yeah you are new. Usually the teachers will send some students there, if they are worthy to learn." Raising an eyebrow, "i am not much of that." Saying that,but sighed knowing you are stuck in it. Walking along beside them looking over notice a sign. "Competition? who's going up against the school?" this maybe your first time seeing another school versing a school. "Decepticon Prep." Smokescreen answered, and huff. "They always win though." sighing, same as Bee. "Always win??" you were more confuse, going in a class. Seeing other students. "Bulkhead, I needed that!" yell out from a student from the back room, "Whoops sorry Ratchet." apologizing, Smokescreen and Bee brought you over to them. "Hey guys, we meant a new friend, also the new student." Smokescreen spoke, as Bee hand gesture them. This Bulk blanked a little bit, "Oh yeah, there has been a rumor about that!" Ratchet rolled his eyes, "So what." didn't seem to care that you are new. Seeing the boy huffs, "Oh com'on Ratchet, have some spirit!" he says, "No!" they both started to argue.

Making you sigh even more, til a female appear by you, "You'll get used to this." Another one came along, "It's a normal thing." Then the female notice, "Must be new, I am Arcee." introduced herself to you, "I am Cliffjumper." introducing himself as well, "Nice to meet you two, I am ____." saying to them. A little nervous, since this type of thing never happens usually others just ignore you the way you dress, and what you like. Seemed these guys didn't have a problem, "Nice to meet you as well." Arcee smiled at you, some reason you have a feeling she isn't gonna trust you. Looking over seeing two guys slam into each other made you jump. "Bulk and Wheeljack careful when you walk in, remember what happen." Cliffjumper reminded them, "We know." Bulk stops, "Whose the newbie?" 

"Bulk and Wheeljack, this is ___." Arcee introduce them to you, "Nice to meet you ___." Wheeljack says to you giving an smile. "Great to see an new student in this school. Guess this isn't gonna be so bad after all, getting to know everyone of them, looking over seeing the teacher. Sitting down, you were pretty happy for coming here. You did wonder though, what it's like in a Prime class. That's something you should talk about with one of the students, as hours pass of first and second, the third hour was rather wild... Who mix baking soda with almost anything that explodes. (*Admin raises hand* I do!!), then comes down in lunch time. You bring your own, since you barely like school lunches. Looking around trying to find a place to sit, then hearing Smokescreen, "Hey! Come and sit with me, and Bee." Smiling, as you follow them to a table, sits with them. "How is it so far?" Bee did his hand gestures, "Going well." You smiled at him, "Hope so, we were kind of worry." Smokescreen told you, sort of confuse what he meant by that. Before you can ask, hearing another voice you turn to look seeing another group that you've never seen. Seeing an male that had an blue, white, that had flames on his jacket, hair was brown an perfect color brown. His eyes were green look like an dream boy for any girl, though you weren't that type of girl. You just wonder who he was Smokescreen snap you out of it, "It's rude to stare.~" he purred, caused you to blush a little bit. "So, who is that guy anyways?" you question him and Bee, "That is Optimus, one of the best males around here, kind, helpful, and shows an spirit to every student here, than the Decepticons..." he had huffed at the last part, you were confuse, but shrugged not giving an care about it continue to eat your lunch, then time pass you end up going to your last class that you'll be in two hours. 

The Prime class. Heard suppose to be an special class for students that they think have good brains, or something like that. Entering the room, seeing only 5 students in here, going in and taking your seat. Looking seeing the door open, it was him again. Optimus that you heard about from Smokescreen, he had took a seat next to you, then looking another male came in, this time he had purple on, his hair was black, and his eyes were red. Seeing at least one more student follow, sort of look like a girl. They've take a seat, which it was the other side of you. It was silent since the teacher might be late sitting there didn't know what to do, as you were gonna get a book out of your backpack, Optimus notice you. "Excuse me, you must be new?" he had an sweet gentleman like voice, looking at him giving an sweet smile, "I am." answering back at him. "How is this school so far? hope everyone is treating you well." He smiled back at you as well, hearing an scoff, turning as the male roll his eyes, "Save your lovely dovey tone Optimus, not everyone will treat each the same.~" giving an smirk, raising an eyebrow a bit at this one. "And who you might be?" questioning him, "Why I am Megatron deary.~" some reason you were sort of disgusted with this kind of male the way he is sort of speaking to you was... Well not much polite. "Great to meet you I guess." weren't so sure, turning seeing the teacher came in. It took so long to learn all this, but manage to get everything right on your assignment, after that you were able to go home, getting an text message that you needed to walk back, or take the bus home. Didn't mind it, gotten all your stuff ready to walk home. While walking you notice though you were stopped, turning seeing Optimus, "Hello again." You say in a greeting tone, "Hello to you, I came to apologies about Megatron." you had huff a bit, "You shouldn't be apologizing for him." telling him that, looking over seeing an male with white and orange, "What I keep telling him. I am sorry too for appearing like this, I am Ratchet." Introducing himself to you, "I am ___, nice to meet you."smiling, "I am Optimus, sorry if I never said my name." giggling at him, "No worries," they both notice something, 'Where you heading?" Optimus asked, "home, I am walking there. Why do you ask?"

The male softly blush, but got some courage, "I can give you a ride there, if you like me to." softly smiling at Optimus, he is a true gentleman, as the others say. "I'd like that." Following him, as you gotten in. You weren't that kind to fall for an car, just think it's an normal ride you just drive in. Took 34 mins to get there to your home, "Thank you Optimus, I owe you one." You say to him, "Being friends be good." Smiling about that, "i'd like that." as you gotten he drove away.

Maybe it's not gonna be bad here after all.

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