Not just partners~ Human!Smokescreen x Teen!Reader

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// Sorry took so long, took me a while to choose. Here is a story you all been waiting for!//

Getting ready for your biggest day, and what day is that? You gonna go to the skate park with your best friend Smokescreen. The team Extreme games gonna be here soon, and you both wanna be sure you two practice together. Does take requirement to be a team, and act like a team, which you both are very well at it. Getting your skate board, and having your skates in your back-pack, head out to the skate park to start your training.

About maybe a hour, Smokescreen was waiting on the side of the entrance turning his head seeing you. "Hey ___!" he greeted to you happily, "Hey Smokes!" smiled at him, getting off your board, he leans off the fence, "Ready for some training, and fun?!" he had cheered about it, giggled a bit. "You know it!" giving you a smiles the both you enter the place.

Another hours pass, thought you both decide to have fun and relax. Sitting on the bench with Smokescreen, "Man, glad to pick this day to hang out, and all." He says, looking at him with a small confuse look, "Why is that?" Smokescreen hide his blush a little, you know there has been something strange with him lately. He'll get nervous here and there with you, and in times he tries to say something, but never comes out. Wonder what he wanted to say to you from those times, also when did he started to get nervous around you. Shrugging at that though, looking over where the snack bar is at, "Hey I am gonna get something to drink, want anything?" you asked him, "Water be nice." replied with a smile to you, getting on up heading on over there. When you did, didn't notice one person you didn't like was there.... That is Steeljaw ((yes I am putting him in this.)) "Well look I bump into.~" hearing that voice, you had sighed turn to look over to see him, "Get lost." growled a bit, turning to get the water bottles and paying for them, Steeljaw chuckled a bit, "Hey, don't be so sour. I am not here to do anything.~" yeah right, he said that the last time. End up in the hospital, because he couldn't get what he wanted. That is having you as his partner, and not only that his girlfriend.

Much that sounds.... Nice, but he isn't your type. About to walk away he grabbed you by the arm, "___, baby I am not finish talking to you." glaring now, gulped and struggled to get away, lucky Smokescreen stepped in, "Hey what's the big deal, is that really how you treat any girl?" gotten you out of the other's grip. Steeljaw raise an eyebrow, "And whom you might be?" before you can answer, "I am her boyfriend, what else." told the other, "Not any boyfriend, her partner in the Extreme boarding." Blushing heavily what he said, though seeing the other back off. Growled though, "Is that so... Well then, let's just see about that." with that, he walked away. You blinked, looked at Smokescreen, "H-hey thanks." smiled at him, "No prob." an awkward of silences between the two of you, though he finally spoke, "Hey ___, I've been meaning to say... I---- I love you more than a best friend." blinked a bit. "I wanted to tell you how I felt, but I was scared.... You might think that it'll be weird and all." he looked down, gives a soft smile. Kissed his cheek.

a small blush came across his cheeks, "Is that why you were so shy all the time?~" teased, caused him to blush more, though he nodded. Well, now you know. Guess today was the greatest day, not only you got a partner.

You have an best boyfriend.

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