Never find someone like you~ Jazz x Reader

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It was those times when you needed a friend. Someone who could understand what you were feeling half of the time, mainly when you have witty moments; Even though, it always pisses Ironhide off at times, but Jazz digress his whining. He always thought it was funny when you talk back at Ironhide about almost everything, then those moments when you didn't felt like it.

Well today you were really depress, lets say you didn't have the greatest day at school. Your so call best friend had ignored you, and told you couldn't be around. Reason it was all because you were too dangerous to be around, and that you always ditch. That was a little true, but you always talk to your friend (f/n). Yet she/he was always ignore you, until you did snapped. Leaving the ex-friend with tears. Now you don't seem to know who you are, am I correct? You are an autobot, but an organic human of their kind. You seem to be born on earth, mainly you were created by the top primes back in centuries. Holding secrets within' your mind. You were an orphan, until Optimus and his team took you in as their crew. Not only a crew, but family as well.

Let's just get to the point now. Sitting on top of the building where you can be alone, and wouldn't be bother'd. Ironhide seem to miss your sarcasm, but the one who was worry more about you was Jazz. He's been by you more whenever you needed someone to talk with, mainly your best buddy. Not to mention your c rush, well lets say you were his crush. Jazz was always like to fool around with his flirty words at you, which you never minded. You always have a magic of kindness to him, the smile, love, and not to mention the attitude you have. More of his dream girl, if there was one thing he hated to see you was depression, or getting hurt. Deciding to talk to you, because what he will do, just to see you smile again. Standing on the building of the military base, turning seeing you staring at the sun that was setting hugging your knees close to you, with small tears. 

"____?" Jazz spoke out, your head turn a little, sniffle a bit, "o-oh hey Jazz." trying to sound like your happy self, which seem hard to show it. He sighed a little, knowing though you weren't good at hiding any emotions. He stands on the edge, then sitting down next to you careful not sitting on you. Looking at the sun as well quite nice; Though, a little depressing at the same time. Moments of silence, then he cough a bit, "Are you alright?" he asked with a worry like tone, "I am fine Jazz." you huff'd a bit. He rolled his optic eyes, "Sure you are, I know you are not. Can tell your buddy everything." Jazz tells you that you softly look down, "...Everyone at school thought I was dangerous to be around." hugging your knees closer, "Said I will never be like them, mainly my friend told me the same." He knew who you were talking about, may pay a visit to (f/n) some other time. Looking at you, "Hey, don't let them tell you that. You know you're  not dangerous." started to tell you, looking at him. "___, your special. They are just afraid, because you are stronger than they are, not to mention they can't beat someone with quick combats.~" wink at you. Earning a giggle from you, smiling hearing that happy tone again. Looking at the sun again.

"Don't let others tell you that you are differ, you are perfect in and out. Not to mention, the greatest one I'll ever meet." Making you blush, looking at him. Can tell he was blushing himself, smiling more as you lean on him. "You're the greatest partner I can ever ask for..~" hums softly, he looks down at you. Seeing your (hair color) hair touching him. Smiling himself, but looking away, "well... I--" trying to make words, looking up at the other, "I love you too ya goof." You knew he liked you. Looking down at you in surprise. "You love me?" question, nodding at his answer, "I always did these past months." looking down, then lifted you up, gently pecked your cheek, you then kissed his cold metal cheek. Sitting on his shoulder now as you two look at the sun again. Jazz softly hummed a bit.

"You know." he spoke a little, looking at him, "I know what?" asking a little confuse, then he smiles more. "I'll never find someone like you.~" A softly warm smile appear on yours, as you lean on his head now. Purring a little in happiness now, forgetting everything, because you had Jazz, then closing your eyes.

"I'll never find someone like you either."

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