Deal~ Human!Starscream x Adult!Reader

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//Much I sometimes suck with romance things, but have to keep trying. As of an advice to you all, keep trying and those say cruel things. Remember, I support you if no one doesn't.

Enjoy the story!//

Much you had weirder days, this was one of the weirdest of all. Let me explain how you got into this. Somehow you were on your way back from work, only to bump into a male that seem to be running for his life. As you thought in a way, so decided to invite him to stay. Until further on five weeks finding out he was call a Decepticon from outer space. Wanted man along with some collages that were somewhere on earth. They could be anywhere, and you were with one of them.

He is known as Starscream, Second Commander if you remember the information. As well known dangerous comes in contact this did worried you deep down whenever you return home. Really, in times was-- well how can you say not expecting? Hoping coming home either being threaten or just kidnapped. Really coming home he either on your computer just trying to track the others, house clean, and maybe food made. He had spoken to you that for helping this was your favor for hiding him, until he reunites with his crew. As a deal will not speak of this that you ever met him that is a good deal for you. Still, moments worries you he may not keep that promise just taking his words for now. Right now, have a week off which means you can sleep in and trust me on this this confused the Second Commander, thought you were lacking of life. Felt someone shaking you, only your actions to put a pillow over your head this just irritated Starscream.

"Are you ignoring your life of work?!" now he spoked up loudly, until you peek out tiredly at him. "I have a week off, I did over time last two weeks. Let me sleep." as you told him just throw a pillow at him to make him get out of your room, only now to be dragged out of bed making you yelp out. "Starscream, the hell is wrong with you?!" hissed at the taller male.

"You are not gonna sleep all day, be just a waste to be in this house." he told you. When did he became a parent? Reason why you moved out in the first place to escape it only then to huff about this. "Fine; I'll get out of bed and change. Have to get out of my room, I am not changing in front of you old man." He is old fashion, way he always talks sounds what a old guy will say its an insult which he knows it. "I'd be careful with that mouth of yours." Shot a glare at you.

"Coming from a guy breaking into my bedroom, and dragged me out of bed. Sure I wouldn't be pissy about it." as you brought that up, Starscream roll his eyes, "I'll give you that...Just hurry up." Walking out and closing your door. Sighing a bit, as you decided to get ready for the day. Wonder why he would wake you up on a week off, just wanted to relax, eat ice cream, and maybe just play videogames. So much for your day plans for the week, walking out of your room with a F/C (favorite color) shirt, and some blue jeans making it. Going to the kitchen he seem to made breakfast already, rose a brow of suspicions of this to just sit on the chair and to eat what he made you. Looking at him he was just reading a newspaper, silences in the room only then to take some courage to speak. "So, what is the reason you woke me up?" 

Can see his red eyes shift over, "Well, thought you were slacking off ignoring of your work. Now knowing you don't, but doesn't give an excuse to lay around. Ruins health, sure relaxing is good but really need to get out for a bit, or you will not wanting to do the things you want." Pointing the things that maybe true. Roll your eyes a bit, "Alright then, since of that you are gonna go with me for adventure outside of the city." As you say to him he paused and looked at you. "You do realize I am an wanted man by you humans. If anything, you will get in trouble." he warned you of it. To shrugged of that, "Well then, it's a risk and getting you out too. If I am going down you are going down with me."

As you told Starscream, this is a sort of a revenge. After you both finished heading on outside, was wonderful weather, sun shining, birds singing, the fresh air breezing that feeds you nice air, and with everything that goes on there is much to do. Starscream was little intense with this, but he sort of watched your actions oddly enough seem nice to see you happy. Following you to places he has no idea what it was, stopped by some shops having Starscream try on some clothes than the ones he has-- well really those were your ex stuff after he disappeared. Weirdly they fitted this Second of Command male, he had stuff to wear better. Starscream wasn't complaining about it, now wearing the new stuff you've gotten him was better. He can even agreed with it, hated the ones your ex has wasn't the taste of his fashion. Being in the park now seeing many things going on confused Starscream why people do these kind. Sure maybe in Cybertron does this, but was more different than he look at it. Kids running around, teens hanging out, adults strolling along, then have the old couples were having a great time.

This is a rare sight, but guess this is normal for earthlings. As you both were walking, Starscream looks at you. "You humans have a weird way showing things here." he bluntly says, looking up at him. "Maybe so, but not as bad." As you told him. While you both were in a conversation, until you bumped into a guy. "I am so-- __?" you heard your name, knowing that voice turning to see your Ex-- Jeremy. (I am sorry Jeremy's)

There was a silent moment, before you were able to speak. Starscream scoffed a bit, "Aren't you kind enough to apologies to ram into her." The other looked at him and glared. "I was getting there, just who the fuck are you?" Jeremy questioned the Second Commander, oh shit this will not go well. People were sort of watching, "The new man of the house, anything else you want to know, low life?" Starscream questioned in return. You stared at him with sort of shock, that was an expected way to say to someone who ran off. " You can't be serious with him?" Your Ex looked at him to point at Starscream, moment of thought now. Then to held the taller ones arm, "I am, and he treats me better than you have when we first dated and lived together." 

That boiled his blood, before Jeremy had a hand on you, Starscream pulled out his gun-- let the author correct herself here, laser blaster. A high quality gun can hurt badly, be hard to heal if it pierce through human skin. Can kill Decepticons and these Autobots that wasn't mentioned, but they have high tech armor to protect themselves from it, yet can still take damage. Jeremy paused and froze in place it was placed near on his chest stared at Starscream who given a wicked grin, "I wouldn't dare to lay one hand on her, we wouldn't want no body flop on these paths. I would be happy to take out my first human.~" hummed at him, just like that Jeremy ran off. Starscream put his weapon away you looking at him, "How long you were carrying that?"

"Long enough, __." First time he ever said your name. Now you and him continued on with the day, as the sun was setting down. Back at the apartment, Starscream was on the computer checking for things. Finding clues one of his crew were spotted, you were in your comfortable clothes, only to hug the commander behind. Didn't mind some reason, you were confused of his actions. "Hey Starscream-- you think we will still talk once you, leave." You questioned him, he stopped his typing. You were afraid to hear he didn't want to have no sort of contact with you, after all the deal you two made. "I am sorry if I asked, was stupid of me to ask." Letting go of him, just a moment you were gonna walk away he had your arm. Turned to him, his red eyes stared into your E/C eyes. "Who said I'd be leaving without empty handed." confused a bit of his words. "But our deal--"

Only then be cut off he stood up hovering over you, staring at him with some shock. "Our deal is off, I am not just gonna let you get away that easily after everything." You can see his cheeks flushed red, his red eyes turn away not wanting to show some weakness, couldn't help to smile and giggle. Starscream was confuse why you were giggling, "I am sorry, just I am glad I've met you. Even, if you are wanted by the government." Hearing you to say that took his breath away. Only then to pull you close to him, you both couldn't stop staring. "Then we make a new deal... You'll be mine, no matter what. I will expect you to stand by myside, only open arms for me, and only love me." The new deal he requested you wrapped your arm around him gently for now felt his lips on yours. Kissing right in return, eyes closed, and enjoying it. This was something you haven't gotten from your Ex, something you had no idea this might what love felt like. True love to say, and Starscream can give you just that. Now you both pulled away slowly, you looked at him can feel his hand held your face. "Well __, will you accept the deal?~" his raspy tone came alone, couldn't help it now. Softly smiled, as you lean into his touch giving a small hum.

"I accept."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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