Greatest Gift~ Human!Optimus-Human!MegatronxTeen!reader

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Now... Let's get this between of things, you were in of millions of trouble, reason... You had somehow got into an war between two different clans from a planet call Cybertron. Reason that you were in trouble, because you came between two sides Decepticons and Autobots. Lived alone, since your parents passed away, so you lived on your own. 17 years old, going to school still, and your principle had given you a job, which just helping students. You get paid, thought be easy for you... Until coming across these two males.. Megatron and Optimus. They've seem to gotten work themselves, because they end up living with you. Optimus was an sweet man, he tried helping cooking; though, he got the hang of it. Still funny to you he would somehow get cover by the ingredients, he'll even help folding clothing. You taught him since he was new here, mainly as a human. Who knew he had a human form... Megatron on the other hand, whenever you have problem reaching, he'll just enjoy the struggle, then help to get it. Follows you to the store to carry heavy things looked like he was trying to be... An gentleman himself guess because you were young. The both didn't know though you live there in the house by yourself, until the holiday that you always celebrate with your parents.... Christmas.... Almost here to the day, you might visit their graves on that day. 

Coming home from school with an exhaustion. Opening up the door seeing Megatron and Optimus talking in an argue way. You remember Optimus told you the story what happen, and why Megatron went against him, and the rest. They didn't seem to notice you came in, but you weren't gonna bother this time... Walked pass the two, they notice that. Looking at your direction, walking in your bedroom. Locking it as well they both were silent themselves, "... She isn't cheerish." Megatron broke the silence worried him, but didn't show the expression. Optimus sighed a bit, "Wonder something happen in school." Optimus had said the other growled, "Humans.." though looked over to your room. Pretty much you were in there all day, doing homework... Then just looking at the photo of you and your parents sighing heavily, "not the same without you two..." a small tear come down.  Turning the light off, and head to bed early, lucky you didn't have school since it was the holiday off, what you didn't know Megatron had picked the lock. (Bastard lol) Optimus was worried, "We shouldn't invade her privacy." whispered that, Megatron rolled his eyes, "Shut up.." walking in, he was only there to check on you. Optimus walk in as well, but stopped seeing a photo of you and parents seeing a card next to it, and a note you made yourself that says, 'Wish you two were here again.' blinked a bit, and picked it up. Megatron notice it as well and stood beside him reading some parts, until the last part. "....She lost her parents..." they both said at the same time, looking back towards you seeing the calm look knowing you were hurting inside deeply. Megatron looked away walking out, Optimus look at him putting the cards back how it was, and closing the door. "Megatron where are you going?" he asked the male, "And you're concern why?" look back at him Optimus gives a serious look himself. "Because you might do something." respond the question the other stood silent at the moment, "... Gonna go out... Though..." he sighed deeply, "I may... Need your help." with that being said agreeing with him.

Time to time pass by, same as the days it was the 24th. The day you will visit your parents getting dressed all black. Only having a sweater on, and black jeans with black shoes... it's cold out, what you expect a dress? Walking out of your room, seeing the two awake. They look at you, "Where are you going?" Optimus asked, "Gonna go out for a bit." answering back Megatron gives an huff a bit. Thought of something, well both did. "Can we come along?" at the same time, the two blanked you had an poker look about that, but nodded. "You guys can." To your surprise it was shocking they wanted to come along, they gotten dressed, having black suits on. Odd enough to see that, walking along the sidewalk stepping on the salt, both of the males were silent. Lovely night as well with the lights that were around the pine trees, even decorations. Then that was when Megatron spoke up, "We broke into your room as well." bluntly says it, Optimus turn to him, "Wasn't a break in! We were worry!" objecting Meg's statement, raising an eyebrow at them two. "Also... We know now..." they both said at the same time, looking at them two more... They know?. It hit you they seen the cards for your parents grave looking down a little, making it to the graveyard finding the tomb stones of them. You just stare at them. Giving a small smile at the moment, walking up to the graves. "Hi mom and dad... Been a year already, huh?" the both talk males listen, pulling out the gifts you made yourself. "I got you two something... Knowing you two wouldn't be left out on a Christmas." setting them down, then just staring tears formed slowly trying to be calm the best you can; Though, it was really hard... Being alone without them, felt like you were alone. Megatron and Optimus can hear you sobbing the both frown about it, going to you as they put their hands on your shoulder. For once, Megatron felt bad you were really hurting inside and out he had to admit to himself he missed your smile in stead of this side. The both though pulled out their own gifts setting it down, you slowly look seeing they got your parents something. "In our respect." Optimus said, you had softly smiled, knowing your parents be very happy, mainly happy enough you got these two. Thinking now, your mother would of mess with Megatron in a friendly way, besides Optimus think she'll give him friendliness. After the visit walking back to the house, notice the two looked at their phones giving a question look. Optimus had unlocked the door, your eyes widen, and there was sparkles.

The whole place was decorated, "We thought you needed this." Megatron said, looking at them. Smiling with a joy of tears, "aww guys." didn't know what to say to them, Optimus had hugged you, "We didn't wish to see you sad..." Megatron had join in, didn't wish he did it, but though be good being hugged by an autobot and a decepticon that went through all this trouble for you. Smiling more, enjoying the Christmas Eve with them. You had to admit yourself, even though they both fight they went through all this to see you smile... The wounds inside of you was healed very much all the pain you've gone through the times, they were able to heal them.

It was an greatest Christmas you've gotten.

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