Partners in crime~ SteeljawxHuman!Reader

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// Don't question. Enjoy. Also gonna I am gonna say this, I am gonna make an full transformers x reader story. I may put ships, bur I do not know about that, to all I am! Might make it where you travel different countries to find artifacts, and stuff. So be on a look out for the new story! Also Happy Christmas! //

Today wasn't your day... Well everyday isn't your let's just say you gotten suspended again. Your Principle look like he wanted to kick you out of the school already, but still keeping you in. Didn't know why though, well you very much give an sad story to him to have him to stay. In ways, you get into trouble again, and your parents... Wasn't too pleased with you, they always tell you try to be like your siblings. Hating that, you didn't want to be an doctor, or anything they expected you to be. You just want to be on your own pace, and to be free, meaning having an normal life you wanted. Couldn't get that wish, because your parents want you to be doctor, or nurse. Deciding this be an good time to leave this shit hole, you had waited until your parents having an conversation in their room sneaking out of yours, and head down stairs silently. As well made sure you had your room door close to pretend you were in there, making down to the steps carefully sneaking out the window they left open. Making your grand escape out of the house, then out of the city. Out in the woods, it was really peaceful here, birds singing, no people talking, nor nothing holding you back. It was surely a great moment of relaxing being out here, and for once not having no rules at all can just wander here freely, steal, and other kind you normally do in the city. Knowing though your parents called the cops the sirens were heard much you would go, but you couldn't take much pressure of everything anymore begun to run as fast you can away hoped you can hide away from this all knowing you may not. Stopping to take some breathes you heard rustling in the woods looking behind you to see what was out there, and you weren't afraid to fight it.

"What's this?" hearing a voice, then being picked up, turning you to face an... Robot animal? You had squirmed, "Hey put me down!" hissed at the thing hearing a chuckle from the bot--thing still had his grip, so you wouldn't escape. "Now human no need to fuss." he begin to say to you. Looking at him sighing, and calmed down not just because he told not to fuss, but not wanting to be killed or something. "What's a femme like you doing out here?" asked an question, "I sort of ran away from home." you spoke to him, raising an eyebrow at you, "Oh? Why is that?" 

"I hate when my parents treat me like a little kid, and never want to listen what I have to say always do this, and do that. They were never around, and will never be." arms were crossed when you told the unknown stranger. He had just gives an grin idea look, "Much I don't know about human parents... I can assure you though might be wanting you to follow their life." making a huff at his comment, "Feels like it... Plus I get lecture for stealing, and other stuff. Least I am not doing drugs, or drink." 

"Stealing? So you steal your own kind?" Raising an eyebrow of curiosity
"Yeah why?"
"I am a thief myself, and more... Of an leader pack." explaining what he was.

Leader pack? Want to ask where were they then, but assuming they might be hiding as well he had carried you along, "An human like you, if you are running away. You might need an home." he told you that, "Wait you--?" He had interrupt, "I am indeed, besides only rule I am gonna say is don't be caught, as long you are with me you are fine." telling one rule only. That isn't bad at all, and only one. Smiling at the male animal bot, "Alright deal!" he chuckle at your little excitement, "How rude of me I didn't introduce myself, I am Steeljaw. An wolf decepticon." hummed softly, "I am ___! Great to meet you Sir!" least you were polite, "Please call me Steeljaw." he gives an warm smile towards you, taking you with him where he and the others hidden, you were just enjoying the view on his claw that you were being carried. Watching you seeing that relax motion seemed he came in the right time, ruffle your head with one claw.

"I can tell we be great in crime, partner."  

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