No angels, only sinners~ Human!Teen-Decepticons x Teen!reader (pt.2)

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Felt like-- years being here. really only been one year, and boy were you in a tidy life at this moment. Keeping grades up, and keeping out of trouble here and there only because last time you did Megatron already given you a lecture. Sure he is the leader of the group in a way-- can't really control what you do as this point that reason trying to survive the house hold-- Family moments.

Yes your family from your father side and step mothers side is coming kept quit about it, only one did sort of figure you out was Soundwave. Who would of figure this silent teen could of just appear to know he hadn't said a word about your family problem knowing deeply it wasn't no one else business if it is necessary-- same time to him felt like it was. Seems getting worst by the time, you falling asleep in class, half combed hair, dressing up still the same but wrinkled, and lets not to mention you never respond a question. Knockout was concern just never said a word, until you weren't around now Starscream look at him, "Not like ___ to skip class, and she knows we have a project coming up." Sort of growled a bit, "I know that, but she's been-- off this year don't you think?" Breakdown looking at the others. Turning to just see you tired, look like you were about to pass out anytime soon. Now this is where everyone put their foot down, "___!!" caused you to jump and turn to see your friends. "oh-- hey guys."

Relief it was just them, "you have been out of it this year, something bothering you?" Knockout spoke up first, "No, things are fine." little grouchy at this moment too, "look I got to get to class, least to catch up whatever I haven't finished." leaving quickly without any other words this bothered the group, mostly the group leader Megatron. Soundwave closed his book from math class, first time he ever closed it looking at the other. "Sir, there is something you should know." Using his recording of different voices from different people in school or around the world. Likes to keep himself in the silence doesn't think being talkative is a cheap way to get out of fights. Megatron looked at him rose a brow, "I am listening."

Gonna skip to the part where the family is at the house, returning home to only be bothered already by your step-cousins, "What no hi?" even though none of them didn't bother saying hi in the beginning just going pass them, your father sighed a bit seeing your bitter attitude toward everyone not really your fault of this to say since he always told you to clean after everyone, and then your step mother decided make it worst making you do more when having so much homework try to finish up. Dinner time came around your step-aunt was already bugging you about how sloppy you were, so much was going in and out from one ear to another only hearing the doorbell. Confuse everyone, and yourself being the first to get up to answer it being by surprise Soundwave was there, "Soundwave--?" Before you could of answer to hear your step-aunt, "__! Who's at the-- oh hello there." seeing him for the two females behind you, "What brings a young man like you doing here?" weird  grown lady flirting in a way, Soundwave didn't give two shits at the moment to just point at you answer her idiotic question as he says. "Com'on in Soundwave." You told him for him ignore the three, "Sorry of them, it's-- er family thing I guess." Could tell he roll his eyes, only make you laugh already know what he was thinking about. "So-- gonna introduce me to this boy?" Your father spoke up, wasn't really happy you had invited someone without his permission, and sort of hurt in a way. "Soundwave, meet-- Thomas." To say by your fathers first name, guess losing much respect from him by the looks of it Soundwave had collected up.

"He's your father, not your friend." only hearing Angie say, of course the step mother can see your point of view she is a snobby bitch. Getting another chair in stead sitting on your seat let Soundwave have it by all means he is the guest and you know him. Made him a plate as well yourself he sure damn not gonna accept the other two that been staring at him, though little awkward since--- he doesn't talk. "So Soundwave-- You're friends with ___?" She question only received a nod, she seem to sort of judged how he looked. He is dress well, but too-- dark. "would of guessed she will be friends someone who seem be part of hell." Making a comment about it you did sort of glared. Hearing another knock again, "excuse me one second." You said getting up to answer the next, only to see Megatron tensed up about it. "uhh-- Megatron?" Only to say, "No the others aren't here, only me and Soundwave decided to visit this--- home of yours." only him to stop seeing your family, Soundwave told him.. Only thing you can think of the reason, "What now you are whoring around now, ___?" Your two female cousins giggled, your father felt embarrassed of this, "Just like her mother, huh?" As the aunt spot, this only made Soundwave slam his fist on the table only to break it caused everyone to jump up by that action. "I agree with you Soundwave, but language too.~" chuckled a bit never seen how mad the silent male was. 

Staring at your feared parent, ".. Pathetic, and you call yourself a righteous man? I see why she has it rough, here with low lives that doesn't know when to shut their mouths." Angie stood up glaring, "How dare you talk that way!" only for her to hiss in anger, "And like I care, my ally wasn't happy and I have to know, since Soundwave here was the one told me everything--"

Everyone looked over at him only have a cold stare at them all, but you. "She is my step-daughter and I can say what she needs to do." for her to say, "I don't think how it works.. Till then, I am taking her so that way no mistakes like this will happen." You turn to Megatron giving an what expression. "All do respect sir, but I won't have nowhere to live." Only then Soundwave looked over he was by the bookshelf, somehow you understood it. "Fine by me--" gladly to leave this place. "Hold on you can't just take her away she is my child!!" Your father stood up and to yell about it, Soundwave look over, "Actually... He can. Even she can put a saying since she is known to be an adult." finally spoke up, then stood beside Megatron, "We have a dorm, meant for those who are going in groups of teams. Our highschool provides it all, since we have a leader it'll be known as the private sector.. Only the great leader, elites, and etc live in the same home."

Soundwave explained to them more, "Since, ___ known to be part of the elites. She has the right to actually accept the offer or not without your decision.-- Even so, you don't even cared call you care for these---"

he looked at the others, "... Bitches that can't keep their legs close for a second, even their IQ don't fit for my taste to have a conversation with." Just like that Soundwave went back to silent finally say what he needed to say, coming back from your room packed what you really needed, didn't have much and glad about it looking at the others hear nothing but silence. "Did I miss something?" Megatron look over to you, "Not at all, now lets get going." Confuse, but didn't question it at all, just followed before you walk out the door looking back at your dad, "Don't bother coming at my graduation as well... Best we went our separate ways." Walking out and close the door.

Sitting in the car, in the back seat. "... You seem relief." Megatron said sitting next to you in the back, Soundwave was driving since he decided to drive. "Never been this relief in a long time.." You replied looking at him for a second then away. "... Thank you also, sir." He turn to you only give a warm smile a bit, "Always in a pleasure to help you out from an idiotic family." Making it back, you did talk to Soundwave mostly for him telling your problem though if it wasn't for him would of gotten worst, guess you are glad. Knockout and the others notice now you'll be staying with them end of school, heck maybe be in the group with them for the longest time. Truly felt nice for once be away from everyone at your old home, Knockout and Breakdown are already wanting to battle you in a videogame, even if you never played it. Soundwave would just have a conversation or just hang around you since felt like he does have someone to talk with more than just the others, Starscream-- lets say he just brags and whines, find it funny in a way, last there is the leader Megatron making sure you were comfortable enough, even so you have to tell him to stop. Fine with the things you have, but never seem enough. 

They aren't the nicest towards anyone, there be times they are hard on you for reasons. Though, there are moments they lend a 

These sinners are angels to you.

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