No way.

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I walk out onto the food deck to grab a snack when I make eye contact with Maverick. "Hey chip" . Mav yells as he jumps up from his seat walking over to me. "Hey, what's up?" I ask grabbing a tray of food. "Yeah not much what are you up to right now?" He asks me leaning over my head. I look up re gaining eye contact. "why" I ask looking away. "Well do you wanna go up to the top deck and watch the water for a bit with me?" He asks almost praying I say yes. I look at him with a curious look on my face. "I mean I guess so." I say putting the tray on a bench. "Okay great let's go" he says grabbing my arm and dragging me with him.

As we make our way up to the top deck we stand over the railing watching the waves crash into the ship. "hey Y/N". "yeah?" I say not losing my concentration. "Look at me cmon." He says grabbing my hand. I turn around locking with his sweet green eyes. "Y/N I've wanted to tell you this for ages." He says not breaking eye contact. "Ever since we became friends I've started catching feelings for you." "Omg Mav shut up" you say laughing. "I'm funny" he says. "sure" I say rolling my eyes walking back through the door, Maverick following close behind.

He quickly grasps my wrists and holds me against the wall. "We haven't kissed today." He says. "okay well what are you waiting for?" I ask with a slight smirk. He bends down and our lips collide, he lets go of my wrists and wraps his arms around my waist pulling us closer together. Our lips finally unlatch from one another "I missed you today." He says pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "I was with you all day" I snicker. "Not technically with me but I guess near me" he says. He then cups my face again making our lips crash together again. I pull back from his grasp. "okay Mav we have to go" I say trying to wriggle out of his hands. "One more" he says. "fine". He crashes our lips together one last time. "thanks princess" he says kissing me on the forehead before leaving me in the corridor. Ain't no way that's my boyfriend I think to myself as I watch him walk away.

"Hey ducker". "hey chip what's up?" He replies. "Did you go and inform the commander about what we did today?" I ask. "I thought you did." My heart sank. "Shit" I say running towards the commanders office ducker running closely behind. As we come close to the office we slow down fixing our uniforms to look presentable. We knock on the door awaiting an answer. "Come in!" a man yells. Me and ducker both walk in. "Sir" I say making eye contact.

"Anything to report today?" He asks. "No sir." Ducker replies. "Alright but keep a look out these bogeys are acting weirder then usual.". "Yes sir. We both reply. "Dismissed". We both walk out. "I don't think he realised we were late." I snicker to ducker on the way out.

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