fuck off

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sorry for leaving you guys!! I got locked out and couldn't remember my password and I have been extremely busy but I'm back now! And I'm continuing off the last part.

"You will listen to what your leaders tell you, and if you don't you will answer to me." "Dismissed." After Viper walks away I go back over to goose and give him a tight hug. "I really missed you goose.". Everyone's staring at us at this point. I turn around facing everyone. "okay guys, welcome to your new home, feel free to ask for anything if you need it.".

A few hours later me and Maverick are just lying on a couch, I'm lying between his legs and he's got his arms around my chest. I'm watching Goose beat Hawk in a game of Pool. "So goose how was it flying without me?". I ask. "Well Y/N, obviously we hated it but it wasn't that bad actually, it was as hot as it is here, and they've got pretty nice couches." He giggles. "I think I'm a pretty good couch". Maverick adds in. "yes you are." I say tilting my head up, signalling him to kiss me. He kissed my forehead and we lock eye contact. "Your so pretty baby" he says pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "get a room." Hawk says. "shut up rookie." Mav shoots back. I love overprotective Mav.

"alright boys, this is just an easy training course Viper has briefed me on." I say as we are all flying up around the mountains. "If I get missile lock on you, your out, but if you get missile lock on me you win and we move on, until you all get me, we will continue to practise this." I say.

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