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"hey I'm Jake, but my callsign is Hawk." A man walks up to me handing his hand out. I take it and smile. "I'm Y/N, callsign Chipper," I say letting go of his hand. "may I just say, your actually beautiful.". I look at him shocked knowing that Maverick heard him. "Oh uhm thank you I guess." I say knowing how awkward this is gonna make things. "Well I hope we can get to know each other a lot more later." He says walking away.

That was so weird. like wtf. I then walk over to fallout who's talking to a new recruit. "Hey Fallout who's this?" I ask looking down to the very short man. "This is Camo! bullets RIO." He says smiling. I already know Camo is his new best friend. "This is my pilot Y/N!" He says looking up at me. "uh I mean, Chipper." He says correcting himself. "It's nice to meet you." I say handing my hand out. He happily takes it. "alright well we will see you in the air it's time to go Fallout." I say walking over to our aircraft. I take one more good look at Maverick and blow him a kiss.

I jump into my aircraft buckling up the seatbelt and getting ready to take off. "You ready fallout?" I say watching the cockpit close over us. "Yes ma'am". I find it funny how he calls me ma'am. "Alright then let's go." I say moving the aircraft into position to take off.

(about three hours later)
"alright aviators after you land, Chipper will be taking you to meet Iceman who will be showing you around." Viper says landing his aircraft. After we all land I make my way inside to find Ice while everyone is getting out of their aircrafts. "Ice!" I yell staring at the back of his head. "what's up?". "New recruits are here, you gotta show them around n shit." I say. "Oh yeah I forgot about that." He says running past me. I quickly follow behind so I can introduce them. "hey guys! This is iceman, he's gonna show you where everything is and basically the ropes of this place. Have fun!" I say walking back over to my aircraft that I basically abandoned to find Ice. After I check everything's okay I head to the female change rooms and have a shower. It's about one o'clock so I decide to go get some food. As I make my way up there all I can hear is laughter and chatter. When I walk through into the food deck I can see everyone in here having fun. Fallout is sitting with Hawk at a table and everyone else is huddled around the pool table. All I can think about would be me Maverick and goose playing pool together.

As I grab a tray of food I decide to go sit at the table in the very back away from everyone so I can sit alone for a bit. As I'm eating I can sense someone's staring at me so I look up over at the pool table and lock eyes with Hawk. He quickly looks away clearly embarrassed. I thought it was funny. A few seconds later someone walks over to me and sits down in-front of me. "hi?" I say. "hey I'm Bullet. I thought I'd introduce myself because I haven't actually met you yet." "oh okay, I'm Y/N but my callsign is chipper." I say with a small smile on my face. "also I thought I'd just say to watch out for Hawk, I can tell he likes you and he usually ends up getting what he wants." "okay thanks for the warning but I already have a boyfriend so I'm sure he'll take the hint soon."

"Hey Y/N! Come sit with us!!". Fallout yells across to me. "well it was nice meeting you but I've been called for." I say standing up and walking away. "hey Camo, how are you liking the place so far?" I ask as I take a seat next to my RIO. "I love it actually, I didn't have any friends at my last place but here is a lot more friendly." He says with his face all lit up. "I'm really happy for you. did you figure out who your bunking with yet?" I ask. "oh shoot I forgot to tell you Viper wants to talk to you." Fallout butts in. "It's okay I'll go find him now." I say standing up and leaving the room.

As I walk through corridors making my way to Vipers office, I knock on the door waiting to be let in. "come in." I hear him say. I turn and walk through the door standing infront of him. "Y/N how can I help you?" He says. "Fallout told me you asked to see me sir.". "oh right yes I did, now because of the new recruits and one of the rooms being re moved, I've had to make one of the bigger rooms into a three bed and yours into a two bed, meaning your going to have to share with one of the boys." seriously. Maverick is gonna freak when he finds out. "I have decided for you to share with Hawk. The new aviator, I thought it would be good for you two to get to know each other. But if anything happens that makes you uncomfortable you come straight to me and I will swap him with someone else." He says. "ok sir." I say tryna hold back how pissed off I am. "Dismissed" he says letting me go.

I walk through the corridors up to the top deck to let all my anger out. As I teach the top I burst the door open and go over to the edge over the water. I let out a loud scream knowing half the ship probably heard me but I really don't care right now. "Are you okay?" I hear someone ask behind me. "Who the hell are you" I ask staring at this person. "I'm Void." He says trying to calm me down. "oh shit I'm so sorry your the new recruit right?" I say freaking out because I just snapped at this poor kid. "Yeah but it's all good I don't mind, I can tell your not okay rn." "I'm fine you just scared me a bit." I say. "I was standing over there the whole time before you burst through the door." he says. ah shit I just had a bloody spaz infront of the new recruit. "I'm okay I just miss my friends." I say. "I get it, I don't like this either, but it's not for too long we just gotta grit our teeth together and pull through.". I walk over to him and pull him into a hug. He hugs me back rubbing his hand along my back. "Im sorry." I say pushing myself away. "I just haven't had a hug for a bit." I say. "It's okay, look I know I'm not who ever you had before but l can tell you need someone and I need friends so how about until I leave again I'll have your back and you can have mine?" He says putting hand out. "deal" I say shaking it.

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