talk to me.

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I get up walking out of the room ignoring the calls from my friends. I can't imagine my life without Maverick we've been friends for years and been dating for 2 years. What if we can't do long distance? What if he finds someone better at his new base? millions of things start filling my mind as I run to my bunk. As I close the door I lay in my bed thinking about everything.

"Y/N" someone calls knocking on my door. "go away" I muffle. The door opens and I turn my head hoping it's Maverick. "Y/N what's going on." Goose asks closing my door. "what if he finds someone else." I say sitting up. "what? What are you talking about?" Goose asks sitting on the edge of my bed. "Maverick! What if when he moves there's this better girl there." I say. Goose wipes the tears from my face and looks deep into my eyes. "Y/N Maverick loves you so much. He wouldn't just leave you like that." He says. "but-" "No Y/N listen to me, Maverick LOVES you like a lot. He always talks about you like every second of the day, he'd be crazy to lose you." I pull Goose into a right embrace. "You know I love you right." I say looking up to him. "I love you too
Y/N" he says jumping up off the bed. "Now go talk to Maverick he's in his bunk." He says opening my door and walking out. I jump up out of bed and put some shoes on. As I walk out of my room down the corridor I see Maverick sitting in his room alone, definitely thinking. I knock on the door which gets his attention. "can we talk?" I ask. "of course princess." He says jumping up walking over to me.

We sit on his bed for a while talking about everything. "Y/N I love you so much I'm never gonna do anything like that to you." He says giving me a kiss on the forehead. Just as I was about to say something Iceman runs into the room. "Y/N, Mav we've got to get in the jets and go up apparently there multiple bogeys closing in." He says running back down the hall. We jump up running to the lockers to get changed into our flight gear. As I get changed I burst the door open revealing the beaming hot sun shining right into my eyes. I walk over to my jet and wait for Ducker. A few minutes pass as I see the boys locker door burst open with all of the boys running out. Maverick runs over to me before going to his jet. "stay safe yeah?" He says colliding our lips together for a few seconds. "I love you" he says walking away. "I swear I'm actually gonna end up vomiting one day". Ducker says climbing into his seat. "shut up." I say climbing into my seat as well. As I buckle myself in I check that everything is all good and ready. "Tower to Chipper, you will be taxing first. Over." "Chipper to tower, moving into position now. Over" I say into the mic. "Ready ducker?" I ask. "ready as I'll ever be." He replies. Here we go. I push my aircraft to take off going faster then ever charging up into the sky. After that I'm followed by Iceman and Maverick. "alright boys it looks like we have 5 bogeys this afternoon." Hawk says over the mics. "and ladies." I add in. "Right sorry!". "Alright good luck everyone, make sure to stay safe." I say over the mic.

"Holy shit!". Ducker yells as I pull my aircraft into a tight dive. "Come on ice I could really use my Wingman right about now!" I yell through the mic. Right now I have two bogeys on my tale and I'm trying everything not to get in missile lock. with sharp turns and quick dives I manage to just stay out of their range. "fuck." I say seeing another bogey coming up in front of me. "Guys I'm about to have three on me where's my help!." I yell. "Give me a second chip I'm a bit occupied myself here." Iceman says over the mic. "Maverick where are you!" Ducker yells through the mic. "I'm about to lose my bogey but I'm on my way!".

Seconds later the beeping comes up in the cockpit. "shit shit shit shit." I say trying to get away but it was too late. Seconds later my aircraft was hit with a missile crashing right into the back engine. "Chipper the right engine is hit!" Ducker yells. "Okay turning off all power to right engine." I say pushing the buttons. "Hang on ducker"I say trying to figure out what to do now. "Re engaging right engine." I say pressing another button. My whole plane shakes then blowing up not only just the right engine but the left as well. "FUCK!" I yell. "Chipper what's going on?" Iceman yells through the mics. My aircraft now spinning uncontrollably. "EJECT, EJECT, EJECT." I yell to my RIO. As he pulls the two rings above his head I see him shoot up into the air. I then do the same being shot up into the air being carried by my parachute.

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