i love you.

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"Ah" I say. Trying to open my eyes. I feel like my whole body is being crushed into a million pieces. My shoulder killing me with every move I make. As I slowly open my eyes I come face to face with the sun beaming right into my eyes. "fuck" I say looking around at my surroundings. we crashed. I immediately look around for Ducker. "Ducker!" I yell trying to get up. As I gain my balance I try looking around. I see smoke in the distance guessing that it's my aircraft. I then look to my left and see a parachute about 10 meters away. I start running towards it knowing damn well who it is.

As I reach the parachute I yank it of Duckers face. "Ducker." I say shaking his lifeless body. I put my fingers against his neck.
my heart sank. "no no no" I say rolling him over. his whole back was burnt and covered in blood. no this can't be the end of my friendship with Ducker it just can't be! as tears start filling my eyes I start to do CPR attempting to save my RIO's life.
after minutes of CPR and no signs of life I finally fall back on my ankles. I fall forward laying on Ducker. "I love you" I say hugging him one last time. I sit up looking at his lifeless face. I then notice his dog tags so I reach over and rip them off from around his neck. "You will always be my one and only RIO." I say standing up. After silently saluting him I decide to figure out where I landed.

A few hours later a helicopter appears out of nowhere. Immediately recognising that it was our rescue helicopter I use my helmet to shine the sun up to their eyes so they can see me. It works and they slowly make their way down to me. As soon as the helicopter lands, I'm not surprised but Maverick runs out to me. "Your okay!" He says wrapping his arms around my waist. "where's Ducker?" He asks letting go. I look down at his dog tags in my hand. Maverick realises. "I'm so sorry Y/N." He says pulling me close again. My eyes then re fill with tears and I break down in Mavs arms.

"Y/N where is Ducker?" A Lieutenant asks me walking over. "over there." I say pointing in the direction of duckers body.

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