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(sorry for the wait for this part guys I had a recent family member pass and it's been pretty hard for me)

"wait Y/N that's gonna be a lot of flyers." "Yeah so?" I say still exited. "Y/N some of us will get deployed somewhere else, it'll only be temporary that we are all here." It takes me a minute to realise that he's probably right. "oh." I say. "it doesn't matter right now I'm just really exited for you to meet Maverick!! Oh and Goose." I say jumping around in excitement. "who's coming back?" Hawk asks. "her boyfriend." Void cuts in. "Oh uh, nice." Hawk says walking away. "I need to go get the room ready." I say running through the door.

Im so exited I can't stop moving but my excitement was cut pretty short. "Y/N I need you and a few other flyers out on patrol there's a few bogeys a bit too close for my liking." A Lieutenant orders me. "Yes sir." I say taking a big sigh. I walk to the food deck and decide who I'm gonna pick to come with me. "Alright Iceman, Slider, Bullet, Camo, Hawk and Void, we all need to go on patrol Apparently there's 7 bogeys out there too close to home." I say. "Yes ma'am". Bullet replies walking past me. This is the first fly with the new recruits. As we are all about to get into the aircrafts Viper walks out and orders iceman and Slider to come back over. I hear him yell. "I need you two to stay here to show the new recruits coming with Maverick and goose around.". I walk over to them. "So it's just gonna be me and the new guys?" I ask. "Yes Y/N. But if anyone can do it, it's you." He says walking away. "Sorry Y/N" iceman says heading back to the male change rooms. "Ugh" I say walking back to my aircraft. "alright fallout it's just me you and the newbies." I say climbing into the aircraft and buckling myself into the seat.
"Good morning aviators Chipper you will be the first to taxi off the runway, and Hawk, and Bullet are your Wingman today, good luck and come home safe. Over". "Permission to take off, over" I ask. "Permission granted. Over." I get a reply back. As I move my aircraft into the correct spot we start gaining speed and we fly off into the sky. Quickly followed by the two new recruits. "I love the view" I can hear Void say through the mics.

"alright I don't know how you guys used to fly at your old base, but here we fly as a family. We protect each other's backs and stay together, we don't abandon each other ok? You got my back I've got yours" I say through the mics. "gotcha" I hear bullet say through the mic. "Yes ma'am" I hear Camo and void. "Alright now stay safe and if you need help don't be ashamed to ask." I say leaning my plane into a tight dive. "Y/N!!" I hear Fallout yelling. "Sorryy!" I say pulling the plane up a bit. I forgot to tell him lol.

"ok 3 bogeys up ahead, the rest are a bit more ahead" Camo says over the mics. "alright everyone go into a three and take one bogey, after they are gone we can go for the next few." I say. "alright flying right." I can hear Hawk say. "alright I'll fly left" I hear bullet say. "alright then we can go middle." I say to fallout.

"Y/N help!" I hear Void call out. "No we don't need help, we are fine." Hawk then calls through the mic. "We are in their missile lock!" I hear Void yell. I had heard enough. I turned my aircraft and fly directly between the two aircrafts disengaging the missile lock. I then spooked them off with my missile lock. "Thank god Y/N." I hear Void sigh.

"alright everyone head back." I say turning my Aircraft. "Chipper to tower, permission to land? Over. I ask. "Tower to chipper, permission granted. Over." As we land as quickly as I can I jump out of the aircraft and wait for Hawks to land. As he hops out of his aircraft I storm up to him and push him into the side of the aircraft with my arm up to his throat pinning him there. "What did I say!" "We stay together, and come back safe! What was your whole plan to go solo and try and be the best alone?" "That's the shit that gets you killed." I say shoving him one more time before moving my hand. "I suggest you listen to her, she's used to getting what she wants." I hear a familiar voice say behind me. As I turn my head I lock eyes with Goose. "Goose!!!" I say jumping up wrapping my arms around his waist. "holy shit I missed you so much and it wasn't even that long." I say leaning my head on his. "I missed you too Y/N, but Maverick missed you a lot more." He says looking up into my eyes. As I jump down I notice Hawk is still there staring at us. "Goose this is Hawk. Hawk this is Goose" I say. "I don't recommend messing with her because that means your messing with me. And you sure as hell don't want to mess with me." Goose says not losing eye contact with him. "Cmon goose let's go." I say pulling at his arm trying to walk away.
"I already don't like him." Goose says walking with me. "His RIO is the sweetest thing tho." I say. "Give me two seconds I need to change rq" I say running into the female change rooms.

As I open the door everyone has changed. There's now two doors. One that says Y/N, and the other says Male change rooms 2. I guess they already changed it. I walk into the door that says Y/N  and I can see my locker and everything else. I quickly strip my flight gear and change into normal clothes I'll have a shower after I see Maverick. As I burst through the door again Goose is still standing there. "Okay where is he." I ask. "Over there." He says tilting his head to where I can see Maverick talking to some people I don't recognise. I quickly run over to him and jump on the back of him wrapping my legs around his waist. "Miss me?" I say whispering into his ear. "Y/N" he says shaking me off his back and turning around and picking me up with his arms and giving me the biggest hug. "I missed you so much holy shit.". He says.

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