Forever you

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I'm so sorry for the wait on this part guys I have no excuse ! Hope you enjoy!

I wonder who I could be sharing a room with. I walk into the change rooms and slowly undress myself. Hawk is such an ass, why does he always have to be so competitive, obviously I'm not gonna let him beat me but he really needs to chill. As the water hits my skin all I can think about is not being able to share a room with mav and goose, I've always bunked with them. As I turn the water off I suddenly hear a massive bang. I scramble to grab my clothes and chuck them on, I run out of the change rooms with my hair still soaked and barefoot.

"What the fuck happened?". I walk out to see one of the aircrafts fallen to its side. I see Hawk and Void standing next to it. "Who's is it?" I ask walking beside Void. "Hollywood mustn't of chained it properly." Hawk whispers as he walks beside me. "Void can you run and grab Hollywood please". I ask. As he starts jogging away I slowly walk around the aircraft looking for any damage, a small amount of the paint has been scrubbed off, and a huge dent on the side but nothing too bad. "Did you see it fall?". I ask looking up at Hawk. "It almost fell on me. I was going underneath the wing and I heard it start to creak so I ran out from underneath it and it collapsed.". It's weird, the aircraft's don't usually just fall. I walk away unbothered because it's not my aircraft and Hollywood has been notified.

I walk into the cafeteria to see everyone seated and having some food. I grab a bottle of water and an apple. I take a seat next to maverick and goose and lean my head on mavericks shoulder. "you okay?" He asks looking down to me. "yeah I'm just tired that's all.". I wriggle my head deeper into his shoulder and close my eyes. I just want to stay here forever, with him.
I'm worked to maverick kissing my forehead, "come on my love we have more training to do." Mav helps me to my feet and I stroll out of the cafeteria. I head to the women's change rooms and grab my flight gear.

"fallout you okay?". I ask my rio walking up beside him. "Yeah I'm good, just didn't sleep well last night". I nod and give my full concentration to Viper. "This can be used as a training mission, or it can turn very serious, three bogeys are out and about and a little bit too close to home. I want you all to go out there and scare them off. Do not fire unless you absolutely need to. Be safe and listen to your leaders." Viper announces walking back into his office.

Fallout and I are first in the sky, as I taxi off the runway I can see Hawk glaring at me, today probably isn't going to be much fun. "Chipper to tower, permission to take off? Over.." "Tower to chipper, permission granted, over" I pull my aircraft up into the sky gaining altitude second by second.  Hawk and Maverick close behind. As I slowly drift through the sky I keep a close eye on me radar waiting for anything to come up. "Y/N"! "Y/N!!" I can feel my whole body being shaken. I open my eyes

It was a dream....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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