The Air That I Breathe

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"Another beautiful morning," I say as I look out at the nature surrounding my grandpa's home. While the house is rather small, it's more than enough for one person. Staying on the lookout had its perks, but it was very boring compared to where I am now.

After getting ready for school I call for Nimbus and begin my flight. Flying isn't too hard after seeing Krillin and Piccolo do it, but taking Nimbus allows me to enjoy the trip more. The breeze pushes my hair back as I get comfortable, but once I hit Kuoh I notice a girl on the ground with what appears to be a suitcase next to her. Jumping from Nimbus I land beside her and put a hand out.

"I've got you." She looks up and takes my hand, and as she does the veil covering her head is blown back, giving me a good view of her face.

" She looks up and takes my hand, and as she does the veil covering her head is blown back, giving me a good view of her face

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"Thank you for your help. I'm so lost and not sure where I'm going."

"I'd be glad to help you, just tell me where you're headed." She gathers her things.

"I'm trying to find the church." I scratch my head as I try to think of where it is.

"There is only one church I can think of, but I don't know if it's been used much. Either way, I can get you there in a flash." Nimbus arrives next to us. "Hop on, we'll be there before you know it. If you're a holy sister like you appear to be then you should have no problem." She climbs onto Nimbus and I sit in front of her. "I hold your things, but if you get nervous just hold onto me. You won't fall if I have anything to say about it."

"Okay!" Nimbus starts carrying us to the church.

"So what brings you to Kuoh? I can tell that you're not from around here."

"I was assigned here by the church."

"I see." We fly for a few seconds but she asks me to pull over. We land next to a boy and his mom, and the girl puts her hands over a scrape on his knee.

"A big boy shouldn't cry over a little bruise like this." A green glow appears and the wound is healed. "There, all better." The boy thanks her and we board Nimbus again.

"That's a special power you have."

"Yes, it is. I consider it a gift from God." Nimbus speeds up and her hands grab my shoulders, but after a couple of minutes, we arrive at a rundown church. "This must be it! Thank you for your help."

"Of course, it's the least I can do."

"Would you like to come in?" I shake my head.

"I'm sorry, but I'm running late for school." She dismounts Nimbus with her things. "I never caught your name."

"Oh, how silly of me. My name is Asia Argento."

"It's nice to meet you, Asia, I'm Son Y/N. Hopefully, we'll see each other again soon." She smiles at me.

"Yes, I hope so." She waves to me as Nimbus takes me away from the scene, but the first thing that I notice is a dark presence beneath the church. There isn't much to it, but it's similar to the fallen angel that attacked Issei a couple of days ago. Asia's healing ability also stands out, namely because it may be a Sacred Gear.

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