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"Y/N, there's a girl here to see you!" I glance over at the monitor as gravity returns to normal. I open the door but feel my body start to collapse as I walk out.

"Ravel, what are you doing here?" Bulma comes my way.

"Y/N, you need to slow down. You're going to kill yourself if you keep going at this rate." I push my hands against the floor and slowly lift myself to my feet.

"I appreciate the concern, but I'll be fine."

"Whatever," she replies as she stomps away.

"Anyway, Ravel, what brings you here?"

"I'm here to give you a warning about my brother. He's training to get stronger for the first time in my life. He plans to kill you when you two fight." I put a hand on the wall to keep myself up.

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

"What's wrong with you? Do you not value your life?" She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small vial with red liquid in it. She takes the top off and pours a drop on me, my stamina and injuries immediately healing upon contact.

"What was that?" She closes the vial and hands it to me.

"They're called Phoenix tears. My family is known for mass producing them, it's why we're as rich as we are." Ravel steps in front of me. "You're a great guy Y/N, I can tell, but I don't want you to throw your life away for something that has nothing to do with you."

"I'm glad you care, but if I don't step up and fight then what happens when Rias loses? Am I supposed to spend the rest of my life kicking myself for standing idly by and doing nothing?" I turn back toward the gravity chamber. "It may not make much sense to you, but this is bigger than you and me. This is a matter of right and wrong, and if I can have it my way, then I'll make things right."

"You don't even know what you're doing? You're sacrificing a chance for a species to repopulate all because you want to save someone from something that happens to most women in devil society." I turn back to Ravel and glare at her.

"You need to leave. Don't come here and lecture me about saving a species. I'm the last of my kind, and I have to live with that. Your people will survive for millennia more, I have less than a century." Ravel's expression changes to one of regret.

"So that's what you meant the first time we met." Her eyes turn to the floor. "I'm so sorry Y/N."

"It's fine, you didn't know." I put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm glad you came to see me. If things were different our friendship could be an amazing thing, but the way things are going, I can't help but feel this may be the last time we speak. You should join Riser in his training, I'm sure you would be surprised at how far you can go if you put your heart into it."

"Okay, I will." I take a step back. "I'm still going to do my best for my brother's sake, so don't be surprised if I give you trouble."

"Humble yourself, Ravel. The most you can hope for is that I'm not too rough with you." Her cheeks start to turn red and she teleports away. My eyes meet the vial in my hand, and I note that it's almost full. While the specifics of the contents inside aren't clear, all I know is that it healed me and didn't take much to do so.

"What was that about?" I look up and see Bulma coming my way.

"Just Riser's sister telling me I should quit." Bulma smirks.

"She must not know a damn thing about you." Bulma's eyes look me over. "You seem fine now." I show her the vial in my hand.

"She poured a drop of this stuff on me and it healed me. It seems like it's as good as Korin's Senzu Beans, and it seems like it's more efficient and easier to get."

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